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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Sal, Dr. Steinkr?ger: Regentenstra?e 33 M?hlheim am Rhein Herr Lieck: Wallrafplatz 2 C?ln am Rhein Rick, Steinkr?ger was promoted Hptm d.R. on 24.12.14 and Lieck on 30. 7. 15 Regards Glenn
    2. Rick, I agree that that is most probably the then Major Viktor Reinhard originally from F.R. 39. Hauptmann d.R. Dr. jur. Wilhelm Steinkr?ger, an attorney, practicing in M?hlheim am Rhein, was killed in action at Verdun on 14 May 1916 Hauptmann d. R. Lieck, a Direktor in C?ln survived the war as did Engelhard & Schaeffer. A Leutnant Johann Hildebrandt of RI.R. 53 was also killed at Verdun on the 1st of July 1916 - same guy? Regards Glenn
    3. Hi westfale, Oberstleutnant z.D. Paul Seelbach was the first commander in August 1915. I am not certain if he was still commanding in 1918. Can you show us the signature? Regards Glenn
    4. Apparently still alive: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=34540 Regards Glenn
    5. This officer is named at AHF as Obersturmf?hrer Count Pio Filippani-Ronconi sometime of the II./Waffen-Grenadier Battalion 81. Regards Glenn
    6. I am going to take an educated guess at Hans Henning von Gersdorff formerly of the 3. Garde-Regiment zu Fu? and in 1914 a Leutnant in Garde-Maschinengewehr-Abteilung Nr. 2 Leutnant: 18.8.06 H3h Oberleutnant: 28.11.14 Hauptmann: 27.1.16 H The hand-written notes in my copy of the 3. Garde-Regiment zu Fu? Offizier-Stammliste show him to have been the Adjutant to GFM. von Mackensen and a date of death of 8.5.1965. The Army list of 1939 shows this officer as a Major (E) with an RDA of 1.4.34 (46) on the staff of the II. Armeekorps in the position of 2. Adjutant to GFM. von Mackensen. He rose to the rank of Oberst with an RDA of 1.3.42 (65). All the other candidates appear to me to be too old, too young or too dead! Regards Glenn
    7. Rick, Kriegsarchiv Nottendorfergasse 2-4 A-1030 Wien http://www.oesta.gv.at/site/5001/default.aspx Click on service and then Kontakt for an email submission page. Regards Glenn
    8. Stijn, that was easy Vizefeldwebel der Reserve Oskar Morath was serving with the Ersatz-Bataillon of Fu?artillerie-Regiment Nr. 14 when he was commissioned as a Leutnant der Reserve on the 21st of February 1915 with a patent of seniority of the same date. Regards Glenn
    9. Stijn and David, If he was commissioned before May 1914 he will be listed in the Prussian Rangliste. If commissioned after that date I should be able to find his commissioning date in the Milit?r-Wochenblatt. Morath is not too common a name and I have indexed all of the remainder of 1914 and the best part of 1915. I'll check when I get home this evening. Regards Glenn
    10. This rather nice portrait of Oberstleutnant (later Generalmajor) Otto Teschner of I.R. 142 is contained in a book with the portraits of all the officers of that regiment compiled in 1918. Regards Glenn
    11. Brian, as can be seen from this extract from the 1870/71 Prussian Army List only two officers in the rank of captain or of a subaltern officer still serving in in F?silier-Regiment Nr. 35 in 1871 had the EK1: Hauptmann Hugo v. Sa?-Jaworski (Later Generalleutnant) Hauptmann Kleckl (later Oberst) Regards Glenn
    12. Dave, not sure about the Mecklenburg connection at this time but "Bhfs. Kdtr 5 / XIII" would be the abbreviation for Bahnhofs Kommandantur. Regards Glenn
    13. Hi Dave, Major Ferdinand v. Luck. Born 2 March 1873. Sekonde-Lieutenant/Leutnant: 27.1.93 Oberleutnant: 22.4.02 Rittmeister: 25.2.08 Retired 18.12.12 Regards Glenn
    14. Something strange here Steen, no officer of that name listed in the k.u.k. Army, k.k. Landwehr or k.u. Honv?d! The only near match is a Leutnant i.d.R. Karl Čunderle in Infanterieregiment Erzherzog Carl Stephan Nr. 8. Regards Glenn
    15. Rick, Adam was commissioned as a Leutnant der Landwehr Kavallerie I on the 8th of February 1915. I think it is a good possibility that the Vizewachtmeister M?ller listed above is Adam's buddy, Hermann M?ller. Regards Glenn
    16. Kevin, a machine gun unit collar badge. Regards Glenn
    17. Paul, Should not that be Dennert? He was promoted to Oberleutnant d.L. I on 22 March 1915 whilst serving with the Ersatz-Bataillon of Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 27. Regards Glenn
    18. K, are you are aware of "Die 44. Infanterie-Division" by Dettmer, F./Jaus, O./Tolkmitt H? This is available from the Preussisches B?cherkabinett in Berlin for ?10,95. Regards Glenn
    19. David, a super photograph of Major von Reichenbach. Some additional details on his career: He was the son of one Hauptmann Louis v. Reichenbach of Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 44 who was killed in action at Colombey on the 27 September 1870. A graduate of the cadet corps he was assigned as a char. Portep?e F?hnrich to Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 6 on 14 April 1883. Promoted to Portep?e F?hnrich on 13 November 1883 and to Sekonde-Lieutenant on 13 September 1884. From 1 Mar to 31 July 1889 he was detached to the Milit?r-Turnanstalt and from 1 June to 12 July 1890 to Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 5. On promotion to Premier-Lieutenant on 15 July 1893 he was transferred to Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 76 where he was appointed as a company commander on promotion to Hauptmann (without a Patent) on 15 June 1898. He received his Patent as a Hauptmann on 9 October 1898 and continued to serve as a company commander in Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 76 until he was promoted to Major (supernumery) and assigned to the regimental staff. On 18 October 1912 he was assigned as the commander of II./Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 140. Promoted to Oberstleutnant on 24 July 1915 he was the one time commander of Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 332. Retired as an Oberst. Regards Glenn
    20. Rick, it is difficult to be 100% certain. In the list of KIA Prussian officers, one Hauptmann d.L. a.D. Gra?hoff is listed as died on the 4th of Feb 1916 as a member of the 1. Garde-Reserve-Fu?artillerie-Regiment. Unfortunately (and unusually) it does not give his peacetime allocation to a Landwhr-Bezirk). Now although we know from the MWB that "our" Gra?hoff ceased being "a.D." in November 1914, I cannot find another Prussian Fu?artillerie Landwehr Hauptmann d.L. going back as far as 1900. So it may well be the case that he did die in 1916. I hope to see a copy of the 1916 MWB next month and perhaps a death notice in there will shed some further light on the subject. Regards Glenn
    21. Wolfgang Max Oskar Hans Herbig, born 17 May 1872 in Wilhelmshaven. Father - Kapit?n zur See a.D. Otto Herbig. Attended Cadet Schools Potsdam and Gro? Lichterfelde from which he graduated on the 22nd of March 1892 as a char. Portep?e F?hnrich in J?ger-Bataillon Nr. 7. Promoted Portep?e F?hnrich on 18 October 1892 and commissioned on the 20 May 1893 on transfer to J?ger-Bataillon Nr. 8. Transferred to J?ger-Bataillon Nr. 9 on 15 November 1894. Grasshoff was promoted to Oberleutnant on 22.9.92 U. Pensioned off as an "half-invalid" in 1904 he was on return to civil life an Amtsvorsteher in Hasserode. He retired from Landwehr service on the 20 January 1914. Mobilized at the outbreak of war he was promoted to Hauptmann d.L. II a.D. on 17 October 1914. On the 1st of November 1914 he re-entered "active" Landwehr duty as an Hauptmann d.L. I with a patent of 17 October 1914 and was serving in the II. Ersatz-Bataillon of Fu?artillerie-Regiment Nr. 4. Regards Glenn
    22. Carl?'s biography as found in the Lohmann/Hildebrand. Regards Glenn
    23. Tom, Herr Haunit rose to become a char. Major and Bezirks-Offizier in Landwehr-Bezirk Saargem?nd. He was still alive in 1905 as shown by his listing in the Ordens-Almanach of that year. He spent his entire active career in Infanterie-regiment Nr. 44. He retired from his Bezirks-Offizier position in 1896/97. Sekonde-Lieutenant: 9.3.69 Premier-Lieutenant: 13.6.76 Hauptmann: 21.2.85 char. Major: 17.10. 93 Regards Glenn
    24. Hi Tom, your first document is an award to a Bavarian officer - Hauptmann Moriz Wibel of 3. Infanterie-Regiment "Prinz Carl von Bayern". The second to Sekonde-Lieutenant Oscar Haunit, the adjutant of the F?silier-Bataillon of 7. Ostpreu?isches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 44. Regards Glenn
    25. Paul, a photograph of the General is to be found here. it is the same one in the Biblio Generals' series. Regards Glenn http://www.geocities.com/~orion47/WEHRMACH...US_STEPHAN.html
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