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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Don, my concern is the pin. It should not be the wide/flat one on yours, should look comparable to the one Gordon is showing. Most of the fake ones I have encountered with this maker mark have this heavy/flat pin.
    2. Here's what was inside that little cardboard box. Mike's pictures are an excellent reference....... the (really good) copies of this badge have superb enamels, but they still have not perfected the rivets....... wire hooks to the frame are a HUGE no-no, except from 1920-35, during the First Republic. Zimbler did wire things togethor, but the body better be a hollow-stamped, fire-gilded bronze base or it's a sinker! Here's a late-war one that was in the little red box:
    3. Mike, I still love that badge.... one of the few originals floating around. Nice early-war case too. At the end of WW1, believe it or not, even these were coming in cardboard boxes....
    4. I will confess..... that we get to a point with the rank abbreviations and my brain starts to tumble....... It's like the Frederick's Order, RK2 from W?rttemburg.... 2.kl. cross comes in a case marked FO3bX...... :speechless-smiley-004: :speechless-smiley-004: :speechless-smiley-004: Still drives me nuts
    5. Hi Gordon, somewhere in the depths of the "Evil One's" archives is another cool pix with Imperial Gorgets....... ask him, go on, ask him.... he's just percolating over a chance to pop it out!
    6. Unfortunately, this is one of those pieces that doesn't command a lot of collector attention. In fact, other than the gold 3.kl, or the versions with swords, the PKO (Preussan Kr?nen Orden) is neglected by many......... Think $100-150 in this condition, if you can find a buyer. There's so much that we all search hard for but civil orders/decorations rarely gather much collector attention.
    7. Most early war and pre-war pieces will be found in bronze gilt. Higher grades of most orders can be found in gold. The gold pieces are hollow and feel light as a feather! Gold pieces will rarely be hallmarked...
    8. Outstanding Bar Bob! Sax-Weimar pieces from the White Falcon (in any grade) are very hard to find!
    9. I'll clarify for a second...... I didn't mean that they never received it... only that it was not awarded as frequently. An award that managed to maintain it's prestige throughout WW1... Multiple, repeated acts of bravery were required...... or shoot down a few planes, that always helped!
    10. Did you say "Dr. Weasel"??? HHOX was still an extremely prestigious award during WW1. The typical Prussian precedence regs were there... must have EK2/EK1 to receive it. Just as it was the final stepping stone for achieving a PLM. I don't think it was a "given" that it was even on the table for most of the Jr. officers. Here's a selection of bravery bars from Saxony. Assuredly some officers in here, but no HHOX!
    11. There's a single silber Liaket Medal on eBay-USA in WW1 German Category. It has the original ribbon and a saber/battle bar. ~$150 current bid.
    12. Hi Paul, a beautiful bar, but I don't think any of the published literature/lists will help you on this one.... Diplomats were not in the ranklists (I believe).... If Rick Research cannot nail this down, I cannot imagine anyone else being able to....
    13. Reverse of the "issue" piece. Have his document as well.... very impressive compared to this thing!
    14. ....... and finally, my cheesy "issue" piece that went to a WW1 pilot:
    15. Liaket Medals will run anywhere from $75-$150 (loose) depending on buyer, seller, time of day. I've seen a couple go in excess of a $100(USD) recently. The Imtiaz, if you can find one, will se t you back substantially more. Here's an image of a cased one I have never been able to replace. One of my true "errors" in parting with it.
    16. So that's what the second document was. My lousy work monitor and I couldn't read the S-M document! I agree, under-rated. David, your 3X bar is especially nice in that your SMEM is in bronze... so much better than the nasty late-war zink pieces!
    17. Yep, there's just no comparison (thankfully) to the quality, craftsmanship, skill and materials used on Imperial German & Austrian Awards. An art form long lost it would seem.
    18. Interesting that he kept a "pure Prussian" mounting, with even the combat awards from other states mounted at the back of the bar! Very nice one!
    19. It does always seem to be shame when these get chipped up just from being mounted over the years. A common occurance with bars, unfortunately. It doesn't detract from the beauty and appreciation for me though! Nice Bar!
    20. Christophe.. it looks like the medals were never even mounted on the bar! Are there hooks tucked underneath the wrapped ribbons? Should be easy enough to get originals to restore it. The only real question would be what went on the Austrian "war" ribbon?? Any evidence of medals having been sewn-in once upon a time?
    21. Just doesn't seem fair, does it? Survive the war and if your lucky, you get an EK2
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