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    augustin1813 last won the day on November 25 2023

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      Orders and medals of the napoleonic wars.

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    1. Hello! I knew a token of a Waterloo medal without attribution nor attachment. It belonged to a family whose ancestor had fought in the battle.
    2. This medal is attributed to able seaman William Alfred Tutt, born in Sydenham on september 3 1905.
    3. Sorry, I am wrong. It seems it is Royal Fleet Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal.
    4. Hello! Who can help me with this medal? (I know the ribbon is not the good one).
    5. Thank you for this information.
    6. Hello Igor, Where is it possible to order this book? I am loockingfor the ma who received the cross n° 2476. Can you help me? Thank you. Hello Igor, Where is it possible to order this book? I am loockingfor the ma who received the cross n° 2476. Can you help me? Thank you. 3
    7. Hello, The coat of arms seems fanciful. There are not at all in the style of the imperial coat of arms...
    8. Hello! It is a classic model of the third type, hallmarked with "faisceau de licteur".
    9. Hello, To compare, here is mine for Lieut. Paul Ruffo (prince Castelcicala). 6th (or Inniskilling) regimentof dragoons.
    10. I have never seen this type ojf signature from Lemaître. J. L. Guitera says that, from 1844 - 1845, Lemaître useda metalic label attached to the back of the star. (J. L. Guitera: Les marques de fabricants sur les plaques d'ordres de chevalerie en métal fabriquées à Paris de 1815 à 1870).
    11. " At this time, it was customary to make several copies of the same portrait. I have in my collection a portrait of general beaumont d'Autichamp which I know exists in at least two other copies! "
    12. At this time, it was customary to make several copies of the same portrait. I have in my collection a portrait of general Beaumont d'Autichamp which I know exists in ay least two other copies!
    13. This is Anthony Hoynck van Papendrecht See https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Hoynck_van_Papendrecht_(1762-1837)
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