Hi, Difficult call. I would guess it did not give the right to wear the CDG. So far all the documents I have examined show an individual citation for the croix de g. The unit citations fall into 2 catagories, either it can simply be an initial unit citation where the unit was cited and a document was issued saying "Private Smith was present at the action" or it could be an action that qualified them for a Fourrageres, where it also mentions he was there and in this case mentions "Does not give the right to wear the cross". (Fourrageres were not awarded for each citation. ie. first unit citation there was none, second one got the unit a Fourragere, see bottom for the "points") As this kind of unit could (I dont think) win a fourragere (Think only at Regt level) I would assume that it is a doc issued by the unit as a keepsake. Lt Miles got the GdG at Divisional level, and the unit citation certificates went to the rest of the unit, You can see the silver star on the pic on the doc, but the framed one has a bronze one. I assume a proud Doeschler mounted it with a cross. Somewhere on another thread there was a mention about American soldiers groups being seen on occasion with a CdG when in fact they were simply in units that had recieved a unit citation. Ainsi, si le r?giment est titulaire : - de 2 ou 3 citations, il recevra une fourrag?re verte (couleurs de la Croix de Guerre 14/18), - 4 ou 5 citations, la fourrag?re jaune (couleur de la M?daille Militaire), - 6 ? 8 citations, la fourrag?re rouge (couleur de la L?gion d'Honneur), - 9 ? 11 citations, double fourrag?re verte et rouge (Croix de Guerre + L?gion d'Honneur), - 12 ? 14 citations, double fourrag?re jaune et rouge (M?daille Militaire + L?gion d'Honneur), - 15 citations et plus, double fourrag?re rouge. credited to.... http://perso.numericable.fr/~semoeric/deco...ntroduction.htm