Porbably it is still in the post. Things have slowed again, recently. Based on my years of experience with Herr Weitze & Co., I would relax. They are not out to screw anyone. I currently have a piece in my posession I paid over $400 for, that turned out to be (partially) fake. Weitze's man apologized, said to send it back, and he immediately credited my account... I still haven't sent the piece back - there has been no time. In the meantime, I used the credit! This sort of thing has happened before (but rarely). Trust is absolute, both ways. You might be imagining troubles where there are none? They are good people over there. The issues will be straightened out. Unless you have already taken a threatining tone with them... over a $65 tinnie... that would rankle... You know how Germans can react to threats... Like Americans do, right?