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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. I believe most of these don't really use driving bands from fired artillery shells. They all seem so uniformly made. My guess is some businessman saw a trench art piece and decided to manufatcure them himself.
    2. A Bavarian Tapferkeitsmedaille. The scanner can't capture the beauty of this award.
    3. Frame looks more like a filed down 1914er.
    4. I guess that shoots down the theory that prinzens were only for royalty and high ranking officers.
    5. It is a shame he has run out of TR stuff to fake and is now doing Imperial. He has several different names on ebay and is flogging all sorts of medals with his COAs.
    6. Since Ferg's thread showing his excellent collection of flight badges will obviously spark interest in these items I thought I'd sound a warning to keep folks from making a bad purchase. Ebay.de is currently flooded with badges by this guy: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ME:B:SS:US:1123 which come with COAs by the African Hero and chief faker, Carsten Stagemaier. I'd post pics but my work computer will not allow it.
    7. Chris, they were found together and sold together but other than that there is no proof.
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