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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. Just recieved this booklet produced and sold by Godet for 1 Reichsmark. It is not a catalog, just a few of pages about different mountings, 4-5 color plates with different German and Foreign awards, some ads for their products and services, 15 pages in all.... was published just before the Hindie Kreuz was established as it shows 2 of the most comman pre Hindie service medals for WW1....
    2. Hi, I just bought this 7.65mm holster... does anyone know if it is German? Basically the same size as the Generic WW1 German 7.65 holsters.
    3. The Tunic of a young officer, who died just a month after being promoted to Leutnant der Reserve... probably explaining the condition of the Bluse... He served in the 20th then 19th Füß Artillery....
    4. I am run off my feet at the moment... but managed 10 minutes of "me time" to shoot this... lighting is bad, but I am improving.....
    5. There is a definate preference for non officer items.... but on the other hand, officer things are infinitly moe researchable. Fantastic buy!!! and IMHO the price was OK
    6. There are indeed Krätzchen which had period added peaks... even issue ones with added peaks... and the grey strap does not have to belong to the cap, it is a moveable part after all... what I personally do not like is the label... it makes me think either a copy, or an original piece sexied up with a label....
    7. I good friend knew i have been looking for a set of 88s for years and years and years... he had 3 straps... 2 matched perfectly from behind (lets call them 1 and 2) 1 and 2 had the backs made with scraps of material. However 1 + 2 were different on the front... well, technically the same, however, you could see a different person had sewn them, taking more or less care on different parts.... strap 3 was totally different on the back, but it looks to be the same hand that made the front as strap 1. Am I right in thinking the fronts were hand sewn on a sheet, cut out, and delivered to the next clothing factory who sewed them together using whatever backing was left over? Anyway, I am very happy, matching fronts were more important to me... and this will go on my Feldgrau tunic where the wearer was originally in the 88....
    8. I was lucky enough to get this almost untouched 1. Jäger Tschako from the mand great grandson (Who says ebay sucks!?) ... Andreas Mommensohn he served in Tirol, Verdun, Romania etc... wounded in late 1917 ... still has conwebs and bugs behind the insignia....
    9. Hi, I doubt a French Military connection as they did not use that kind of tank?
    10. Aaaahhh... it was the last one you posted, but the metal thing on the bottom was removed/ground off. As he was in Hospital in Narvik when the Bernd von Arnim sank he lost almost everything which he had Onboard, I assume sailors in that position aquired local backpacks to carry their goodies.
    11. Hi, indeed, but the Swedish cuffs were in fact the traditional ones for the regiment, so they had been there since the 19th century. The Brandenburgers were introduced just before the war, but somehow seem never to have really "made it" into widespread usage...
    12. ... but none that fit in my collection!!!! But for your viewing pleasure.... a nice set of Bavarian Flieger... and some strage converted Baden Arty...
    13. So ... I managed to upgrade.... still not a bavarian Jäger... but MAN! What a unit!!!!!
    14. For me a very typical POW photo.... You see them more often in WW1.... the guys in the uniforms sitting just having been captured and sent to the rear, and the german soldiers in the rear, having down time, dressed like they are in this pic... of to the side may be a dude with a rifle who had brought them to the rear... ....
    15. OK... this is interesting.... we know there are guys units which are NOT MGSSA wearing the badge... but this 1918 Machine Gunners training book seems pretty clear on it being a MGSSA badge....
    16. Was doing some casual surfing while on the road and found this.... Unfortunately there is no first name for the soldier... just a note saying "The cap of George B. s Father 1914-1918" From the other bits of paper it seems George B was born in 1917 and committed suicide at the age of 66 after telling his wife that he was suffering unbearable pain from an incurable ailment. He drowned himself in a river, the body was found by a 12 year old boy. I always say we do not collect items, we collect the life stories of other people....
    17. OK... some more playing around.... I am really the worlds worst person when it comes to doing anything with wood 8other than burning it, then i am the worlds best person).... so these was made with 2 long 2 by 4 s, some old boards screwed onto them. then leaned up against the wall... This morning I added a hat stand and a small bar to put things on (basically some of the important things the guy in the uniform would have had on top of the stuff he is wearing (although not everything, of course) I realise sanding the boards would make the reflection more "uniform"... but decided to go with the "Trenchy" look...
    18. After going through years of hanging a piece of cloth on the wall, or a zeltbahn... I have finally decided to make a solid backdrop to photograph my uniforms... just have to get the lighting right....
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