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    paul wood

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by paul wood

    1. Radmilo, I hope somebody is not is not recreating them. Paul
    2. Oh dear! even the marks are extremely dubious, who is this man who likes to throw away $1,250+ may be I could interest him in some interesting investment scams, whoops I mean plans. Paul
    3. I think the best one could say for it is it may be a privately commissioned piece, if not fake, certainly fantasy. Paul
    4. Edward What a queer set it is, an order of the Holy Sepulchre set with Bulgarian crown appended and a completely incorrect ribbon I wonder who this fantasy was created for. Interestingly holders of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre had the right to legitimise bastards, however I think this set is beyond legitimisation. Paul
    5. Lovely Kris but it needs a lot of TLC. Paul
    6. Unfortunately a bit late now an in my opinion rather irrelevant as words are cheap. Paul
    7. Ken I would imagine so presumably there are some works on military issue during the Wars but I am afraid that is outside my knowledge, QM obviously stands for Quartermaster but how the number were allocated is another matter. Paul
    8. I suspect even though unnamed they would have been awarded to Husqvarna, probably at the time they came with a (now lost) certificate. In my younger days I used to watch speedway and I remember that the Husqvarna motor bikes were considered the best. Paul
    9. I am afraid under client confidentiality which I had to sign in my previous employment I am sworn to secrecy. Were I to break it I could be liable to severe legal consequences, Paul
    10. The medal is for the Polytechnical exposition in Moscow 1872 The obverse reads Moscow Polytechnical Exposition of 1872 The reverse reads Grateful Imperial Society of Natural Sciences at Moscow University 15 October 1863. unless it is inscribed on the rim there is no mention of Husqvarna. It is however quite a rare medal. Paul
    11. Unfortunately the image is not viewable. Paul
    12. The use of the broad arrow or pheon was introduced in 1544 and is still used as a mark by MOD to denote government issue or property (the mark also used to be on prisoner's uniform) it denotes that the binos were War Office issue. Paul
    13. I am very doubtful that this has any remote connections, I suspect is quasi-masonic such as Knight's Templar. Paul I meant it does not have any remote Russian connections, at 61 senility is setting in, time to buy some diapers. Paul
    14. Ah yes I remember that sale well there were some nice things there. Paul
    15. Jeff, both exquisite pieces, I note there is a Garter to the left of the Leon and Cadiz. Paul
    16. They are numbers 12-(9?)61 the number after the hyphen is not over clear due to testing. Paul
    17. Andreas Probably around 150 euros would be a fair price. Paul
    18. Andreas, Nice enough group with both WWII and post war service. I am sure it is Royal Army Service Corps. Not the most glamorous unit but certainly the most necessary as the troops on the ground could not survive without them. Paul
    19. Pieter, During the 80s and 90s especially I did many schloss valuations in both eastern and western Europe, the Golden Fleeces were in a totally different setting from the St Lazar but they were bruisers, one in diamonds, the other in emeralds. Paul
    20. Unfortunately the address details are with my previous employers I will have to use quite a bit of subterfuge to get the details and it may take some time, fingers crossed. Paul
    21. Dragomir, I can't give precise details as I was working on a valuation for my former employer at the time but it was in the schloss of a German princely family. Probably with a bit of genealogical work you may be able to work it out. Interestingly in the way it was made the collar was very similar to the St Esprit, i.e. surprisingly light but of superb quality manufacture the badge was beautiful. I remember at the time I thought what an earth do I put as an insurance valuation on such a piece? So I thought of a number and doubled it. I asked the head of the princely family what was the origin and he mentioned that there had been some marital connection with a member of the house of Karađorđe. Unfortunately unless a future generation gambles the estate away I doubt very much if it will ever see the light of day. Unluckily in those days there were not mobile phones with cameras or I would have taken a shot for my own personal records. May be one day they will need a revaluation but alas I doubt if I will be around as the head family appeared to be no older than me. Still you can rest assured that the Order of St Lazar is not an extinct beast. It certainly is amongst the most amazing things I have had the privilege to handle (although a couple of massive jewelled Fleece badges were up there with it). All the best, Paul
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