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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Guys, This is a bit of a shame, some clown has painted it gloss black. I will take it back to whatever is beneath with paint stripper. It can't be any worse than the current look. Jock
    2. Chip, If you post pictures of what is missing on your rig I can keep my eyes open on the markets etc? i need to know what to look for though. Jock
    3. Guys, This is a new one to me it looks to originate from the HJ as the left signatory is HJ and the right Party? It is A5 size. Jock
    4. Guys, I missread the date on the front as 1938 so I wasted €3 on this punt! Company was founded in 1838 and I would guess this is around the turn of the century? Jock
    5. Guys, Was a bit late today and the weather was pump so not much about. I like the burns dressings but the shell dressing is now my youngest one at 1944. Jock
    6. Guys, A couple of big pictures, framed. I like the EK bar pic but he also has the holes for a good sized medal bar as well Shame he wasn't wearing it! Jock
    7. Guys, Small booklet no doubt aimed at the kids about how to go about joining up. It has a war time page insert that probably simplified the process? Jock
    8. Guys, A couple of pics today, was there a shortage of shoulder straps that made them wear the insignia on the collar? Jock
    9. Guys, These are from just up the road in Munster. The lanscape one is a catolouge of the Pz Museums early holdings with origins of the exibits. Jock
    10. I downloaded it and zoomed in and you can see the cross is a contrasting colour to the wreath, I doubt the 50 will be visible but worth a shot. Jock
    11. Very unusual! Probably more accurate to say 'Fur treu arbiet'? Jock
    12. Mate, If you post them normaly when you click on the picture it usually gets bigger just like many of your previous pictures, I don't know what you have done differently? Jock
    13. I think that is an important point that the dies were the same quite often. Only the metal quality used was inferior, due to supply issues I suppose? There was a war on you know! I think it often gets forgoten the strike quality is always pretty good in the sort of mid war stuff, is that a fair comment? As such I don't mind the 'inferior quality' of the zincers as there is a better chance you are getting the real deal. I would always rather have something plain looking and of the period than a fancy fake any day! Jock
    14. Your pictures stay small when you open them? I can't really see them as is. jock
    15. I would give the infantry assualt a miss. You really have been had with your badges, the last one is a fantasy piece, I think they come from Poland as most of the Polish fleamarket lads here in Germany stock this sort of item, to be fair most sell them as fakes. jock
    16. Kamilos, I am sorry that you have been had! Drop me a line and I will dig you out a veterans eagle (I have a spare) you can have then you can post them side by side to see the difference? Jock
    17. Steve, If I knew I would tell you, the best idea is what you suggest. Try and find a picture example of what is 'deemed' the real deal and sit them side by side. It is very well made but for the money they command I expect the fraudster will go the distance. It is only obvious if some-one shares the reason why and the source of the info. I never bother looking at these level of badge since I doubt I would ever find one that is beyond doubt and in my price range (the scrap value of the zinc). I am looking at an old Niemans book page 710 and yours is similar but not identicle to one in his book. Now bare in mind he used to authenticate and dictate market value of these type of things so I think it is fair to assume a lot of what he called original is far from it since he was like a law unto himself. The difference I see are the feather detail on the eagle and that yours has a lop sided appearance, the right wing (as you fly) is higher and a bit larger than the left? It is like you say though you need to have two similar next to each other. I suppose another angle you can chase down is how many accepted manufacturers of this type of badge there were, who says that and based on what? good luck with the search for info Jock
    18. Kyles Bullets, the papers are just the standard VM instructions, nothing different or fancy. The blue canister can also be black but most I have seen are blue. Jock
    19. Steve, Who said it was fake and why, which forum? If WAF or WRF they have a lot of punters that know their stuff? Jock
    20. Steve, Whats one of them? I think it is ok or are they actually copying tinnies to this degree as well, probably but only really rare stuff I would have thought? Can you post a picture without the vasaline? I am not sure what you could put on Aluminum to prevent corrosion, possibly just a storage issue away from any damp? Jock
    21. Steve, Is that laquer on the front? The back is fun, the difference in the pin condition in contrast with the rest of the badge, I am sure the pin was always there since it was made though and pictures are always different to in the hand. What do you think yourself about it? Jock
    22. Morten, I have pulled the old books out and I think you may be wrong about the pistol. The 24 has a straight slide at the rear where the 27 has a rounded edge, also the 27 the barrel protrudes from the slide a bit more and is therefore more visible, I imagine both holsters are similar? Ref Uniforms and Traditions of the German Army Vol3, p282. Jock
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