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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Daniel, Oberst Hugo v. Selle was the cousin of char. Generalleutnant Fritz v. Selle. Regards Glenn
    2. Rick, another non regulation Heye oddity worn while still serving in the Reichsherr. Regards Glenn
    3. Christophe, primarily "Die Generale des Heeres 1921-1945", Band 6 and the Milit?r-Wochenblatt. Regards Glenn
    4. Christophe, that is char. Generalmajor Wolf v. Klewitz: 23 December 1873 - 05 February 1961. Originally commissioned in FAR 10, he served in FAR 46 from October 1899 until November 1908 when he became the Adjutant of the 20. Feldartillerie-Brigade. In 1914 a battery commander in FAR 84 (since 1 October 1912), he commanded Artillerie-Regiment 1 from 1 February 1927 until retiring on 31 December 1927 when he promoted to char. Generalmajor. He held no command in WW2. Regards Glenn
    5. David, the promotion to Portepee-F?hnrich was gazetted in the Wednesday 21 October 1896 edition of the Milit?r-Wochenblatt. Regards Glenn
    6. David, no, the Stammliste was published in 1905. In any case, Louis M?ldner von M?lnheim's "NCO career" was only the time he would have spent as a Fahnenjunker and Portepee-F?hnrich prior to commissioning. Judging by his date of promotion from Oberj?ger to F?hnrich in J?ger-Bataillon Nr. 7 on 18.10.1896, it is probable that he entered service in March 1896. Regards Glenn
    7. Well a Feldwebelleutnant's title of rank may have sounded like an NCO but they were members of the corps of Landwehr officers. To quote from the Kriegs-Besoldungs-Vorschrift: "The Feldwebelleutnants belong to the class of subaltern officers in the rank of Leutnant, whom they rank after." Regards Glenn
    8. Dave, very charitable of you to upload that! I checked the same publication when I was at the Deutsche B?cherei in Leipzig a couple of weeks ago and that was also the extent of their holdings. It does appear that no further supplements were published. Regards Glenn
    9. Christophe, Generalleutnant Ing. Ernst Hammer, born 20 Oct 1884 at Falkenau a.d. Eger, died 02 December 1957 in Vienna Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross: 20 December 1941 as commander of the 75. Infanterie-Division. His decorations as listed in the 1936 Austrian Schematismus: Knight's Cross 1st Class of the Austrian Merit Order Military Merit Cross 3rd Class with War Decoration and Swords Silver Military Merit Medal on the Ribbon of the Military Merit Cross Bronze Military Merit Medal on the Ribbon of the Military Merit Cross with Swords Karl Troop Cross Officers' Long Service Decoration 2nd Class Austrian War Commemorative Medal Military Jubilee Cross Prussian Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class Ottoman Half Moon Hungarian War Commemorative Medal Regards Glenn
    10. David, Dave has most of it. Generalmajor v. Reitzenstein died in Dresden on 21 March 1871. From the "Stammregister" of the Saxon Army. Regards Glenn
    11. Thanks Komtur! That was quick. I only posted it yesterday. Regards Glenn
    12. David, Professor Grimm's decorations as per the the 1879 Rang- und Quartier-Liste, the year he retired. Regards Glenn
    13. David, the image is from the "Stammliste der Kaiser Wilhelms Akademie f?r das milit?r?rtzliche Bildungswesen". Grimm's promotion to the rank of Generallieutenant was published in early 1874 in the Milit?r-Wochenblatt. Regards Glenn
    14. David, Professor Heinrich Gottfried Grimm was the first medical officer of the Prussian Army to be granted the rank of a Generallieutenant on 31 December 1873. Regards Glenn
    15. David, Gustav Frhr. v. Buddenbrock was promoted to Major on 18 June 1853. Regards Glenn
    16. Gustav Spies was commissioned as a Sekonde-Lieutenant der Reserve into the 2. Kurhessisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 82 on 15 November 1894 (18.11.94 Y2Y). Promoted to Oberleutnant d.R on 27.1.05, he transfered into Landwehr status in 1906/1907. He retired from Landwehr duty on 23 May 1911. Recalled for service on the outbreak of war he was promoted to Hauptmann der Landwehr a.D. on 30.11.14. Regards Glenn
    17. Chris, I just received an email from Andy regarding the Archives. He says you can get any Personalbogen you want- Datensch?tz does not come in to play at all! If you are not there before us in August let me know who you are looking for and we will dig out the documentation. Regards Glenn
    18. Justin, I managed to look at a micro-fiche copy of "Das Preu?ische Heer in den Jahren 1814 und 1815" in the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin. Although not terribly illuminating in this case it did confirm the presence of not one but three Seconde-Lieutenant M?llers in the 5. Kurm?rkisches Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment as at 2 September 1814. In the usual Prussian fashion they are listed as M?ller I, II & IV respectively (don't know what happened to M?ller III)! None are shown with awards at this date. Regards Glenn
    19. Robert, Wilhelm Volrad von Rauchhaupt joined the Kaiser Alexander-Garde-Grenadier-Regiment as a Fahnenjunker at the outbreak of war in 1914. Promoted to F?hnrich on 22.5.1915 in Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 95, he was commissioned on 14.8.15. He rejoined the Wehrmacht in 1934 and became a Squadron Leader in Reiter-Regiment Nr. 1. He is shown in 1939 as a Major (1.8.38 (21)) on the Regimental Staff of Kavallerieregiment Nr. 18. His final promotion was to Oberst on 1.2.43 (31). He also wrote "Die Deutsche Kavallerie zwischen den beiden letzten Kriegen (von 1919 bis 1939)". He died in 1974. Another v. Rauchhaupt (brother?) was commissioned into the Braunschweigisches Husaren-Regiment Nr. 17 on 19 August 1909 with a Patent of 17.8.07 Q. He was transfered to the newly formed J?ger-Regiment zu Pferde Nr. 13 when that regiment was formed on 1 October 1913. Promoted to Oberleutnant on 27.1.15 and to Rittmeister on 25.11.16 V3v. He is shown in the Ehrenrangliste as being a General Staff officer with the 1. Landwehr-Division late in the war. Regards Glenn
    20. Chris, I am going to give it a try myself in August for a couple of Days. I understand from a friend in Munich they are pretty helpful down there. Regards Glenn
    21. Dave, my current crop of Stammlisten: 1.GRzF , 2.GRzF, GGR 1, GGR 2, GFR, 3.GRzF, GGR 3, 4.GRzF, GGR 4, GGR 5, GSB, GR 2, LGR 8, GR10, GR 11, GR 12, IR 13, IR15, IR16, IR18, IR 19, IR 21, IR 23, IR 25, IR 26, IR 29, FR 34, FR 40, IR 42, IR 43, IR 50, IR 51, IR 52, IR 53, IR 55, IR 56, IR 57, IR 58, IR 64, IR 65, IR 66, IR 68, IR 69, IR 72, IR 74, IR 76, IR 77, IR 78, IR 79, FR 80, IR 83, IR 87, IR 93, IR 94, IR 95, IR 96, IR 99, LGR 109, GR 110, IR 111, IR 112, IR 113, IR 114, IR 115, IR 116, IR 117, IR 125, IR 129, IR 137, IR 158, JB 3, JB 4, JB 6, JB 9, JB 11, JB 14, BILR, LGH, LKR 1, DR 2, DR 13, LHR 1, LHR 2, HR 6, HR 7, HR 11, HR 12, UR 3, UR 5, UR 6, UR 13, FAR 4, FAR 6, FAR 30, FAR 51, Fu?AR14, PB10, US Potsdam, US Marienwerder, Kaiser Wilhelms Akademie, Schutztruppe Kamerun, Schutztruppe DOA, Bavarian Engineer Officers plus some Offizier-Verzeichnisse: 4.GRzF, FR 73, IR 92, IR 96, RIR 235, Fu?AR17, Eisenbahn-Truppen. Checking for post war editions: In addition to those I mentioned earlier: GFR, IR 68, LGR 109, JB 6, HR 12 Regards Glenn
    22. Dave, a handful published after the war. As I recall from here at work: 1. GRzF, GGR1, GR 2, IR 42, IR 93, UR 6. The vast majority of the ones I have copies of were published during the period 1900-1914 although a few are from slightly earlier. I can check this evening. Regards Glenn
    23. Dave, the Offizier-Stammlisten are a wonderful source or research material. I have them for over a hundred differentt regiments/battalions now. They are relatively rare and not all regiments produced them. The infantry was certainly better represented in this type of publication. Regards Glenn
    24. Paul, very nice picture of Herbert G?nter v. Rohrscheidt, born Garzau on 6 November 1883. In the 1914 Rangliste as a Leutnant und Feldj?ger in the Reitendes Feldj?gerkorps. Originally commissioned as a Leutnant der Reserve (Landwehrbezirk Ruppin) in the Garde-Sch?tzen-Bataillon on 20 March 1906 (20.3.06 B3b) he was appointed as a Leutnant und Feldj?ger on 10 April 1906. Promoted to Oberleutnant und Feldj?ger on 8 October 1914 and to Hauptmann und Feldj?ger on 18 December 1915 (18.12.15 J2j). Regards Glenn
    25. Greetings komtur, this is from the Vollst?ndige Anciennet?ts-Liste der Offiziere des deutschen Reiches-Heeres, 1895. Dr. Funcke's promotion to char. Generaloberarzt was published in the Milit?r-Wochenblatt. Regards Glenn
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