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    Everything posted by ixhs

    1. Thanks Paul for watching. Yes a nice piece. I haven `t had a piece with an austrian RKM on it
    2. One year ago - some other things came in and a few went out. This is the last one i got. I like the bar especially the austrian one on it. Unfortunately no name. May be some kind of medic or higher official.
    3. Piobtl 13 Württemberg Ulm Ganz klar. I think its a silvered bravery medal.
    4. Des Schdurgardr Deng daugt nex. Good piece made in Benztown.
    5. Interesting. How was his name? I seems that the medal was made of unedles Metall because it has the * mark.
    6. Thanks Jim, and thank you for your help. The GMMM is a 333 marked one. The silesian eagle is the official version made of blackened iron. One of the hooks of the WH Spange is missing; the rest is OK
    7. ..and here we have the bar. Oberst (Generalmaj.) Walter Drück born: 26.4.1900 in Cannstatt (Stuttgart) died: 16.10.1970 in a car accident (he lived in the border region of Württemberg/Bayern in the near of Heidenheim) He got the silesian eagle for fighting in the east in 1919. The SMMM had to return as he got the golden one. He also was the youngest Kriegsfreiwilliger of his bataillon in the age of 15 years. He married Pauline Theodora von Mühlen in Finca Chulac (Guatemala) in 1923. I think he got his military merit medal for fighting in Verdun.http://en.ww2awards.com/person/3729 my best item of 2016. I bought it on 31st of december.
    8. Hi - i need help: Is that shown piece a good genuine one, or is it a fake? Sorry, i have no better pic of the clasp. I think it is a 1st Form. Thanks for help!
    9. the company / name does still exist till today.
    10. There are a lot of types out there. I have had 5 different in the last few years. Between 1914-18 13.000 were awarded. HOw many were awarded till the 1920s - nobody knows the correct numbers.
    11. A standard bar of the 1920s
    12. A few years ago all the medals were hanging on that bar. So it seems that Weitze decided to sell them separate. 1. - Braunschweig KVK Nichtkämpferband 2. - Braunschweig Militärdienstauszeichnung (if my mind don`t error me) 3. - Bayern Zivilverdienstmedaille I think he was an higher official of the Herzogtum Braunschweig. May be someone of the Ratsklasse.
    13. Da kannst Du ans BB die 3.klasse bis zur 1. mit Krone hinhängen. Am plausibelsten dürfte die 2.Klasse gewesen sein. Eventl. auch ein MVO4X - an den blauen würde ich TD EZ25 und 40 hinhängen.
    14. Yes, and i will buy it ... (little joke - i don`t collect Oldenburg...)
    15. Sollte ein Schützenkönig oder eine aus dem möglicherweise Kriegervereinswesen gewesen sein
    16. There were a few thousands of Katholische/luth. Feldpfarrer, Feldhilfsgeistlicher, Feldpater and some Divisionspfarrer, Regimentspfarrer, and Feldpröpste and some of the Feldrabbiner Jews like Dr. Aron Tänzer A famous luth. priest was Rupert Mayer http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2Fthumb%2F9%2F9b%2FB%C3%BCrgersaal_Eisernes_Kreuz_Rupert_Mayer.jpg%2F220px-B%C3%BCrgersaal_Eisernes_Kreuz_Rupert_Mayer.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fde.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FRupert_Mayer&h=161&w=220&tbnid=Of7qqG46zzRzWM%3A&docid=oc6VhfLH1vcReM&ei=N5QbWJ71FILxUu78lbgP&tbm=isch&client=firefox-b-ab&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=276&page=0&start=0&ndsp=32&ved=0ahUKEwje7OWSrY3QAhWCuBQKHW5-BfcQMwhAKB4wHg&bih=732&biw=1536 I am collecting photos of those guys.
    17. I know where all those bars a coming from - a big dealer in Northern America. In my opinion they have some good stuff but also a lot of very damn thrash also in the imperial session. A lot of pieces were bought in Germany in different auctions or at some dealers.
    18. I dont know, if the Oldenburg VK is a good piece. The rest looks good. But i would not pay that priece for it.
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