So you are well and truly bitten now by the Imperial EK collecting bug ? It's good to note that you are doing all the necessary reading & research and that your acquisitions are via reputable outlets. That in itself, plus the wealth of experience you will find on this forum, should help you avoid most of the errors & disappointments that every collector will inevitably experience at one time or another. As for your most recent purchase, I can only too well appreciate your anxiety to acquire something that you really wanted to compliment your collection, but patience is also a virtue to a collector and in this case I would personally have waited for a crisper example to come to market. I don't like the overall finish but, that said, I see no particular reason to doubt it's authenticity. I am no expert, far from it, so my opinion is purely subjective but others here will, I'm sure, provide you with far better informed opinions on your latest acquisition. Meantime, very good luck to you & congratulations