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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. And the reverse. What surprises me the most about this photo is the crudeness of the pin......
    2. I had an opportunity to look at this earlier Guards Badge. The quality of the metal/enamel was very surprising and oh so consistent with 1960's Soviet produced badges. Cracked, chipped, or whatever.... I'd take it in a heartbeat.
    3. Hallo Werner! Wie Sie sind? Ich bin nicht sicher ich verstehe die Frage? Do you mean rank? Position? I hope you are well!!
    4. Now this is what I call a discussion. I gave up long ago trying to differentiate these pieces. I'll concentrate on the aviation badges, you guys are doing great with the PLM's. I would (sorry) also be just a little hesitant to cite a single reference regarding these pieces.... Great book, yes... but I think you'll find that just maybe, there's the possibility of some errors. Just like there was in Iron Time..... Nobody's flawless.... a point to remember always.
    5. .. and that makes maybe 4 I've seen. Ever. Folks don't realize just how rare this little bird is...
    6. You might want to wait for Andreas and Ralph to weigh in... they have good examples and lots of experience with these...
    7. The Colonel's Imtiaz is one of the nicest I've seen in quite awhile!
    8. inner liner maker mark. Again consistent:
    9. I believe this is the second one like this, possible same as last one? I don't remember it being cased. The only part I find truly bizarre, apart from the exotic color, is the catch. The pin, construction and marks seem quite consistent with BSW items I have handled. The piece was recently sold by eMedals in Canada:
    10. Yes. Trapezoidal bars were an archaic fashion by about 1915/16... +/-. However, many NCO's. long-serving other ranks and holdover officers from Colonial era still wore them. Expensive to change.... perhaps. You will even find the style used into the 1920's!!
    11. Hi Rod, unfortunately..... no. There is incidence of fake Imperial ODM, perhaps not quite to the degree of Post-Imperial German, but there nonetheless. The rarer the ODM, or the higher the perceived demand, the higher the incidence of fakes. Example: Prussian PLM, Prussian GMVK, Prussian MVK1, Imperial Aviation Badges, any state, etc. BUT, researchm study and many, many questions and a consensus amongst the more experienced should help guard against copies. The chaps aren't perfect, but they strive for it. A BIG caution needs to be advised regarding the purchase of any medal/ribbon bar given the incredibly prolific incidence of copies, post-ww2 fabrications, etc. Often times, these will use authentic ribbons, devices and medals but constructed so as to raise alarm amongst the experienced. We've all been burned at one time or another, but we try to reduce the probability as much as possible. I would advise much reading, much studying and much purchasing of references prior to investing anything other than time.
    12. ODM duplicates, private-purchase, "wearing copies", etc. could NOT be purchased in Germany or Austria without the document giving proof of right, often called "legitimization". Most House Orders were received directly from the respective states' orders chancellry and had to be returned upon the death of the recipient. In Saxony, at least, this included the Silver & Gold Medals of the Military Order of Saint Henry. The recipient's family had the option/opportunity (most of the time) to purchase the item in question directly from the state and for what (IMO) seemed a rather exhorbitant sum of DM. There's at least one image of a bill for just such a purpose, as well as one "demand" letter for the return of an order from Bavaria kicking around in Imperial somewhere....
    13. Say what you want about Nimmergut, his big-volume set is still a superb reference, great images but more importantly (IMO) weights, dimensions and almost every known variation of Imperial Orders, decorations and medals in an easy to sort compilation. If you focus on only one state, you can purchase only one volume and save yourself substantial money 7 shipping charges. They are large and quite expensive. Niemann's book is also required reading if you have even a passing interest in German Reich (pre-1933) items, especially aviation badges.
    14. And there seems to be no shortage of interest in the pre-Revolucion era items based on prices I've been watching. The Battista & earlier stuff has historical import to me, but only insofar as it's impetus for the change it created in 1959.
    15. Hallo Michel, avez-vous d'autres ? partager? Merci!
    16. Nobody can help with this question??? !!! My buddy is there right now and looking at several collections... I did not think that was possible "Down South", but details when he returns!
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