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    Everything posted by Motorhead

    1. Something new in my collection...This one came in together with one of the rare red/brown cases.Of course it;s not a special one for screwback EKs,but it looks like they where both together for ages.Anyway,I will show the case later in a seperate thread. Micha
    2. That's a good one-no doubts! Micha
    3. Hi Scott, is it possible that the two medals are not the awarded ones? When I look at the eylets they look like a normal wire loop. My 1866 nc cross has got that thing with the grooves(sorry,but I don't know to translate "Rillen?se") The same with the 1871 nc medal.So have we here typical "Spangenst?cke/pieces for the medalbar? Micha
    4. I'm posting this one for a friend as it is absolutely not my collecting field.And here's the question of all questions...is it good or bad? Micha
    5. The "Raritaetensammlerclub"is back with a new account at Ebay.... Micha http://search.ebay.de/_W0QQsassZcetra2003QQhtZ-1
    6. This is my 2nd FA cross-same reverse than my Godet EK1 with the hooks.The cross itself is very thick(silverplate soldered at the back).The only other one is in Uwe Bretzendorfers collection.......now I need a screwback! Micha
    7. They are,Mike....they are To tell the truth-the 2nd one arrived shortly after this one. I will show the pics later Micha
    8. Have a look here at this thread,I'm shure that will answer your question. Micha http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7907...riedrich+august
    9. This is your fault,Mike.........after watching all the wonderful pics of your collection I thought the time is right to look for something different.And here it is-a really nice Meybauer FA cross.The black paint is in really good condition,just the reverse is double stamped.I hope you don't mind that I've used an iron cross case to take the pictures!...........to be continiued! Micha
    10. And another one was at "Militaria.de". The strange thing is-the "L/13" variation of these EK is well known and can be traced back a very long time.But ask the "long time collectors"-I've had many discussions about the existence of "7" marked early Meybauer crosses.No one has ever seen one.And this is why I asked for a big,clear shot of the "7".As we can find the "L/13"stamp,we should be able to find out if these marking was done with the same tool than Meybauer has used at crosses with the "late" pin. Micha
    11. Well,this is the firt time I see a"Meybauer" with the old pin marked with a "7"!Could you make a close up from the stamp? If it's real I would call it the find of the year(I speak as an iron cross collector..) Micha
    12. He's not only dangerous:E-Gliderider is also HD-Luder....... Micha
    13. Well,I hate it to be the bringer of bad news-this is no K.A.G! The stamping is a fake.The core looks a little like a "KO",but the pin doesn't match-it looks more like the pin of a "CD800",but it isn't.Sorry,but I wouldn't like to have this EK in my collection.It seems to be that someone has found an"old" stamp..... Micha
    14. I would like to see the whole cross in good pics-obverse and reverse.Otherwise it's really hard to judge. Micha
    15. Beautyfull EK! I had a "21" Godet EK mounted in the same style......and I've sold it Sometimes memories are painful! Micha
    16. Idon't like it-especially the pin is some thing I've never seen on a Schinkel EK1.....but very often at fakes(with different maker marks) Micha
    17. Oh yes..... http://cgi.ebay.de/BESONDERS-SELTENES-GEWO...1QQcmdZViewItem And have a look at his other auctions-some of them are with good cases....but have a look at the EKs-would you really spend your money for some of them? Micha
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