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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Got 60ish cards yesterday will post them in the appropriate threads.
    2. A lot of them were painted black post war and used by the firebrigade and in south germany I understand they painted them red for the same purpose? If its small it is just the case that it was for use by someone with a small head. Naturally kids would have a small head so would be issued a small lid if available I suppose? I would guess that like today the bulk of equipment is manufactured in the most common sizes and 'outsizes' are ordered in small numbers. Just a guess though and would be interesting to know if they had a standard unit 'Equipment table' with numbers to hold? Knowing the Germans I would have thought it written down somewhere as an order. Piekenier, have you asked on WAF/WRF, either or, as it is mostly the same punters on both? Jock
    3. Guys, An old thread but this was the most relavent place to post after searching I think. A modern badge struck in my birth year so its 46 years old and the frauenbund badge I thought I had lost it in the hoover, turns out I was in a box! Jock
    4. If I get a hold of this tabb it will be useful to compare the colour unless someone else has one here already. I haven't seen it he has only described it to me. Jock
    5. Dat, Thanks for the info, I didn't get outside the wire as a civilian, did you see any M18 cav helmets as they were there too? Jock
    6. John, I am leaving it for a couple of days with some WD40 on it, hopefuly that will penitrate any rust. Jock
    7. Guys, Not an unusual book but I have not had it with the dust cover before! Jock
    8. Seems I should pay more attention to tin judging by the price quoted on WAF, congratulations, I hope it did not cost you too much. I shall keep my eyes open for tin from now on! Cheers Jock
    9. Guys, Just this minute in. I think its ok, if a bit rough. Seems to have been used as a hammer at one end. The blade is not marked along its length and I can't open it to see if its marked internaly. perhaps a bit of WD40 might loosen it up? Jock
    10. Mervyn, Thanks for the info, seems quite a gap from the pattern to being in service, never knew that. Cheers Jock
    11. Odulf, Like the artists doc, is there any area that they did not regulate, thats a new one to me, 'artistic license' monitored and regulated. Cheers! Jock
    12. Guys, One for the friendly forces! Got this today nothing fancy but then I noticed the markings, I think Arabic? I suppose we have always been selling weapons abroad! The wood does not look like it is original perhaps replaced by the new country? Anyone any idea? Cheers! Jock
    13. Guys, Got these today, normally would not bother but found the metal devices quite interesting, particularly the wound badge with the swords for the Eheren kreutz. A bit fiddley to photograph. Jock
    14. Guys, A bit of mixed post. I really like the Munster card as when I was serving the H-Burg bunker was always a useful feature for target indication or RV point etc. It is still there today as far as I know. Jock
    15. Chris, If it were common practise why are there not more to see? Does not a one piece item represent economy of effort and saving of time and money so why silver? If a customer wanted an all silver cross it would be easier to strike the iron core in silver than create a whole new die if you were already making crosses? Are the nickle versions the same strike as this and how common are one piece crosses from WW1? That is not to say some silver smith went out on a limb and didn't do as many as he thought as they slid into second place? Jock
    16. Guys, I can't help myself either when I see them, yes they all look alike to me too but they all represent a certain standard of soldiering to be awarded in the first place which in todays day and age would probably be more like a MC or the likes since we no longer stand in muddy holes for too long if we can help it? I also don't collect them intentionally but I will always take anything that is original as it is getting harder to find across the board if you shop where I do! Jock
    17. Guys, Some more scrap iron today, the maker appears to be Z or 2 maybe? Any thoughts? Cheers! Jock
    18. Guys, A test run for my new scanner. These are from the box of now dry pictures, they have curled up quite badly so I was thinking of puting them in a heavy book to try and sort them out? Jock
    19. I was just reaserching a crossed cannon officers shoulderboard in the old 'Angolia/Schlicht Die Deutsche Wehmacht. page 200 describes Waffenoffiziere, Waffenfarbe orangerot, Could this be your hat, does anyone have an example of this colour for the neue Laufbahnfarbe? When/if I get my hands on the tab I will post pics for reference as the bloke said his dad was a Feuerwerker of some sorts and I suggested artillery due to the crossed cannons but it would seem we are both mistaken. I hope he will at least allow me to photograph it. Jock
    20. Odulf, Bernhard, Thanks for that, so a transient period with mixtures of crews, makes sense I suppose. I would not know where to begin with merchant marine stuff so I will leave it at that! At least I have learned something from you both, thankyou! I was off at a tangent with my thoughts of an on board get together of WW1 EK winners, always good to have other eyes that see what you yourself miss! Cheers Jock
    21. No different to the sacking of the Commanding General when the tories/libs took power as he was 'too politicised' is that even a word? What he was, was right and we shall see that in the fullness of time no doubt as history marches on but always seems to repeat itself. Victims of timing perhaps? Who cares, these clowns won't be there next year and it all starts again? Same for the ones that backed the wrong horse back then too perhaps? Jock
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