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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. David, they were predominantly in the business of railway construction although prewar they already had an operating detachment which ran a military railway south of Berlin. Since 25 March 1899 the Eisenbahn-Brigade was subordinate to the Inspektion der Verkehrstruppen. Regards Glenn
    2. Mike, I came across some more information on Graf von Schlieffen in a series on Fl?geladjutanten in the "Zeitschrift f?r Heeres- und Uniformkunde" in the early forties: He was assigned to the Military Examinations Commission on the 7th of November 1917 with a definitive retirement date of 25 October 1919 with permission to wear the uniform of the Corps of Cadets. He was promoted char. Oberst on 26 January 1921 and died on the 31 July 1938. Regards Glenn
    3. That appears to be IX 29 which would make the Offizierstellvertreter a member of the 3. Landsturm-Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon Hamburg (IX. 29). Regards Glenn
    4. The adjutant of the Posensches Ulanen-Regiment Nr. 10 in 1870/71 was the later Generalleutnant z.D. Egon von Vollard-Bockelberg (2.12.49-6.7.18). This officer rose to command the Zieten Hussars Regiment and the 5th Cavalry Brigade. Regards Glenn
    5. Brian, two von Vollard-Bockelbergs, both in the rank of Secondelieutenant are listed in the 1870/71 Prussian Armv List: Secondelieutenant von Vollard-Bockelberg in 2. Magdeburgisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 27 Secondelieutenant von Vollard-Bockelberg in the Posensches Ulanen-Regiment Nr. 10 Both were holders of the E.K. 2 Regards Glenn
    6. Mark, Sekondelieutenant: 17.3.94 Oberleutnant: 29.5.03 E Hauptmann: 24.3.09 V9v Major: 28.11.14 E6e Following his course at the war academy he served for three and a half years as the Regimental Adjutant of 4. Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiment after which he was attached on the 1st of April 1907 to the General Staff. In 1914 he was serving as the battery commander of 4./2. Pommersches Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 17. His mobilisation appointment was as a general staff officer in the headquarters of 8th Army. When GFM. von Hindenburg became Oberbefehlshaber Ost, von Vollard-Bockelburg moved with him to form part of the new staff. On the 31st of August 1916 he became a department head on the staff of the Chief of Staff of the Field Army (Hindenburg) where he was involved in organisational and replacement matters. He won his OPLM as a staff officer in the O.H.L. on the 4th of November 1917. As your summary of his career shows, his mobilisation appointment was terminated on the 31st of August 1940 when he went back into retirement. Regards Glenn
    7. Mark, Hauptmann Alfred von Vollard-Bockelberg as a General Staff Hauptmann on GFM. von Hindenburg's staff - little guy on the end! Note also General Ludendorff and Oberstleutnant Max Hoffmann. Regards Glenn
    8. Dr. Aladar Skita was certainly a late starter; over forty when he was commissioned as a Leutnant in der Reserve in Festungsartilleriebataillon Nr. 6 on the 1st of February 1917. His only award shown in the 1918 k.u.k. Rangliste is the Karl-Truppenkreuz. Regards Glenn
    9. He was "Evangelisch" according to the Offizier-Stammliste of Leib-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 8. His father was one Oberverwaltungsgerichtsrath Oskar Hahn and his mother Helene n?e Malotki von Trzebiatowski. Regards Glenn
    10. Rick, yes, thats the strange part because it was he who was thus "vonned" and not another family member that passed it on. Friends in high places Regards Glenn
    11. Rick, Indeed. A check in the relevant "Gotha" this morning at a local library shows he was raised to the Prussian nobility whilst still an Oberstleutnant in Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 76 on the 23rd of October 1907. Regards Glenn
    12. Mike, to add to Rick's post: Graf von Schlieffen was indeed commissioned in Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 94. He had entered the regiment as an Avantageur (Fahnenjunker) with early promotions as follows: Portepee-F?hnrich: 16.5.88 Secondelieutenant: 16.2.89 Premierlieutenant: 1.9.96 X6x Hauptmann (ohne Patent): 27.1.02 From 1905 onwards he was at various cadet schools, initially Bensberg. From 1 Feb 1906 to 21 July 1906 he went to Karlsruhe whilst still on the strength of Bensberg to replace a sick company commander when he was transferred officialy to Karlsruhe. Finally to Wahlstatt from 1907/1908. He retired from active service becoming a Bezirks-Offizier in the rank of Major z.D. at Neustrelitz on 16 December 1916. He appears to have definitively retired sometime in 1917. Regards Glenn
    13. Hi Paul, Die Wehrmacht im Dritten Reich is relatively easy to acquire. It runs to six volumes and was published in paperback. It is obviously in German and has no illustrations. What is does contain however is the most detailed overview of the organisational history and "Personnel" aspects of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS such as promotion policy, recruiting, rank structure etc, etc. I Find it to be absolutely first class. Not expensive either. choosebooks.com has copies of the various volumes. Regards Glenn
    14. Brian, for some unknown reason Major Kurt von Schwarzkopf is not listed in any of the wartime Prussian published Dienstalterslisten: 1917, 1918 & the postwar 1919 edition. He is still listed as a Rittmeister in Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 5 in the 1914 Rangliste. However for the purposes of you being able to date your photographs, I can confirm that he was promoted to Major on the 28th of November 1914. Regards Glenn
    15. Paul, I am not a board collector so can cannot comment on the rarity of them. Rudolf Absolon in his "Die Wehrmacht im Dritten Reich" Band III, covers the subject of the Erg?nzungsoffiziere in some detail. They were re-employed former officers assigned to duties in headquarters and other static administrative units and were rank ranged up to Oberst (E), there being no General Officers (E). They were paid the same salaries as active officers and although they had their own RDA or seniority this did not correspond exactly with the seniority of active officers and they were ranked behind active officers of the same rank for seniority purposes. They did not usually command active officers. Absolon lists the types of units E Officers were normally assigned to and in the case of medical and veterinary officers (E) he gives the following: Medical Officers on the Staff of the Wehrkreisarzt Veterinary Officers on the Staff of the Corps Veterinary Officer Chief Medical Officers of Garrison Hospitals and Nursing Homes with more than 100 beds Medical Officers on Recruiting District staffs etc. Regards Glenn
    16. Generalleutnant Johannes August Ludwig Oskar von Hahn: 27 Mar 1862 at Erfurt - 6 Feb 1945. Enobled 1907/1908. He is listed as Major Joh. Hahn in the 1904/05 edition of the Orders Almanach. Gro?-Lichterfelde Cadet - Commissioned in 2. Gro?herzoglich Hessischen Infanterie-Regiment (Gro?herzog) Nr. 16 on 17 April 1880. 28 Aug 1894: Company Commander in Leib-Grenadier-Regiment K?nig Friedrich Wilhelm III. (1. Brandenburgisches) Nr. 8. 20 May 1897 assigned to the War Ministry. Left I.R. 76 to assume command of Infanterie-Regiment von Courbiere (2. Posensches) Nr. 19 on 24 Mar 1909 with promotion to Oberst (20.4.09 X). Moved on to the command of Infanterie-Regiment Graf Schwerin (3. Pommersches) Nr. 14 on 21 Feb 1911 until appointment as commander of 87. Infanterie-Brigade on 19 Nov 1912. General Officer commanding 35. Division from 25 Nov 1914 - 21 Jan 1918. Secondlieutenant: 17.4.80 Y Premierlieutenant: 16.4.89 O2o Hauptmann: 18.11.93 V8v Major: 27.1.00 N2n Oberstleutnant: 10.4.06 H3h Oberst: 20.4.09 X Generalmajor: 19.11.12 Generalleutnant: 6.6.16 B In 1926 living in Berlin at Viktoria-Luise Platz 6. Regards Glenn
    17. Paul, Angolia is refering to the corps of Supplementary officers - the Erg?nzungsoffiziere or Offiziere (E). These officers were normally recalled former officers employed on staff duties. Originally termed as "L" Officers, they were renamed as i]Erg?nzungsoffiziere with effect 5th of March 1935. They were maintained on a separate seniority list until 11 May 1943 when those that were still in this status also finally were listed as normal active officers. Regards Glenn
    18. And here is the great man - Stabsarzt Dr. Karl Wezel. Check out that chest Regards Glenn
    19. Claudio, I have been unable (so far) to find any officer of that name who served in LGR. Nr. 8. No Kieser of Kiefer is listed as being with LGR. Nr. 8 from 1895-1914. Similarly no Kieser or Kiefer is listed in the LGR. Nr. 8 officers' Association list published in the mid twenties (which includes reserve officers). No officer of this name is listed in the register of Killed in action Prussian officers as being a member or former member in LGR. Nr. 8 either! Regards Glenn
    20. David, I'll do a couple of scans and email them to you. Regards Glenn
    21. Hi David, The Sanit?tsbericht ?ber das Deutsche Heer im Weltkriege 1914/18 Volume III. Pages 70-136 deal with the medical services of the 2nd Army in 1914. Regards Glenn
    22. Hi David, During the Battle of the Marne, the 2. Garde-Infanterie-Division attacked in the direction of Norm?e-F?re-Champenoise on the 7th of September 1914. Feldlazarett 7 of the Gardekorps was deployed to Epernay that day to treat the considerable casualties suffered by the Gardekorps during this action. On the 9th of September Feldlazarett 7 transferred 800 walking wounded and 300 vehicle transportable wounded to Reims and presumaby Louis von M?ldner was amongst them. Once in Reims he was presumably looked after by either the Feldlazarett 1 or 2 of X. Armeekorps which were there from the 10-12 September. Feldlazarett 1 is reported to have evacuated a large number of wounded from Reims on the 12th of September to Laon. Regards Glenn
    23. Mike, it's an invitation to the centenary celebrations of Infanterie-Regiment Freiherr von Sparr (3. Westf?lisches) Nr. 16. The recipient was one char. Oberstleutnant Wilhelm Langheinrich, one time Major and battalion commander in the regiment from 29 March 1900 until 18 Oct 1902. Later the Bezirkskommandeur in Stargard. The Oberst and Regimental Commander was Fritz von Versen later killed in action as the commander of the 76. Infanterie-Brigade on 16 Sep 1917. Regards Glenn
    24. The other officer is the later Hauptmann Wedigo von Wedel, born 19 Dec 1878 at Kannenberg and killed in action as the company commander of 6./1. G.R.z.F. on 30 Aug 1914 at St.-Quentin. Portepee-F?hnrich: 21.4.98 Sekonde-Lieutenant/Leutnant: 27.1.99 C6c Oberleutnant: 19.8.09 N4n Hauptmann: 1.10.13 V25v Regards Glenn
    25. Hi David, Major Friedrich Freiherr von Diepenbroick-Gr?ter was born on the 8th of October 1869 at Wilhelmsh?he near Kassel, An Abiturient, he entered the 2. G.R.z.F. as a Fahnenjunker on the 23rd of April 1889. 19.11.89: Portepee-F?hnrich 2.9.1890: Sekonde-Lieutenant ohne Patent 20.9.90: Sekonde-Lieutenant 17.12.98: Premier-Lieutenant 19.12.05: Hauptmann 1.1.1906: Company Commander of 4./2. G.R.z.F. 19.8.14: Major Died of wounds on the 16th of March 1915 at K?nigsberg in Preu?en. Regards Glenn
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