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    Everything posted by ixhs

    1. Here we have another pic of my collection: It seems to be the commander of the II. Bat. RIR 219 He wears his IC2nd class as a 1st class. - never seen. (only in WW2) And i have a question: I cannot find a Major Vatke - Falke, Watke ....... On his Feldspange - ribbon bar he wears IC2nd class (may be for 1870/71) - ...... - RAO , i think LSC25 and ........ Can anybody help to ID that guy. - Yes, i know i am asking a lot - sorry for that !
    2. I believe, this is Dr. juris Arthur Wolff - i would nearly bet, that he wears a Robe of a german lawyer. In the Hof & Staatshandbuch 1918 (Redaktionsschluss März 1918, so we do not know what he also earned between April and Nov. 1918) he is listed with a lot of decorations - he was lawyer at the Berlin Kammergericht and also Direktor der Deutschen Bühne. In an article of a german newspapers of the 1960s i found a note, that he traveled a lot of and "in dieser Zeit sammelte er bei Fürstenhöfen eine Vielzahl von Orden (...)" I know that he got the Carl Eduard Medal 1st class ("for wearing on the neck") - i have two judges, who also got that medal. But they are too old - i think on this shown pic this man is not older than 40 years. Wolff war born in Berlin in 1881 and died in 1930. The pic must have been taken in 1918 or later because he wears the last version of the Bulgarian Alexanderorden (3 rd??) class with swords on the ring.
    3. Great, thank you ! I will post his pic, if it`s arrived.
    4. I think i found him (Fuhrmann) in the DOA 1908 - may be his name was Gustav Eduard or Eduard Gustav: In this time he had RAO4, CM, LDA1 Seems that he later got the RAO3mS (and returned the RAO4), and KO3. Normally the commemorative medals are not always listened there. He was born in 1856 (i estimated around 1850) and lived in Berlin. I think he was retired in ~ 1918. He must have gotten the KO3 and RAO3mS between 1908 - 1918 and my pic was taken in this time. His rank was: Geheimer Kriegsrat, Militärintendanturrat and Hauptmann d.L. a.D. so the LDA1 fits. I think i could be happy.? Now we only have to clear Dr. Arthur Wolff with his Anhaltiner.
    5. The latest paper i have seen was from ~ 1940 - it was an returned KO4.
    6. In the late 1930s only awards with gold had to be returned to the German state - as Komtur wrote. The iron cross was for bravery and also not made of gold - so there was no Rückgabeverpflichtung.
    7. Hello again ! I am looking for more info about Geheimer Kriegsgerichtsrat Dr. Eduard (may be Edward) Fuhrmann I bought a photo of him which was taken in Eisenach (Thüringen). I think it was taken in ~ 1910 - His face looks like a 60 - 70 years old grandpa. (so he should be born in ~ 1850) He wears: RAO3 mit Schleife, KO3, DA25 (or may be Landwehr DA1), Chinadenkmünze 1900/01, Südwestafrikadenkmünze and Centenarmedaille (= Red eagle 3 with loop, crown order 3, LSC or may be reserve LSC1, China & SW Africa commemorative medal & Centenialmedal) The commemorative medals are looking like the non combatant version (steel) - no Iron cross. I cannot find him in my books. Can anybody help???? Which unit? I wonder why he does not wear the 1870/71 commemorative medal... And i need also information about Dr. Arthur Wolff (Rechtsanwalt - lawyer) in Berlin - born 1881 died 1930 I need to know, if he got the Komturkreuz of the Hausorden Albrechts des Bären in the year 1918 (Anhalt)
    8. some nice award documents out there. I have had some of them - but normally i do not collect "papers". There are a lot of versions esp. after Nov. 1918 made by Ämter, Abwicklungsstellen and Einheiten. Sometimes you can find "Kanitz" versions without "G.O.K." seal.
    9. Thanks for showing. At my pic: The 2 anchors - does they mean Obersteuermann, or is it a normal EM`s rank.
    10. Hi Uwe, A very nice piece. I have seen one on a bar a few years ago - and i did not buy it :(
    11. Top Andy danke. I like those early Weimar pics.
    12. Hello imperialists ? I got a photocard of a Weimar guy on it. It has no date and wasn`t written. I believe it is an Obersteuermann (in english: helmsman?) with his two anchors on the shoulderboards. Now my question - why does he have collar mirrors ? Is it a mixed uniform - early, or was it normal? Thanks ! zähringer 38.tif
    13. A very good page. I like it and it helped me a few times to ID some kind of uniforms and other things.? If you want, you can add the pic of my shown Freikorps guy to your page. In this time it has been in my collection. I sold it later, because i am not a Freikorps collector`s guy.
    14. http://antique-photos.com/en/awardsdatabase/weimarawards.html
    15. Could it be an early Reichswehr uniform? He definitely wears the IC & Anhalt Friedrichskreuz for combatants. The two stripes = Infanterie Lehrregiment (?) Freiwillige, are you the guy of that cool photo hp. with all those uniform pics?
    16. Yes, it seems so! Thanks for your help, Uwe
    17. Wooow. Thats cool. Seems that we have him. He´s also on Wikipedia.?
    18. Bars with Sicherheitsdienstauszeichung are definitely rare. I am still looking for one with IC non combatant. Nice pic - i like those nurse pics. They are definitely not so easy to find. A little mystery: Who am I ? Which ribbon do I wear? I know decorations (turkish war medal... ) which does have those Kleeblatt mark with J H W in it.
    19. Hi to all! Here we have a pic of a 1914/18 veteran. He wears a NS-badge with swastika to his non combatant bar. Does anybody know which kind of badge it is? THANKS. zähringer 30.tif
    20. Hi to all photo freaks: Here i show you one of my photos. It was taken in Belgium in 1915. The guys had a group breakfirst (so i can read it on the backside) - the guy in the middle is a Geheimrat with a IC non combatant in his buttonhole. (1915 is really early for that ribbon!) I cannot read his name. who can help? Thanks. zähringer 37.tif
    21. I am not the biggest fan of ribbon bars - but ccj you have definitely some very nice ones in your collection. Can i have a good pic of the württemberg ones?
    22. Hi again, Here i have a new pic for my collection. The photo was taken in Dresden /Saxony in 1921. The guy wears a ribbon bar with -i mean- Friedrich August medal saxony, prussian IC, and saxon general honour badge. Also the IC 1st class. Is it a Reichswehr guy or a early saxon policeofficer? Thanks for help. zähringer 20.tif
    23. There arealso a lot of HOH X freak pics in the Landesarchiv Stuttgart "M 707 or M 708" Mostly reactivated veterans of WW1
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