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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Guys, This one is a bit the worse for wear but at a whole €8 it had to be done. As usual no markings to be found. Jock
    2. Xtender, It does not look very well made are these two seperate medals or has he changed the suspension loop? What ever it is trying to be just from the materials and quality of finish I would say it is a copy. Looks like the stuff that the Polish sell at the fleemarkets. Jock
    3. IG, More good accounts. I went down stairs but it is just hopeless, I need to rip it all out and put it all back in some sort of order, I still havent found stuff I am looking for from nearly a year ago. I know it is in there somewhere! Jock
    4. IG, What a riviting account. I think they were better with words back then since the 'goggle box' hadn't been invented. Did this action though stop the German flank being turned and as such was it a success? Jock
    5. IG, We are spoon fed our opinions these days. What can you do though, you can try and look outside the box? I will go downstairs as I am sure I have a few of those sort of publications somewhere, you never know. Jock
    6. IG, I see a lot of WW1 press publications with the entire newspapers from the war bound in hard covers. Like I say these are not uncommon and I can keep my eyes peeled if you want. Of course that will be only the press opinion as released at the time? I think you are after a more military opinion rather than the given public opinion? Still might be interesting to see how it was reported. Jock
    7. Glenn, The 5th picture, headed: Besonderer Bekleidungsvermerke. It is quite busy with an extra page inserted, most times this is not used at all. Perhaps some kit related to ammo handling, anti static etc? You were on those wages with all them years, it was less of a wrench for myself, when I lost all the money, the kids left home so I broke even, LOL! Was down Sennelager last week and nothing has changed much. Best Regards Jock
    8. Nice that the paper is still with the metal. Cool! jock
    9. Guys, Also in todays loot! I hadn't noticed before that there is space to record Units and awards. Probably because others that I have are blank in those areas. Jock
    10. Glenn, I can't read his third promotion but logicaly it must be Lt Col? I know your eyes are good with this sort of writing, can you have a stab at his speacalist clothing on p8? His p6 and 7 is totaly blank with regards normal issue kit not even a steel helmet? I know you are more Imperial but I thought it interesting that the bar to his EK2 is listed but not his WW1 EK2, I guess he had more medals but they are not included here, probably in his WP? I like p8d, he appears to be a 'Pistol Pete' with two privatley owned firearms, I just have this cowboy image, still you know how dangerous short barrelled weapons and officers can be. Hope you are keeping well and settled into the civvie grind! Jock
    11. Guys, Got this today, sadly the picture missing but a torn picture from another ausweis was inside the back cover, I am assuming this is the same bloke? So, to the book, he seems to have a nice set of awards for all of that 'brass handling'. Apart from that nothing fancy. Jock
    12. Fred, I could not help but notice that the doc was challenged by Br James on WAF with reference to the spelling mistake on the stamp portion. Could you reveal your source of the document, if not, did you obtain it privately or at a reputed site for example? Cheers Jock
    13. Guys, This is one book I actually know where it lives. This is all I can find about the Police versus SS. Perhaps there are some leads there but my command of technical German is not good enough? Obviously this is at their creation and does not take into account any policy changes after 1938? Jock
    14. Perhaps with so much 'cross polination' it was down to the individuals interpritation, personality and rank? If high enough you can wear what you want or prefer by loose interpretation of the written line? I am sure I have a Gezetz Book that has the police Long service award in it I wonder if it has the criteria as well, I shall have a look. Perhaps that has guidance from the period. Jock
    15. Guys, Here is a scan which will be better than my photography skills, I think this shows it more clearly, I like the small war flag on the top like it's a boat rather than a plane. Jock
    16. Guys, Here is a scan which will be better than my photography skills, I think this shows it more clearly, I like the small war flag on the top like it's a boat rather than a plane. Jock
    17. I notice when I done a search a similar image came up but not the same credited to the Bundesarchive, These last couple show the FM with two other Generals (Stapf) is one according to the caption on the online picture. I wonder who the other is, possibly some thing to do with 111 Inf Div. I shall look on Lexicon. Do they or did they have camels in Russia? Odd pictures! Jock
    18. Guys, From yesterdays rescue, these were in a seperate envelope perhaps indicating a different side of the family. There are a lot of interesting pictures as the soldier appears to have been a signals man at a HQ by the look of it. I shall make a start with these. Jock
    19. Bernhard, It is well filled out, perhaps if I scan it in if I get a spare couple of hours it may be an interesting read for some of the KM types. Thanks for your thoughts thus far. So it is a diary in end effect and not an official document, I thought not anyway but nice to know for sure. It was in the bin so I am glad I found it but it always bothers me that I haven't found everything on a big skip like todays. Such a shame people would bin historical items such as this. Jock
    20. Guys, This came out of the same container as the photo album. I am unsure what it is supposed to be as it states log book but is more informal like a diary? It has a lot of interesting bits in it. I will post some of the more interesting bits. I can't read his hand so if anyone can feel free. I can make out he was on board the Line Ship Schlesien in what capacity I am unsure, perhaps a cadet or such like hence the diary/log? I am sure it would be worth decyphering his entries as he has put a lot of effort into it. I like the U1 picture, I have seen the image on the net so no doubt a commercial image you could buy at the souvaneer stands, it is embossed at the lower right with a firm name from Keil. Any ideas as to why he has this book going on? Jock
    21. Guys, I am pleased with todays efforts wading through a load of junk but it has paid off. I really like the sea plane! Jock
    22. Bernhard, Thanks anyway for having a go! I have had a good day skip diving today! I shall get posting soon. Jock
    23. Bernhard, The reverse with names! Also a shot with the microscope thing. Jock
    24. Bernhard, Nothing on the back but it was with the DLV cards together with another handful that came from the same place. The DLV is named on the reverse so if you can pick out his mug on there I will post the reverse. Stay Well! jock
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