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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. Finally a couple of new ones. These are why I have to sell some Imperial things (sorry guys but PABs are my life).
    2. Looks like he has the market cornered on that type of catch. Perhaps he knows the manufacturer. Don
    3. This is a good pic of a souval fake/post war catch. The photo belongs to Brian S and I will remove it if he wants me to.
    4. You can tell the wartime badges from the post war badges by the catch. Both maker marks, angled and block letters are wartime. The catch is the key. It is a single piece round disk with a flange puncnched and bent into a catch type hook. Very distinct. Don
    5. The problem with these is you will never know when you have all of the makers... Don
    6. Note the periods after each letter on the second line: M.S.(?)D. 19. I'm sure it was clear to whoever wrote it. Don
    7. And finally the box bottom. You can see traces of writing on it. I will be playing with the image all day to see if I can make out what it says. Anyone else who wants to give it a go feel free to try. thanks for looking. Don
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