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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. I have always loved this pic, the troops advancing... usually in bad quality in an old book.... but I was very happy to find an original print.... it is only with an original print that you can see the details, the exhausted soldiers, rolled up sleeves, etc....
    2. Unusual... He was probably of German origin, but I am not sure if he was a dual national.....
    3. Hard to find the Gas unit docs.... this is the total sum of award docs i have found in 20 years of looking......
    4. Agreed... but not everyone used it as a grouns for murder.
    5. Hi Kurt, Thanks for the info, I am going to try it on a Bunte Rock, I think it will look pretty good.
    6. Just found this..... " The paper examines the history of constitutional therapy in Weimar and Nazi Germany. Focusing on Walter Jaensch’s “Institute for Constitutional Therapy” in Berlin, it shows how a medical scientist successfully negotiated the changing social and political landscape of two very different political regimes. The focus will be on Jaensch's visual diagnostic system which promised to diagnose children and youths with "developmental inhibitions" based on images of their capillaries. The structure of children’s capillaries, Jaensch claimed, could be determined through the microscopic examination of their skin. The resulting capillary image (Kapillarbild) could then be read like a text which revealed children’s mental age. Jaensch successfully positioned himself as a researcher on the verge of developing new diagnostics and therapies for feebleminded people, who threatened to become an intolerable burden on the German state. During the Nazi period he cast himself as a racial hygienist by convincing influential medical leaders that his ideas were a valuable complement to the negative eugenics of Nazi racial policies. “Constitutional therapy,” he claimed, could turn genetically healthy people with “inhibited mental development” into fully productive citizens and therefore make a valuable contribution to Nazi bio-politics. "
    7. Fantastic! I have been looking for one like that for ages, hard to find one where you just "know" it is good.
    8. "Heinrich Sheuch was awarded the commander 2nd class of the Swedish order of the sword on 20 October 1912. " ... does anyone know the criteria for this award? I saw one awarded to a Bavarian NCO as well
    9. The Portepee in the first one, with the wire, is often described as a cavalry one, but it seems not to be the case, it is just a variation and is also correct on an infantry sword... the Cavalry one also has the wirse but has a red leather lining... I suppose trotting around on a horse means you need a Portepee that has to withstand more friction than a normal one
    10. Ahhh... but the first guy seems to be REALLY smiling... in the 2nd pic it seems to be a surprised smile whn someone says "Everyone say Cheeeese!" ?
    11. could it be that he wore it due to the problem with his left arm? Maybe he could not handle a swinging sword on a regulat strap?
    12. Hi Andy, thanks for the Info... it is horrible to reach that age where you think "ahhh... and old bugger. would never have made it near the front"... then realize you are just a couple of years off yourself....
    13. I remember Rick once saying that Ludendorf was a man who was unable to smile.... was Rick simply wrong.... or have they got the wrong guy on the photo??? I must admit, i would not have recognized him here....
    14. Hi, here is another one, although the homefront service is not specifically mentioned....
    15. So we have reached the stage where a medal for molesting 14 year old Girls commands a premium price, .... Will this same hike apply for R. Kelly first edition CDs? ?
    16. Maybe there is just a higher than average copper % in the buckle, I guess I should polish a part on the back.
    17. Hi, this is probably a pre war private purchase... but looks to be copper! Anyone seen anything like this before?
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