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    Everything posted by Deruelle

    1. Hi, Rick tells me to put this picture here. Take a look at this helmet of Oberst Horst von Wolff. This is not my speciality so I appreciate your comments Regards Christophe
    2. Hi, A very nice original medal. Do you have the ribbon to go with this medal ? Christophe
    3. Les lauriers n'?taient pas d?cern?s comme grade plus ?l?v?. Le Grand Duc a amend? cet ordre le 21 octobre 1918 afin de r?compenser les r?cipiendaires de l'ordre Pour le M?rite, m?me si il n'est fait mention nulle part. Friedhelm Beyreiss, Der Hausorden und die Tragbaren Ehrenzeichen des Grossherzogtums Oldenburg 1813-1918, Norderstedt, Verlag Patzwall, 1997, 136 p. : isbn :3-931533-31-X Un exemplaire de ce livre se trouve sur le site de Helmut Weitze. Cordialement Christophe
    4. Salut, Superbe croix. Maintenant, l'?tape suivante est la croix de chevalier Charles Fr?d?ric de Bade. Superbe achat. Cordialement Christophe
    5. Hello, salut, Dans le livre de Beyreiss, 8 officiers ont re?u des lauriers ? leur d?coration. Seules deux croix de grand croix ont ?t? d?cern?es. l'une ? Hindenburg, mais avec la couronne en or, et l'autre ? Ludendorff. Tous les deux ont re?u cette d?coration leu 29 octobre 1918. Cordialement Christophe
    6. Hi everybody, Here are two ribbon bars with LH4X in two different grade. Have a look ! Regards Christophe
    7. Hi, For info, the ribbon of Saxe Coburg Wedding 1905 OEK 2674 and Band 559 look like this one. Regards Christophe
    8. Hi, Saxe or Bade ? Difficult choice. For me the most important thing to do after you made your decision about which States you will collect, you have to buy books before buying medals. The knowledge is the power. Only after reading hours and hours you can decide if you collect officers medals or nco and private medals. Like Rick said before have a look in the librarian thread and have a look about all books you may have to buy. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=688&...st&p=141542 Regards Christophe
    9. I give to my wife all my Saxon collection. She bought some ribbon bars and some photos. She collect only Saxon items. When she has the time she buy some ribbon bars for me Now I will see what happened to my son. Like he has only 10 months it is too earlier to speak collection with him Regards Christophe
    10. Hi everybody, For the wedding birthday, I bought to my wife two nice photos of Saxon officer. I have id him as Major Severin Schroeder. Before the war he was in the I.R. Nr. 103 Very nice photo with Saxon medals and Z?hringen order. Christophe
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