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    Honorary Member
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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Hi Eric, nice cross. Looks for sure like a Jeweler repair. He must have valued this highly!
    2. Yes, precedence is wrong as well.... book too small for me to gauge, we have others much better at that & they speak Russian.
    3. Yes, I remember that one... and I am considering that he may have used double RAO's for his 3. kl. und 4.kl.mK.... but it still is really hard to wrap my head around this combination... even the bar you show bore more logic than this one!
    4. I would imagine not given that several of those awards are made of different materials individually.... so cast as a lot together? I doubt that very much.... when's the last time you saw a "late war zinc Spanish Cross"?? A real joke from where I sit!
    5. Hi Miguel, I believe that's actually a Third Class, not second.
    6. Timo, just because some joker gives a "certificate of authenticity" doean't make it real... I find it almost incomprehensible that a General officer would mount his awards in total violation of standards, protocal and regulations.... The only possibility I see is if the first cornflower blue ribbon (in front of the Honor Cross) was being used to represent a W?rttemberg Friedrich's Order. If that is so, given the number of devices on the bar.... why no swords on this ribbon? He mounted a peace-time W?rttemberg Order before the Honor Cross and then mounted all of his Prussian peace-time orders after?? That makes no sense at all. More troubling is the presence of double Red Eagle ribbons... especially given the second one bears a crown.... this combination simply makes no sense at all.
    7. ... and again... all my friends will be recruited to assist me in my plan for world-domination!
    8. Hi Paul, Facebook is an on-line social networking community. The original was "My Space" but there were lots of issues with predators, drugs, etc. My space tended to be for High School Kids. Facebook is more college oriented. You cannot view a full profile unless you get approved by the page "owner". Here's a link to the start page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php It's pretty cool, free and when on-line you can chat with people in your "friends", stc. I was also able to create an on-line gallery of badges... all for free. So... Join up and then request to be my friend. My name on Facebook is Richard Alan Versailles Oui! Je suis une homme francais!
    9. Probably just regulations, but I'll add it in:
    10. I believe this is called the "Meritorious Service Medal".... I'd be interested in knowing (if possible) the name of the recipient, date awarded. Thanks much for the help!!
    11. Thanks! A couple of the "younger generation" types were here last night. They are all getting a good laugh about me joining and asking all my daughters' college-age friends to be my friend...... but they sign on anyway. I'll have some new images for the album in a few days. A new Bavarian Issue Badge in silver and a silver Meybauer Navy Observer. What I did not do was put up reverse images. I may at some point restructure the gallery to do this.
    12. How's the weather? How's the cross-culture relationship? Are you melding in with them? Moving in? Meeting famous people? I am stuck in East Cupcake.... tell me more, more, more
    13. Awesome!! Thanks much Bryan... as soon as Admin Nick makes the adjustments to the new software and we can load pictures again I will get the images posted.
    14. Whoops! Will post when the glitch is out of the system! Thanks
    15. I have nifty North Korean set enroute, but I think I know how it ended up in Europe... can anybody actually read the award document?
    16. Nice table medal. No case? The reverse image is pretty spectacular!
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