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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. I cede the point, I gave up WW2 docs years and years ago and the few I have retained have the Silber printed. In the photos of the docs I used to have it is a mix.
    2. Unusual in that the doc does not state "Bronze" or "silver"... usually they do. Lets not make an error and say "grades"... unlike the Wounf badge, there are no grades with these, just different colours for different branches of service.
    3. Super tunic! Here is a thought.... we mostly assume that officers were wealthy and had money to burn. Is it possible that an officers tunic had two owners in its lifetime? i.e. that an officer retiring or getting a little pudgy in 1912 could get something in exchange for his tunic from a tailor... who then refurbishes it for another officer... Wartime commisions or some of the younger reserve officers may not have been that wealthy... and an almost new tunic, even if the old label is in... may have been a cheaper way to go... Best Chris
    4. I am thinking a private purchase, approved by the regiment, hence the "Eigentums" and Regt stamp.
    5. Very unusual.... how comman was it to give British awards for service while in captivity? Did guys get them for attemted escapes, or for being on the escapers commitees etc?
    6. Hi, you are probably right. I took 2 random references of guy born in the first 2 months of that year, one finished traing and went to his unit in July, the other in November... So the early attacks are unlikely. There is an off chance he may have been at Souville in August 1916, but maybe not not. Still, a nice tag :-)
    7. Hi Chip, what do you think of this one? http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130614406683&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:DE:1123 Has no B.A stamp, I think a start of the war private purchase, but made for issue jacket? The "6" is a bit funny though? Best Chris
    8. Here is something similar.... http://www.ebay.de/itm/kappenabzeichen-30-5-morser-skoda-/260915350852?pt=Militaria&hash=item3cbfc44d44
    9. Hi, not being much of a uniform guy, I need a quick info... on an M10 tunic to bavarian Artillery.... what should I look for on the collar? Should it be the same color as the rest of the tunic... or green? How many "other ranks" would have had a stand up collar? Thanks Chris
    10. Hi, have no idea of value, but am wondering if they are indeed for specific units, or something put out by the company that made these guns? Best Chris
    11. Whats written in the lid of the boxes? Hopefully not "Made in the EU" ;-) I dont see a royal coat of arms with "By appointment....."
    12. A collecting field all on its own.... here is a special one for boozers....
    13. when you put his name in ancestry, the 1st two entries may be him... if anyone is paid up at the moment... ;-.)
    14. ... he may have been an officer, he was an ejicated man... Erich Riecke killed on the 27.3.1918.
    15. Not something you will fall for when you have it in your hand, but a bad photo of the front on ebay can make you waste money....
    16. Impressive collection indeed!!! And heres me thinking you were only interested in the mud of Flandern!!
    17. At last! Something new! I have a lot "Almost done" but have little time to do it... so this for now... http://www.kaiserscross.com/152301.html
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