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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. I have a picture somewhere of a Major DL in a Baden artillery battery-with this combination of awards (except for the KVK-which was likely for home service). Nice group!
    2. There is also a 14th Maine Volunteer Infantry website-but John Spear is not listed thereupon. Try forum #1-they seem to really know their stuff.
    3. also here: http://www.rootsweb.com/~megardin/wgardiner.html
    4. Try here, these guys know everything! http://www.cwoodcock.com/forum/db_TalkToMe...oard&page=1
    5. really interesting thread this- I have 2 questions: 1. Did all the medals have a bar of some sort and 2. isn't the bust on the obverse that of the King?
    6. Vatican awards were and are registered in the monthly Vatican Epistle. The trick is finding a complete bound set back to 1900. We had a thread on this about @ 1 year ago.
    7. wow! Kunsho, may I have a xerox of that book? I'll gladly pay you. PaulR-may we see the Guards' badge please?
    8. I believe that cap badge is Spanish-American war era- and much rarer. That bayonet/sword is a treasure! It looks a lot like an abridged version of the French artillery NCO sword.
    9. actually the bar was almost certainly a "fleet" one, as the rest of the bar (e.g. the WW2 version) included a stray navy long service medal ribbon in second place (after the purple heart). US vets do not seem to have bought a lot of their association medals, so I am quite chuffed: it's a 1920s bar for certain.
    10. This little upside down treasure came from an eBay auction-by the fuzzy pic I thought it was a New York WW1 medal-but it is not. It's a perfect example of a plasticated US WW2 ribbon bar-and it came with several others showing WW@ service. I am very pleased-it's my first one, now if I can just find the medal to go with it.
    11. Stijn: May I have a copy of that article? CAn I get back copies of the BDOS journal? Thanks, Ulster
    12. That was quite a clue Rick. I think I have his photo-still too much for my bank account.
    13. see here: http://www.geocities.com/athens/4795/Cuba.htm It is issued by the CDR-for defense of the revolution. It seems to be awarded quite frequently to foreign allies, but also to a number of Cubans for civil defense, propoganda and international efforts.
    14. There are a number of books on the subject-my favorite being the latest Flashman book, and Featherstones' Victorian Colonial Wafare-Africa, which has the ILN summary of the Ethiopian war within. People don't seem to collect them as much-like the Ashanti medal, because there was almost no combat. Flashman said the whole incident was caused by lazy Foreign Office bureaucrats,.
    15. Welcome Ardm: Interesting attachment. Did you see the Volunteers jacket found in 2001 in a chimney?
    16. Wow-very unusual. Pre 1897-an 1866 MVM (the key I suspect)-NO 1870 medal and a Hohenzollern "crush the peasants" medal.. and no Danish war medal... Obviously a Hauptman or above-but what a career.
    17. Thank God this was saved. This is very good news. I'll offer my service as assistant should you reqire them. Well done-and thank you to the historian and family members who helped save the legacy.
    18. Nice Meck-schwer. 1870 group. whats' the medal at the back next to the navy photo?
    19. Mr. Murphy: Perchance could you list the 88 original numbered medals? Do you have names for the other officially named Tan war medals at all? Lastly, I have always wondered what exactly one did to receive a noncom IRA medal? Can you give us any ideas? Ta,
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