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    Everything posted by speedytop

    1. Hi, "...or is it a made up bar ." I think, that it is an arrangement, not real. The correct ranking from the left to the right is: 2 1 4 3 NVA Verdienstmedaille Verdienstmedaille der Kampfgruppen der Arbeiterklasse Medaille der Waffenbr?derschaft Medaille f?r ausgezeichnete Leistungen in den bewaffneten Organen des Ministeriums des Innern Regards Uwe
    2. Second the tobacco pouch, a present Christmas 1915:
    3. Hi, here are my favorites. Both are from the 5. Army, Kronprinz Wilhelm At first the pipe, a present Christmas (Weihnachten) 1914:
    4. Hi Alex, no, there is only the document . The decoration is rare, but the document is even rarer . Regards Uwe
    5. Hi Alex, it is a male/female award, founded by King Ludwig II, 12. May 1871, awarded by the ministry of the interior. Enclosed is an award document for the practical doctor Dr. Wilhelm Miehr in Augsburg: Regards Uwe
    6. For example: Blue mark: how many awards per year Red mark: what you receive (medal, document, pin etc.), and how much money comes with the award. Regards Uwe
    7. Gesetzblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Sonderdruck Nr. 952 Staatsverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1978 80 pages With many interesting information about DDR awards!!
    8. Hi, it is difficult to explain here. In German we say: "Im Prinzip ja, aber..." (In principle yes, but...) 4 awards in a row is correct. Only 4 awards in one row, the highest, and not more than 4, is for the "Gro?er Gesellschaftsanzug"", the uniform with the aiguillette. For the parade are allowed 8 awards in two rows, original awards. As "Interimsspange" you can wear more, but only 4 in a row, maximal 4 rows. And now, but... The "Minister der Nationalen Verteidigung" can allow some more Here you can see the VVO (Gold) on top, and 12 awards in two rows. It is a Generalleutnant, commander of an officers school. In my collection are 4 bars of this General, only 4 awards in a row, the awarded originals! Regards Uwe
    9. Hi, 1952 - 1972 Amt f?r Wasserwirtschaft 1972 - 1990 Ministerium f?r Umweltschutz und Wasserwirtschaft (MfUW), Ministry of environment protection and water economy Source: "So funktionierte die DDR" Rowohlt, 1994, Paperback Band 1 Lexikon der Organisationen und Institutionen A - L, 608 pages Band 2 Lexikon der Organisationen und Institutionen M - Z, 650 pages Band 3 Lexikon der Funktion?re, 416 pages Regards Uwe
    10. Orden und Ehrenzeichen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Historisches Museum Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, 1964 64 pages Regards Uwe
    11. Hi Gordon, there are some more! Taschenkalender der Kasernierten Volkspolizei 1956 Verlag des Ministeriums des Innern (1955) 256 pages Regards Uwe
    12. Hi, Gordon posted the NVA Kalender 1990. The first I have in my collection is the "Taschenkalender NVA 1958" I hope, it is the first (NVA). The oldest DDR-Kalender in my collection is a "Taschenkalender Kasernierte Volkspolizei 1956" KVP. Taschenkalender der Nationalen Volksarmee 1958 Verlag des Ministeriums f?r Nationale Verteidigung, (1957) 216 pages Regards Uwe
    13. Hi Jon, I have looked for different pages in the different editions. In the 2. edition they added some decorations, e.g. "Milit?rischer Verdienstorden/Milit?rische Verdienstmedaille" Left: 1. edition Right: 2. edition Regards Uwe
    14. Hi, "What indicates when they were built?" Since 1968 the letter: 1968-K 1969-Z 1970-M 1971-X 1972-B 1973-L 1974-O 1975-S 1976-R 1977-A 1978-U 1979-F 1980-E 1981-G 1982-I (J) 1983-C 1984-H 1985-T 1986-P 1987-L 1988-Y 1989-N 1990-D I hope, it is the correct listing. D = 1990 Regards Uwe PS 13:51: Thank you Jon, the list is corrected
    15. Hi Jon, both books: Orden, Preise und Medaillen, 1. edition 1980 and Orden und Medaillen, 2. edition 1983 (2. verbesserte und erg?nzte Auflage), I found only some changes have 200 pages. Regards Uwe
    16. Hi Artur, it is a badge from Austria: 1. Bundesturnfest des Deutschen Turnerbundes in Linz a.d.D. 1922 Please see here: http://www.tv-liesing.at/geschichte/1919.htm http://www.sammlerecke.at/tagungsabzeichen...nerbundabz.html And a translator German Polish (Deutsch - Polnisch): http://de.gts-translation.com/freetranslation.asp Regards Uwe
    17. Hi, it is very hard to explain it in English It is a badge of an old German Artiste's association, founded in Hamburg, with several sections in Germany and, later, in Switzerland: Artisten-Verein Sicher wie Jold. S.w.J. later in Switzerland: Internationaler Artisten- und Musiker-Verband Sicher wie Jold. "Sicher wie Jold" was a saying which served in the confirmation of an action, like "Everything is okay". Time frame for this badge 1893 - 1934. Regards Uwe I beg your pardon for my bad English
    18. Kevin in Deva for your information, the 6. edition 2006 is in colour, and some more badges were illustrated. Regards Uwe
    19. And that is a part of the "Anlage", nearly 100 pictures of the allowed (and changed in the design) orders and decorations: Only these documented peaces in the "Anlage" are original 57 versions Regards Uwe
    20. Hi, "Nimmergut/Feder/von der Heyde, Deutsche Orden und Ehrenzeichen" is not the correct source, but the answer from Mark is correct. The (only) correct source is (I'm sorry, it is only a bad copy):
    21. Grenztruppen der DDR, Orden, Preise, Ehrentitel, Medaillen, Abzeichen Milit?rverlag der DDR (VEB) Berlin, 1. Edition 1982 Envelope with 22 cards With 1 example: Regards Uwe
    22. Hi Nick, these pins are from the Verband Deutscher Soldaten VDS a post WWII organization of veterans Please look here for examples: http://www.german-militaria.de/katalog/d940016_3.htm Regards Uwe
    23. Nationale Volksarmee, Ehrentitel, Orden, Medaillen, Preise, Abzeichen Milit?rverlag der DDR (VEB) Berlin, 1. Edition 1980 Envelope with 22 cards With 1 example: Regards Uwe
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