Hi thanks.
He is a german officer in türkischen Diensten. Dort erhielt er i.d.R. eine Rang höher. Also z.B. preussischer Major = osmanischer Oberstleutnant.
The photo studio is PHoto Baum Dresden
He did not write his name.- the card was written to a Hauptmann a.D. Baum in Chemnitz in 1923
Who is it? In my opinion a saxon Major or Lt. Col. - the photo was taken in Dresden. He wears the
-Militär St. Heinrich Ritter (Mil. St. Henry knight)
-Verdienstorden (merit order)
-Albrecht Ritter 1 mit X (Albrecht 1 with X)
- IC 2nd class
- MVO 4 (X) mit Krone (bav. MMO 4 (X) with Crown)
-Braunschweig Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse am Kämpferband (Brunswick war merit cross 2nd class for comb.)
- IC 1st class an wound badge silver grade
Thanks for helping again. (the pic is from my collection)
Ragg, Hermann (later Werkmeister) geb. 9.1.1896
wohnhaft: Tuttlingen, Liptingerstr. 94
GMVM als Uffz. R.I.R. 120 12.1.1917
Trumpp and Jakob: No members of the OGM.
And what about him? Some kind of Klempnerladen on his frack. It is god`s Büttel.
One of my favourite´s photos. Much better than the shown one at Ebay.
He had also the IC on non-combatant ribbon.
And that one. Meet Excellenz Faulhaber. These cards were given to german prisoners which were interniert in Switzerland.
He said this famous words: "Ihr wart bereit für das Vaterland zu sterben - nun seid bereit für das Vaterland zu leben..."
Faulhaber was one of the few recipients of the bavarian MVO (breast star) with ribbon for war merit.
I also collect photos of priest, Feldpater, Feldpröbste, Kriegspfarrer.
There are a lot of different pieces you can collect. Personally i like the hallmarked or mm pieces most.
Pieces with screw are very hard to find. imo the rarest version is the version of JHW with "935" and Kleeblatt mark or a M. Hansen with screwback. I have only seen 2 in the last years.
Sometimes you can find pieces at emedals.ca
Imo also the box is a modern fake. it is made of old style to look more authentic.
But wait for other opinions.
There are a lot of fakes of the TWM out there. it is really a minefield.
Be careful. If i were you i would look around to find a period BB&Co piece. It is the most common version.
yes also bad items. all shown pieces are thrash.
if you want to get a good piece, have a look about a BB Co. piece.
They are not so overprised and easier to find.
A good period JH Werner to find is very hard. They are also very expensive. 500 - 1000 bucks.
have a look at Liverpool medals.com (for example). He has a BB& Co piece for a normal price.
Here is my medal, marked with "E.S.". But I don't know, by whom it is stamped, the maker or the seller.
In my opinion the only company which makes sense is Eugen Schmidhäussler, Pforzheim (E.S.) now Henecka.
Schmidhäussler was founded in the 1890s.
As Lüdenscheid Pforzheim was a big capital for jewellery, medals and orders in Germany. (also B.H. Mayer´s ....)
The marked bars are looking strange.
What i especially like is the bar on #2 on the left with the ottoman ones.
If he would sell it in future, i would be interested in
Thanks for the entry in the list.
The 2nd one is that piece of Eb...
So in 1899/1900 he was 65 years old. May be my pic was taken to his Pensionierung (retired)
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