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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. Very nice Chris. What year were they published?
    2. The cross is a horrible fake, looking nothing like a real one from the period. Details are all wrong. The oaks and spange are also suspect. Any day of the week you can find several of these combos on ebay.
    3. probably drunk or getting there.

    4. Perhaps for you Chris, but by the standards of the day I would say the chubby one on the left is the real catch of that trio. Can probably drop a litter and not miss a beat of house/farm work.
    5. I wonder if the old bag in the middle is the chaparone to ensure no unofficial poling occurs..........
    6. Here's one in better condition.
    7. Thanks for the constructive comments guys. Trying to save some poor smuck $600.
    8. Nothing like war art to take you back in time. Thanks for showing those wonderful docs Chris.
    9. Perhaps assigned to instructor duties while recovering from wounds or illness. He looks rather thin.
    10. He does," The badge comes in a modern-day presentation box, which is NOT original to the badge. It is German, however, and displays well." I guess if its "German" its ok......
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