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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. I must admit i find the blued core ones better than the painted ones... Nice piece indeed!!!
    2. Hi, I cannot remember where I heard it for the first time, but "latvian fakes" has been a term used on most of the forums for quite some time, less now than a few years ago and usually talking about WW2... cant remember when I last heard it...
    3. Here is a question... from the lineage it seems he actually IS the king... now... why would his right to wear a silly self designed uniform be any more ludicrous than European nobility in their self designed finery? European heads of state award themselves and their families medals to this day... if he is a king, and designs and awards plastic medlas... realistically, why would they be any less legitimate than the "Order of the Garter" ? Let me stir the pot and say... he does not look that much more twatisch than this bunch... and I bet his plastic medals cost the taxpayers less....
    4. " There lives in London, at a huge cost to British Taxpayers (a cost of about GBP36 million per annum) a woman whose name is Elisabeth. She is an unemployed British woman. She has managed to convince quite a few people, including the local British Govt people who are politically in control of the British Government coffers at the moment, that she is actually Queen Elisabeth of the Brits, and that the residents of Great Britain should pay for her "kingdom" expenses. This means her various corgis, children, family, hangers-on, household, "palaces"; transport and everything else besides." from what I can see, his claim is just as legitimate as the one above? From your post I thought he was a creation of the ANC... But he has been Regent since 1971!! Under the rule of the Nats at the time... that makes a big difference in the argument IMHO. And as a king he can design his own King uniform? QE2 and co do as well methinks ;-)
    5. I disagree 100%... as Rumsveldt said... you don't go to war with the the army you want, you go to war with the army you have... The British did and got their butts kicked... The battle was about 10:1 odds... they were the 1... and they lost fair and square... 10:1 odds against natives SHOULD have been a victory. It almost always was in the 19th century where battles between regulars and natives was usually a slaughter. Remember, at Blood River Pretorius and co were outnumbered 20 or 25:1 , they managed to kill about 3000, for the cost of 3 wounded on their side... At Omdurman the British (excluding locals) were outnumbered about 6:1 and they killed about 10 000 and wounded about 13 000 to only 47 dead and 382 wounded. Colonial wars were all about using superior weapons and trained soldiers to kill large amounts of people who realistically had no chance of winning becuase they were badly trained and dismally equiped.... Compared to Blood River, Omdurman and a host of other actions... Chelmford got himself his bollx handed to him on a plate. IMHO, score: Zulus one, Colonialists zero... they are lucky they were better prepared in the next round.... ;-)
    6. He is on the left here... http://www.kaiserscross.com/40029/150601.html Have his EK1 doc as well and a bunch of other papers...
    7. Hi, Bundesführerin seit 1932 war Charlotte Freifrau von Hadeln. I have her Brothers or Brother in laws group from WW1, I have not been able to figure out the family connection...
    8. Hi, I may be totally off, but is it possible that it was used in Hong Kong or Singapore? I dont know my Chinn from my elbow... but it may be a pointer....
    9. Hi Andreas, I am in no way an expert... but that is IMHO that seems a logical identification. I think the shoulder boards will be difficult to find, but that is a tunic I would kill for myself....
    10. Sorry, error on my part... the man I had in mind was no longer in office at the time, so brain fart on my part. ignore the above. Best Chris
    11. Muchos Grazias. I meant, why did someone have to sign i.V. for the Chef that week.... a hint... the chef had something better to do.....;-)
    12. OK... here is a question... why is this signed i.V. ... the guy who usually signed here ... actually did always sign.... why is the week this doc was issued in significant? Does anyone know who signed?
    13. Reamed again.... http://www.ebay.de/itm/Extrem-seltenes-Orden-Etui-fur-Ur-Opas-Kriegsorden-EK1-EK2-Frontkampfer-Kreuz-/300881915147?pt=Militaria&hash=item460df5ad0b
    14. I could almost believe you had a hard drive full of pics of women like that.....
    15. I just figured... the scary thing is you found that right away... I would not even know where to look!!!!
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