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    Graf last won the day on December 13

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    About Graf

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    • Interests
      Belgium National Orders, Imperial German Iron Cross, French Orders,
      Bulgarian Royal Orders and Rare Communist Orders Orders from Europe

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    1. Hi This Cross is from WW1 period and because they were produced in huge numbers it is difficult to trace the awarded person unless there is a significant evidence and provenance Be careful when a seller tell you some "heroic" stories to attract your attention . Those crosses were not very expensive and with a bit of search you can buy ,as i said earlier, a better quality one Regards
    2. Graf

      My French medals

    3. Extremely bad quality, It is on the border line to say whether it is bad Original or bad recent cast copy Ribbon is not an original If I am you I will pass Those crosses in much better quality are available on eBay on a very reasonable prices they are very common
    4. Dear Members MERRY CHRISTMAS
    5. Bear Members , MERRY CHRISTMAS
    6. Graf

      My French medals

    7. I saw them They look a bit odd The Cross of the 1st Class of St Alexander - the central medallion looks like the one I listed earlier in the thread The box is late reproduction The Set is assembled Look the the hook on the sash it is meant for a cross without ribbon loop I think the Cross was upgraded from 3rd Class to 1st Class with one of the modern plastic one The same I can say for the central medallion of the fantasy Star listed earlier by Igor Cheers
    8. Graf

      My French medals

    9. I saw this Star on the Bulgarian Auction site It is a fantasy fake one..and the price is a big fantasy When I looked closely the red central part it reminded me of the dodgy central medallion I had to replace on a fake 1st Class Cross
    10. Graf

      My French medals

    11. I was offered 13.5% on one of the items Here is the item I am a Lucky Man
    12. In this photo King Boris III is dressed in a navy uniform I am not sure whether he held any honorable rank in the German navy
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