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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Guys, I had a poor day, only the shot cup and this spoon. Saying that I only went to one market late in the day. Jock
    2. Guys, A solid silver shot cup, most likely some sort of competition prize, one of 5 with different year dates, the bloke has said I can have the rest. Jock
    3. Fred, Do you have or have you seen examples that are from 'run of the mill' units not unusual stuff like your doc? Have you seen any docs in groups with WP or SB for example? Kevin, Have you seen much of this and what are your views on it? I would be more trusting if it were a less exotic unit and the signature were more similar to yours on the database, I know signatures change all the time and you never get two the same from me but.....? Also for an 'Ad hok'/late unit to have a rubber stamp produced and delivered this close to the end rather than a FP Nr type stamp? Or am I overthinking this? It is also a lone doc or are there others out there? I know they got things wrong too though......... even spelling, I know how they feel! Cheers Jock
    4. Well the prices have certianly changed for sure. I am surprised the cans were used right up to the 70's, it's a shame they aren't dated. The tax free entitlement now is 800 a month or 1kg of tobacco but I don't know if that is the same in the Navy? They have the NAAFI cantine service on board now, at least until they close in a couple of years. Jock
    5. Thanks for the info, have learned something new today as everyday. cheers jock
    6. Tony, Is it like Cornwall? One family tree? What is the second number you quote WR number? Cheers Jock
    7. Guys, Not much out there today, I just can't pass these though I don't know what is wrong with me. Jock
    8. Guys, I was told these black ones are East German manufacture, I don't know though for sure? Couple of tin badges too! Jock
    9. Guys, Not much doing today but I liked this. It has an 800 silver mark near the hinge. Jock
    10. Early casualty, I was reading about IR77 and the Col was killed pretty well at the start of hostilities in Poland, can't remember the date but early. Jock
    11. Tony, Thanks for the info, interesting you think brothers, there was a lot of that going on though I suppose as the call to the flag and the patriotic duty etc. Cheers Jock
    12. Guys, 76398 Pte J. G. Daubney Manch R (Manchester Rifles?). 255526 Spr J. Duquemin RE. Had them a while these were on the German scrap market not UK it still surprises me what turns up over here from back home. Jock
    13. Guys, These two war medals were rescued from the melt down, only these though, no others to make pairs. The MBE mounted for female wear was a gift from an Austrailin guy. It is nicely made. I had not noticed the horse standing on the skull and bones on the reverse of the war medal before! Jock
    14. Guys, As stated above, two pins missing and no cloth, you can't have it all. Jock
    15. Odulf, Very interesting and very unusual I would think for the scroll to have survived. Cool. Jock
    16. Susan Taylor 2/1/66 - 14/11/14

      1. Show previous comments  3 more
      2. dond


        And so young too. Condolences to you and your family.

      3. Spasm


        Accept everyone's sympathy Jock and our best wishes

      4. Jock Auld

        Jock Auld

        Thanks Guys, It is my wife that is feeling it more obviously.

    17. Neil, To demonstrate what you are up against in this field. These are original blank discs and original stamps. The big tub is what I have collected over time. Please bare in mind as well as blank originals there are now very spot on fake discs made for the re-enactor market. So my final advice to you would be to tread very carefully with that aspect of the hobby. Jock
    18. Paul, You misunderstand, the old boy that sold the badges, they are from his dad. Jock
    19. Neil, I don't shop in a conventional manner so I can offer no advice on percived market value. I normaly find them at around €5-10 regardless of what is on them. Can the seller proove where he said he got it and even if he can, museums have plenty of shelve fillers. Perhaps if you search ebay or the likes you may find something similar to compare the price or even the construction. Try user MattL (I think) on WRF as he is knowledgable in this area. Good luck! Jock :
    20. Neil, I just don't like the look of it, I can offer no sientific reason with fonts etc. I have a handfull of blank original blank disks so all you would need is a set of stamps these days (I have them too). To produce it, stamp it and stick it in the garden for a couple of months and 'bobs your uncle' a perfect fake! I have not tried this yet but I may do it as an experiment and document the progress obviously after I would mark it as a copy. It has got to be one of the simplest items that the fakers can target so you would have to have a lot of faith in the seller. It is a bit of a gamble and it is not cheap. Jock
    21. John, Just looks to be an untidy solder job. Looks like there is a round plate under it but it is dificult to see due to the excess solder, I can try for a different angle. Yes its fine and hopefully the old boy will dig out dads paperwork if I'm lucky. Jock
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