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    Everything posted by Deutschritter

    1. Promotions (I hope, I got them right): Sekondeleutnant (2nd Lieutenant) on 24 August 1893 ... à la suite of the Großherzoglich Mecklenburgisches Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 89 Oberst (colonel) on 9 April 1901 (the ranks in between were skipped) ... à la suite of the Garde-Kürassier-Regiment in Berlin Generalmajor on 1 January 1904 Generalleutnant (Lieutenant General) on 27 January 1907 General der Kavallerie on 13 September 1911 ... à la suite of the Garde-Kürassier-Regiment in Berlin and the I. See-Bataillon (Kaiserliche Marine) in Kiel
    2. Thanks, Gentlemen! Künker writes him Rothard (https://www.kuenker.de/de/archiv/stueck/239891), now I know it is Rothardt. Too bad, no source can produce a death date. 16 September 1885 Sekondeleutnant (2nd Lieutenant) 14 September 1892 Premierleutnant (1st Lieutenant) 27 January 1900 Hauptmann (Captain) 27 January 1908 Major 22 April 1914 Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant Colonel) 27 January 1917 Oberst (Colonel) 30 September 1919 Charakter als Generalmajor Prussian Centenary Medal 1897 (Zentenarmedaille) Red Eagle Order (Roter Adlerorden), 4th Class Prussian Long Service Cross (Dienstauszeichnungskreuz), 1909 Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class Brunswick War Merit Cross, 2nd Class (BrKr2/BrK2) Hessian Bravery Medal (Hessische Tapferkeitsmedaille; HT) Mecklenburg-Schwerin Military Merit Cross (Großherzoglich Mecklenburgisches Militärverdienstkreuz), 2nd Class (MMV2/MK2) Hamburg Hanseatic Cross (Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz; HH) Military Merit Cross (Austria-Hungary), 3rd Class with the War Decoration (ÖM3K) Prussian Order of the Crown, 2nd Class with Swords in March 1917 Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer There is also a Rothardt, Ernst, Generalmajor ... does anyone know anything about him? Therefore my question: Was his first name maybe Ernst, not Erich? Source: https://archivdatenbank.gsta.spk-berlin.de/midosasearch-gsta/MidosaSEARCH/iv_ha_rep_7/index.htm?kid=GStA_iv_ha_rep_7_8_18
    3. Gentlemen, does anyone have a complete list of the Grand Duke's decorations for WWI? Wikip. has EK 2 and 1, and I can see MMV 2 and 1 ... what am I missing? Thank you! I am also looking for promotion dates, any help would be great. Maybe Leutnant as a child, as often seen by the children of Hoher Adel?
    4. I was thinking the same, the face scar is almost too "pretty", and he was a member of the Guestphalia Marburg Corps (pflichtschlagend).
    5. Good evening, Gentlemen. Maybe you can help with a short question. The Generalfeldmarschall had three children: Bernd Walter Achim, Gerd Bernhard Alfred and Heilwig Elisabeth Charlotte (married Mayer?). Bernd, originally with the 3. (Preußisches) Reiter-Regiment, who would become Oberst of the Luftwaffe, is quite known, but I cannot find out anything on Gerd (b. 30 May 1914) after 1936/37, where Gotha has him as Fähnrich (Heer? Luftwaffe?). Do you know anything about him? Thanks! Picture: On his desk in Nuremberg, to the right a pictrue of his daughter and his son Gerd in Heer uniform.
    6. Thanks, Gentlemen! Sorry, I have no other pictures with medal bar.
    7. Thanks so much, Gentlemen, so the Führerlexikon got it wrong. These dates are just great!!! Sick in hospital? I wonder, if that was due to the head/face injury/wound. Adjutant of the regiment? May I ask to which regiment the Reserve-Jäger-Bataillon 13 was subordinated to? About the REK4 (I probably got that wrong) or 3: REK3 (or REK2?) would be the Offizierkreuz, I do wonder if a Leutnant der Reserve would receive that grade? Please let me know. Italian Order of the Crown, Grand Officer Cross? That would make sense, I have for a while now wondered what the star decoration (2nd picture, also apparently something around the neck) is, I think, this could be it! Once again, thanks everyone!
    8. Gentlemen, I read, that Dr. jur. Otto Georg Thierack, later Reich Minister of Justice, fought in the Reserve-Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 18. Does anyone have any exact dates and units? He was either hurt or wounded severly (face, head), when I look at pictures, it seems he has a glass left eye. Führerlexikon has him with these decorations (but no VWA): Iron Cross (1914), 2nd Class Reussian Cross of Honor with Swords (REK4⚔) Saxon Albert Order (Albrechts-Orden), Knight 2nd Class (SA3b⚔) Anything else? He supposedly was also Hauptmann d. R. of the Wehrmacht. Thanks!
    9. Is that the VWA in Mattweiß or Gold? Am I seeing that right: Eiserner Halbmond? Thanks!
    10. Yes, that was Hans-Christof, his son with his second wife Gertrud Könitzer. He had two sons with his first wife Anneliese Honrichs (1889–1961), whom he divorced on 21 September 1937: Hans(-)Curt Carl (b. 23 July 1911 in Pieverstorf, Mecklenburg; d. 25 November 1999), Major of the Luftwaffe, fighter pilot with Stab/JG 132, JG 2,, II./JG 54, Staffelkapitän of 7./JG 5 and Schnellkampfgeschwader 10 Hans(-)Wilhelm Otto (b. 21 February 1913 in Spandau), ⚔ as Rittmeister of the cavalry on 5 July 1942 in Schilowo
    11. Wonderful, thank you, Dave! New list: Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class ... EK II on 16 October 1914 ... EK I on 10 April 1916 Baden Order of the Zähringer Lion (Orden vom Zähringer Löwen), Knight's Cross 2nd Class (BZ3b⚔/BZL3b⚔) 9 March 1916 Lippe War Merit Cross (LK) on 14 March 1918 Friedrich Order, Knight 1st Class with Swords (WF3a⚔) on 17 September 1918 Bavarian Military Merit Order, 4th Class with Swords (BMV4⚔) on 27 September 1918 Wound Badge (Verwundetenabzeichen 1918) in Mattweiß (Silver) on 1 March 1919 Knight of Honour (Ehrenritter) of the Johanniter-Orden in 1923 (date source) Prussian Lifesaving Medal (Rettungsmedaille am Band) on 18 December 1929 Knight of Justice (Rechtsritter) of the Johanniter-Orden on 24 June 1933 Honour Cross of the World War 1914/1918 (1934) with Swords on 30 December 1934 Wehrmacht Long Service Award (Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung), 4th to 1st Class on 2 October 1936 Repetition Clasp 1939 to the Iron Cross 1914, 2nd and 1st Class Romanian Order of Michael the Brave (Militärorden „Michael der Tapfere“), 3rd Class on 19 September 1941 Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 14 May 1940 as Generalleutnant and commander of the 22. Infanterie-Division (Luftlande)
    12. Thank you, Dave ... once again, just excellent! Here ist the source to my question: https://www.awm.gov.au/collection/C94057
    13. Dave, I have a short question. I read, the Braunschweigisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz was only awarded to citizens of Braunschweig, but I have seen many Prussians and so on receive it. Was there ever such a regulation, and if yes, when was it revised? Thank you!
    14. He was found guilty of disobedience to a superior officer and given the death sentence. Adolf Hitler, on the proposal of Generaloberst Curt Haase (assistant prosecutor), commuted the sentence to six years in fortress imprisonment (Festungshaft) on 20 February 1942 (another source states 22 February). After the assassination attempt on Hitler on 20 July 1944, von Sponeck, like so many officers of nobility, was suspected of complicity and conspiracy, without evidence, not even circumstantial. On 23 July 1944, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler gave the order, without another trial, that von Sponeck was to be shot immediately by 7:00 a.m.
    15. Gentlemen, ths is what I have on Hans Emil Otto Graf von Sponeck, any additions or corrections would be great. I cannot find anything about his service in 1919. Does anyoune know, if he was in a Freikorps? 19.3.1908 Leutnant (2nd Lieutenant) without Patent (ernannt) ... shortly afterwards received a Patent from 19 Juni 1908 25.2.1915 Oberleutnant (1st Lieutenant) 16.9.1917 Hauptmann (Captain) 1928 Major with rank seniority (RDA) from 1.2.1928 1.10.1932 Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant Colonel) 1.10.1934 Oberst (Colonel) 10.2.1938 Generalmajor without rank seniority (RDA) ... 28.2.1938 received RDA from 1.3.1938 1.2.1940 Generalleutnant Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class Lippe War Merit Cross (LK) Bavarian Military Merit Order, 4th Class with Swords (BMV4⚔) Baden Order of the Zähringer Lion (Orden vom Zähringer Löwen), Knight's Cross 2nd Class (BZ3b⚔/BZL3b⚔) Friedrich Order, Knight 1st Class with Swords (WF3a⚔) Wound Badge (Verwundetenabzeichen 1918) in Mattweiß (Silver) Knight of Honour (Ehrenritter) of the Johanniter-Orden in 1923 Prussian Lifesaving Medal (Rettungsmedaille am Band) Knight of Justice (Rechtsritter) of the Johanniter-Orden in 1931 Honour Cross of the World War 1914/1918 (1934) with Swords Wehrmacht Long Service Award (Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung), 4th to 1st Class on 2 October 1936 Repetition Clasp 1939 to the Iron Cross 1914, 2nd and 1st Class Romanian Order of Michael the Brave (Militärorden „Michael der Tapfere“), 3rd Class on 19 September 1941 Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 14 May 1940 as Generalleutnant and commander of the 22. Infanterie-Division (Luftlande) Hans-Graf-Sponeck-Straße in Germersheim Graf-Sponeck-Straße in Bremen (Neue Vahr-Süd) on 3 June 1958 General-Hans-Graf-von-Sponeck-Kaserne (III. Bataillon/Luftwaffenausbildungsregiment 4) of the Bundeswehr in Germersheim on 1 March 1966
    16. Thank you, Dave! Adding Wound Badge for his wounds from 1 November 1914 and 1 February 1918.
    17. Maybe this picture is a bit better? Could the far-right ribbon be a NSDAP Long Service Award? For some reason he is listed in the "Personenbezogene Unterlagen der SS und SA" (R 9361-III/568195) in Berlin-Lichterfelde. Maybe he has the Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen (2nd from right)? He served at the Westwall shortly before the Norway Campaign. Dave Danner confirmed OM3K (second ribbon).
    18. Gentlemen, can anyone help me identify the ribbon bar of Walter Klein (1890/1891--1941)? Leutnant (der Reserve) in WWI. Ergänzungsoffizier 1935? 1938 Major. RK for Operation Weserübung. Thanks!!!
    19. That was a first for me too. But Göring did what ever he wanted to. 😉
    20. Maybe one of you Gentlemen can help with information, when and why Otto Edwin von Stülpnagel received the Flieger-Erinnerungsabzeichen? Thanks!
    21. Here are a few more pictures, even one with the Reichswehr as Oberst, showing he had the Erinnerungsabzeichen in the 1920s. Many things are strange sometimes, maybe you aviation guys can help out. Here a nice example (Flugsport Heft 13/1936): Otto Edwin von Stülpnagel visited on 13 and 14 June 1936 the "pre-war aviation annual meeting in Munich" (Vorkriegsflieger-Jahrestreffen München 1936) and brought greetings from the Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe, Generaloberst Hermann Göring. Reichsluftsportführer Colonel Alfred Mahncke remembered the achievements of our pre-war pilots and presented the honorary cups (Ehrenbecher) to the pre-war pilots present. He himself was presented the Ehrenbecher für den Sieger im Luftkampf by Major a. D. Carl Braun. I have never heard of this, but it apparently happened.
    22. Gentlemen, this is what I have for Edwin Ottomar von Stülpnagel (1876–1933), any additions or corrections are welcome: 10.6.1893 Fahnenjunker 27.1.1894 Portepeefähnrich 18.10.1894 Sekondeleutnant 22.5.1904 Oberleutnant 18.10.1907 Hauptmann 22.4.1914 Major 30.11.1920 Oberstleutnant 1.1.1922 Oberst 1.10.1926 Generalmajor 1.11.1928 Generalleutnant 10.10.1931 Charakter als General der Infanterie Prussian Centenary Medal 1897 (Zentenarmedaille) Order of the Crown of Italy, Knight's Cross (JK5) Military Merit Order (Bavaria), 4th Class (BMV4/BM4) Prussian Order of the Crown (Preußischer Kronenorden), 4th Class (PK4) Red Eagle Order (Roter Adlerorden), 4th Class (PRAO4/PrA4) Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class Hessian Bravery Medal (Hessische Tapferkeitsmedaille; HT) Mecklenburg-Schwerin Military Merit Cross (Großherzoglich Mecklenburg-Schwerinsches Militärverdienstkreuz), 1st Class (MMV1/MK1) Military Merit Cross (Austria-Hungary), 3rd Class with the War Decoration (ÖM3K) Military Merit Order (Bavaria), 3rd Class with Swords and the Crwn (BMV3⚔mKr/BM3⚔mKr) Military Merit Order (Württemberg), Knight's Cross (WMV3/WM3) House Order of Hohenzollern, Knight's Cross with Swords (HOH3⚔) Pour le Mérite on 4 August 1918 Prussian Long Service Cross for 25 years (Königlich Preußisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz)
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