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    Everything posted by chechaco1

    1. I don't think there is a place for politics here. In this case, by dogs, I mean dogs. And as for the public figures of power in all imperialist bourgeois states, they are all actors-clowns who play the role of rulers for the people, although oligarchs-monopolists rule.
    2. https://ru-wikipedia-org.turbopages.org/ru.wikipedia.org/s/wiki/Освоение_целины
    3. One thing I don't understand is how all this stuff can be interesting, in the Russian Federation even dogs are embarrassed to wear it on themselves.
    4. "Elementary, Watson." The number 327*** was awarded after the number 302***. The award for seniority was made until December 1956. Number 302* * * was awarded in January 1957. Continue further, or can you guess?
    5. This is not a superannuation. 302*** has already been awarded under the Decree of 11.01.1957 for virgin land
    6. https://meshok.net/?opt=3&related=знак+Заслуженный+работник+НКВД+3029 https://meshok.net/item/208718452_НКВД_новодел_3029
    7. "Seeheld" and Mr. Krause - to my shame, I do not even know where it is, who it is, in what place to be interested. I believed that the issue of the number of awards given out is one of the top priorities when discussing awards, along with the metal, types, order of presentation and completion, etc.on any websites of any country. Unfortunately, this issue has never been considered in the domestic forums known to me.
    8. I came across another cannon cross, but also without an inscription and with a ring not related to my family
    9. At the initial introduction of the badge (order of the RVS of the USSR of January 6, 1925 No. 6), it was only copper (brass). Then, by order of the RVS of the USSR of February 21, 1925, No. 206, a detailed description of the waist belt and badge was announced. At the same time, it was said that the plaques for the RKKF floating parts are yellow (polished), and for the other parts - white (silver-plated).Plaques for war, as a rule, have worn-off corners (octagon), a hook under the right hand, the anchor paws are small and strongly curved. But on the battlefields, I found even without worn-out corners with a hook under the left arm. The photos also confirm the presence of a certain number of badges with hooks under the left arm and without worn corners. Anchor legs *upper face " almost straight. Yours is the type of 60-80 years and later, most likely the 80's.
    10. there was a time in history when there were no books at all, and knowledge had to be obtained by ourselves, as in this case. And the number I roughly considered, broken down by the number of the Melenyur regiments, minus the dead, and with some allowance for the awards of other regiments and those involved in the war. But taking into account the fact that the award was hardly universal, since the cross is still for merit, and not for being in the army. The Prussian Iron Cross, an analogue of the Mecklenburg Cross, was not awarded to everyone. The 17th Artillery Brigade consisted of a regiment from Holstein and a regiment from the two great principalities of Mecklenburg. No. 34. Infantry brigade.  Mecklenburg Grenadier Regiment No. 89 (1668 people (in 1914), 204 killed in the Franco-Prussian War)  Mecklenburg Fuselian Regiment No. 90 (1694 people in 1870, 300 dead) 10/01/1867  Mecklenburgisches Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 14 (794 people in 1870, 66 dead) cavalry brigade:  1. Mecklenburgisches Dragon-Regiment Nr. 17 (655 people in 1870, 25 dead)  2. Mecklenburgisches Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 18 (634 in 1870, 27 dead) Mecklenburgisches Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 60 (four batteries of 200 people each). In total, through complex arithmetic calculations, we find out that 5650 soldiers from Mecklenburg survived. How many awards were there? Science does not know this, science is not yet aware of the situation. If absolutely everyone was awarded, then 5650 crosses of both classes. Well, if, by analogy with the Prussian Iron Cross of 1870, the German army received 47,600 crosses for one and a half million, this is every 30th. Well, then the crosses were made there. Divide 5650 by 30, and we get 188 Mecklenburg crosses of both classes with the date 1870. That is, they made no more than one cross, but hardly more than five and a half thousand. For example, the Mecklenburg-Strelitz crosses were awarded on the battle ribbon in total 269.
    11. sorry, the above link requires registration on aite. Is there any information on the circulation of models 1 and 2? I came across information about the presentation of awards of other lands in Prussian regiments, including awards of Mecklenburg, in the amount of one to three per regiment, mostly two. Data on individual regiment awards: Kaiser Alexander Garde-Grenadier-Regiment №1. Tsar Alexander Guards Grenadier Regiment No. 1. Franco-Prussian War of 1870/71: 9 EK-I, 263 EK-2, 70 Russian awards, 5 Saxon awards, 2 Mecklenburg, 1 Oldenburg
    12. I don't know, it goes through local auctions for $ 200, but it's too painful to replace the tablet interesting, it seems not that, and the dating is observed
    13. but the funny thing is that it was the cross shown at the beginning of the topic that was found in a river in the middle of Russia ))) if only he could talk!
    14. here is this cross on one of the Russian forums recorded in bullshit, but for some reason it does not seem so to me
    15. and, by the way, after looking at many sites on the Internet, I did not find a large number of good images of the Mecklenburg cross of 1870, and in total I found a little more than ten. so I don't even have the opportunity to compare the pictures.
    16. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/medals/made-victoria-cross.html?fbclid=IwAR13yLUFsTUDZ35X2UcrY8tbxhMk5519G-UnTgQTbC6RSDj2R1KfN98SdE8 Not about the Germans, but about the metal of awards and the metal of guns ))) But then it is easier to study the gun metal of more common awards than the Mecklenburg cross-the same medals of 1870-1871, the Italian medals for the First World War. And to break out pieces from such awards as the army crosses of 1813-1814 or this one-I personally feel sorry. And once, by the way, I decided to solder the ear to the Romanian cross for crossing the Danube in 1877, it's like an iron cross, and my cross melted. But before that, he gave the impression of being quite normal. So it was established later that they were also made of tin alloy. "But this is a completely different story" - as we say )
    17. Я вставляю текст на английском языке, но, по-видимому, встроенная настройка просмотра сайта позволяет конвертировать его обратно на русский язык перед отправкой. и я не могу перепроверить, потому что сайты автоматически переводятся. нет, края чистые.
    18. The sequence of wearing the awards of Hungary at Horthy, taking into account the Austro-Hungarian awards https://kituntetes.webnode.hu/kituntetesek/horthy-korszak/viselesi-sorrendek/ Order of precedence of orders and medals of the Austro-Hungarian Empire during the First World War https://ah.org.ua/poryadok-starshinstva-ordenov-i-medalej-avstro-vengerskoj-imperii-perioda-pervoj-mirovoj-vojny
    19. Dragoons по традиции носили вычурный шлем с гребнем (на передней части его был изображен двуглавый орел, обычно прикрытый серым суконным чехлом), синий мундир с воротником и обшлагами полковых цветов, синюю куртку с черным меховым воротником и красные галифе. Эта форма быстро ушла в прошлое. Вместо него был мундир гехтграу с петлицами, серыми нашивками на погонах и вариант пехотной фуражки без козырька, с синей буквой " Д " и номером полка. Гусары Австро-венгерских гусар носили яркие киверы и синие или синие долманы с желтыми шнурами. Штаны были красные, с "венгерским шнуром". В походе гусары носили серый покров на кивере. В 1915 году в гусарских полках была введена форма фельдграуского цвета. Через некоторое время на нем появились серые полосы с синей буквой " Н " и полковым номером. Уланы австро-венгерских улан носили шапки с квадратным верхом на польский манер с плюмажем из конского волоса. У кепки был цветной верх, который соответствовал цвету полки. Уланы ходили в синих мундирах (уланках) с курткой (меховыми уланками) светло-голубого цвета. Бриджи традиционно были красными, затем — фельдграу (более поздние изменения коснулись всей формы, за исключением воротника, который сохранил цвет отделки). Полный переход на серую форму был завершен. Все полковые отличия были устранены, за исключением синей буквы " У " и номера полка max_g480_c12_r2x3_pd20.webp следует отметить, что лихие кавалерийские атаки с обнаженными мечами с появлением пулеметов и колючей проволоки потеряли свое значение в общем ходе войны и кавалерия стала либо разведывательно-дозорной, либо " спускаться в пеший бой"
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