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    Everything posted by Leutwein

    1. Hello, only those two Photos of Unteroffizier Hemprich. Best wishes Karsten
    2. Mhmm interesting. In the DKB of 1911 (AKO 21st April 1911) are only two men listed who received the African General Service Medal with the battle clasp: West Africa 1908 The only officer who received the West Africa 1908 bar was Hptm. von Stephani but he died in 1936. In the magazin: "Döbel, Bernd (2002): Eine britische Kriegsmedaille für deutsche und farbige Soldaten der Schutztruppe in Kamerun. In: BDOS Jahrbuch" you will find the info that also Vzfw. Buchholz received the African General Service Medal with the battle clasp: West Africa 1908 So there were in total only 3 awards to germans and one of them to an officer (Hptm. von Stephani). In that case your man must be Hptm. von Stephani!! Do you have any pictures of that group?? Or do you mean the estate of Schultze (since 1954 Schultze-Dewitz and in WW2 his last rank was Oberst) ?? His estate was offered by Niemann some years ago. Best wishes Karsten
    3. Also very rare (at the end of the medal bar) : African General Service Medal with the battle clasp: West Africa 1908 His name Feldwebel Schultze-Dewitz, who received his decorations for his actions in Cameroon. Best wishes Karsten
    4. Should also be not often seen on german medal bars: Medal for Meritorious Deeds and Achievements (China) or Chinese Commemorative Medal (China) ??? Look here: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/58416-double-dragon-for-marine-generalarzt-dr-oskar-nenninger/ Best wishes Karsten
    5. Should also be rare. A nice decorated Southwestafrica-veteran. Unfortunately still unknown... ...At the end of his bar he is wearing: Royal Victorian Medal May be he will be indentifiable by the english and bavarian awards. Best wishes Karsten
    6. Hello, here is for example one wearer of the MEZ1. His name was Max Hitz and he received his decorations for his actions in German-Southwestafrica 1904-1908 Hope to see some other nice photos of MEZ1-wearers. Best wishes Karsten
    7. Hello, unfortunately I do not know for what he received his MEZ1. I know only that he served later in the Wehrmacht. I will posts the 2 other photos later. Best wishes Karsten
    8. Hello Chris, only one but in my opinion an interesting one Vzfw. Müller received his MEZ 1 in 1913 (AKO 11th June 1913). His EK2 should be also a colonial award, because Vzfw. Müller served also in GEA during the World War. Best wishes Karsten
    9. There were also a few AEZ (Allg. Ehrenzeichen (Prussia)) with the black/white ribbon. Best wishes Karsten
    10. It took some time but.... ...here it is: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/13494-the-ultimate-colonial-award-document-south-west-africa/?hl=militaria0815#entry140883 Best wishes Karsten
    11. Nice photos Here is a high decorated Peking-Veteran. He is wearing at the end of his medal bar the golden russian "Kriegsverdienstmedaille". Best wishes Karsten
    12. E.M. = Centenary medal and Südwestafrika-Denkmünze aus Bronze Karl Riegel received the MEZ2 AKO 20th March 1906 as a Unteroffizier der Landwehr 1 Riegel came at the end of 19th century (so between 1897 1899) to GSWA and served there as a railway official. In 1914 (12th or 13th May 1914) "Bahnhofsverwalter" Riegel received vacation and left GSWA on one of these days (12th or 13th May 1914). So the WW1 stopped his return to GSWA. Best wishes Karsten
    13. I also did not understand that. As you know, it was normally that a veterinarian serves in the back area and does not take part on campaigns. But there were always exceptions and one of them was Stabsveterinär Paul Tuche. Please follow the Link: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/59827-oberstabsveterinaer-ad-paul-tuche/ Best wishes Karsten
    14. Hello, today I like to show this nice photo of Oberstabsveterinär aD Paul Tuche. In my opinion it´s an interesting photo because it´s unusual to research the reason of an award. Here some infos: 15th May 1905: joined the Schutztruppe for GSWA 25th November 1907: Award of the KO4x 18th December 1912: left the Schutztruppe and joined to the Feldartillerie-Regt. Prinzregent Luitpold von Bayern (Magdeburgischen) Nr.4 Since 1914: Landwehr 2. Aufgebotes im Landwehrbezirk Magdeburg And here is the reason for the award of the KO4x (I hope I translated well ) : At the end of September of 1905 a transport of ten ox-carts were attacked by the Bondelzwarts and the covering of 10 soldiers were crush down by 200 Bondelzwarts. Some driver of the ox-carts could escape and reported that there were a lot of wounded german soldiers on the battlefield. Those statements were affirmed by nuns of the home mission Heirachabis. The military governor of Ukamas Lt. von Eberstein couldn´t relinquish one of his 20 soldiers. So Paul Tuche volunteered to help those wounded soldiers. Tuche rode unarmed and only equipped with medicine to the battlefield. Tuche found those wounded soldiers in the near of the home mission. One day later the germans were captured there by the Bondelzwarts of Morenga. This was the beginning of two days with long conversations. After the second day Morenga showed Tuche his injury. After that Morenga told him that he knows that he will loose the war but he want to be free (dead or alive) and so he wanted: "fairplay fecht tot die End." The next day reached them another large group of Hottentotten under the command of Morris. After a short conversation with Morenga, Morris was also well-disposed towards Tuche. The result of this incredible meeting was a charter. This charter allowed Tuchel and the wounded germans to reach their military station in Ukamas without danger. This charter was written by the former schoolmaster of Warmbad and signed by Morenga (with 3 cruces), Morris (with his name) and some others leaders (see addition). For this "journey" and experience received Paul Tuche his KO4x (see also the addition with the statement of Tuche). The additions and infos came from: Mitteilungsblatt des Traditionsverbandes ehemaliger Schutz- und Überseetruppen Nr. 40/41 (Mai/ Juni 1967). Best wishes Karsten
    15. Wow thanks a lot Andy Incredible your research-work and thanks a lot for that. I did not expect that the award of the tunisian decoration was for writing a book. Thanks a lot to all of you for your help. Best wishes Karsten
    16. Very curious... ...hope it´s still possible to find out something more about him, especially about his tunesian award. It would be interesting to know for what he got his tunesian award because as he joined the "Schutzttruppe", he already had the tunesian decoration. Best wishes Karsten
    17. Hello Claudius, some veterinarians came in contact with the enemy. I will post soon the interesting history of Stabsveterinär aD Paul Tuche =) Hello Dave, thanks a lot for those infos and the correction of the award-date. Best wihes Karsten
    18. Hello members, I think it could be interesting for you to see the only pre-war-award of BrH4x. The recipient was Oberveterinär Wilhelm Bertram. He served form 1905-1908 in German-Southwestafrica and was member of the "2. Ersatzbatterie" of the "II. Feld-Artillerie-Abteilung". In 1907 he received the following decorations: DSWA-Denkm. KO4Xw BrH4x (the only pre-war-award!) In 1914 is Bertram listed as a "Veterinäroffizier der Reserve" in "Landwehrbezirk Sangerhausen". Best wishes Karsten
    19. mhmm.... ...Maybe this info from the DKB (Deutsches Kolonialblatt) Volume 1892 is a little bit helpful? Best wishes Karsten
    20. Hello, after posting some photos, I wish to post this nice and rare certificate to the governor of German-New-Guinea!! Rudolf von Bennigsen was the first governor of German-New-Guinea. Von Bennigsen served also in German-Eastafrica (as a financial director) and introduced the so-called "Hüttensteuer" in 1897. In German-Eastafrica he was also the deputy of the governor. In 1901 ended his career as a governor. May be he received the RAO3mSchl for his adoption? Here is a nice link of Rudolf von Bennigsen. Unfortunately only in german: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolf_von_Bennigsen_%28Gouverneur%29#cite_ref-3 In the Rank lists of 1902 we can find the following decorations: RAO3mSchl LD1 SC2b Best wishes Karsten P.S: Sorry I tried it several times but I couldn´t post a scan with higher solution. So I hope that this one is good enough
    21. Hello and thanks a lot for the infos Interesting to see that he left the military for starting a medical career. It would be nice to experience anything about his tunesian award. Thanks again. Best wishes Karsten
    22. Hello Forums member, today I like to show you this nice photo of Premier-Lieutenant Albert Freiherr von Schrenck von Notzing. He served in the Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 34 until 10th. december 1891. From that date until 24th. August 1896, he served in the 4th company of the kaiserliche Schutztruppe for German-Eastafrica. He took part on the battle of Moschi/ Kilimandjaro (12th.august 1893) and received for his participation on that battle the KO4x As we can see, he also received the following decorations of Tunesia and Zanzibar (!!): TNJft3 ZstSt2c Did Premier-Lieutenant Albert Freiherr von Schrenck von Notzing receive more decorations after his service in Africa?? What happend with him after 1896? And the most important question: Is it possible to find out when he got the TNJft3 and for what reason?? Hope you like that photo also like me Best wishes Karsten
    23. Hello, in my ex-collection I found this nice photo of Ludolf Frhr. von Uslar-Gleichen. Best wishes Karsten
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