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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Guys, A few bits for a Bundy lad. There is a pile of other paper too mostly relating to education and courses etc. A 'promotion' to Private? Sorry about the scans, the doc in the folder is quite plush really! Big gold eagle on the front. Jock
    2. Tony, Thanks for the info, It makes me angry now that my camera skills are lacking so much, those guys have done some outstanding pictures. I may have to do a reshow as I have done it no justice! Jock
    3. Guys, Out of the skip, it looks to be a miss-matched lid and body, the body is RZM marked and to the right of the rivet may be 39 for 1939. Jock
    4. Guys, This has a bit of age to it, I think it also looks well enough made and complicated enough to be of a military pedigree? It is a shame it has been damaged and the 'digger' opperator helped me find the second part of it, he said there was also a saddle, too late for it! It looks German in style but I have no idea there is a stamp on both sides at the same point. What do you guys think, interesting or should it go back in the skip! Jock
    5. Uwe, I struggle with Lexicon der Wehrmacht at times but there is a one liner at the end of the unit history of Reiter Regt 13 that states that 2nd Squadron was attached to 30 Div for the occupation of the Sudetenland and then returned to barracks by Oct 38 or have I completely misunderstood it. Further down it states that 2nd Squadron came from 1st (coy/Sqn)? AA 30 or was it always Squadrons within the Cav. My point being, could it have been a short lived small unit at that time and date. The other thing I notice is that he wears the early 'pointy' shoulder boards with a slip on? Again I don't know, just throwing in my '2 bob'. Edit: the 2 on the Button seems to fit? Jock
    6. Jock Auld


      80Kg Monster
    7. I seen this portrayed on the Simpsons I think! Jock
    8. Respect! That is when I was born! jock
    9. You can't beat family history! jock
    10. Very nice presentation, wish I could read the book! Jock
    11. Paul, I think you are correct if we take the IA as silver then the WB is black. Jock
    12. Chris, I think I remember seeing a couple at the Pz museum in Munster, can't say I have seen many at all, am I right in thinking it was an unofficial band? Jock
    13. Chris, Nice group of medals, I like the cigarette case more though. Jock
    14. Larry, I would have thought it due to his injury that a young man would be released from service? Saying that a lot were released in 1940 were they not and then called back up later? Jock
    15. Ouch! Thats got to hurt. Quite unusual for an Officer. Normaly the enlisted filth with such complaints. I remember a pal in E Bty had a 'Full House' Gonorrhoea and syphilis at the same time! Those young ladies opposite the barracks were well frequented and rank with dissease. I suppose the girls there today aren't any different or the soldiers for that matter. I think he must have earned the medal just for the treatment. Can't be self inflicted someone gave him it! Jock
    16. Chris, Looks like we posted at the axact same time and you have resolved it already, Cheers. Thanks jock
    17. Chris, A good link, I shall have to do some digging on the case, perhaps it's for a different weapon system but it is dated 42 so they may have proffed them from us? jock
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