Hey Vincent,
I was indeed in the defence mode! ;-)
I agree fully about your point of it being a odd combination of bars.
Without knowing the exact order by heart I automatiquly had the feeling it was wrong, when I saw it the first time. Wrong in a way of wrong to the regulations, not in a order to fool anyone.
I bet it was the two purple ribbons who flashed thise "alarm"...
But thise is how I found it and thise is how it will stay.
I see what you ment about your comment on the major's level. Well I can't comment thise, I didn't know the man.
But like I said in my previous message, thise could have had so many reason's AND also the one you did mention. I payed like, let's say; just the price of the buttons of both garb's, that makes me pretty confident it must have been a other reason.....