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    Everything posted by KIR

    1. Hi Glenn, hi Daniel, great - thanks a lot for you help!!! Best regards, Jens p.s.: it was not so easy to find a picture of Stoetzer! :rolleyes:
    2. Hallo gentlemen, I need again your help to complete and find some more informations about: Louis Stoetzer, born: 01.08.1842 in R?mhild (Sachsen-Meinigen), died: 17.04.1906 im Metz. - 1861: 2. Th?ringisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr.32 - 1867: 4. Niederschlesisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr.51 - 1874: Hauptmann and teacher Kriegsschule in Kassel - 1881 bis 1891: Generalstab - 1891: Kommandeur 2. Th?ringisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr.32 - 1894: Brigadekommandeur in Trier - 1898: Kommandeur der 30. Division in Stra?burg - Mai 1901: Gouverneur der Festung Metz - Januar 1903: General der Infanterie - Mai 1903 Kommandeur des 16. Armeekorps. I will be very appreciate for any information about him! Thanks and best regards, Jens
    3. Hello Mark, yes you are right - "Hamburg 3" or "Hamburg 11" means a Post-district in Hamburg. Probably in the early years the changed the numbers of the Post-districts from "3" to "11". I have documents (Besitz-Zeugnis from 1926) with the district-number "3" and another one from the year 1933 with the numbre "11". So maybe the earlier Feldehrenzeichen are with the number "3" !?!? Best regards, Jens
    4. Hello, many thanks for your great help! @Daniel: thank you for his award-list and the very nice picture! One question; why he was calling the "alter R?mer" ("old Roman")? @Andy: thank you for his complett information on his career! Best regards, Jens
    5. Hello, here my try : Liegnitz den 17.1.3? Lieber ???, ??? ich Ihnen, ??? ??? ??? ??? habe? ??? ??? zum 75. Geburtstage gesegnetes Leben. Hoffentlich geht es Ihnen gesundheitlich gut. ??? kameradschaftlichen Gruss Ihr ??? Sorry - but now I have to go to the oculist! Best regards, Jens
    6. Hallo gentlemen, I need your help to complete and find some more informations about: Ludwig Gustav Adolf von ESTORFF, GdI (* 25. Dezember 1859 in Hannover; ? 5. Oktober 1943 in Uelzen) - Lt.-Pat. 15.04.1878 (1. Th?ringischen Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 31) - ??? - 18.07.1894: Hauptmann in Swakopmund (Deutsch-S?dwestafrika) - 1904: Mayor (F?hrer from the Westabteilung (Herero-war)) ??? - 1907 to 1911: commander Schutztruppe in Deutsch-S?dwestafrika - ??? - 01.10.12-01.09.14: commander 68. Intanterie-Brigade - 15.05.15-30.08.16: commander 103. Intanterie-Division - 20.09.16-16.03.18: commander 42. Intanterie-Division - 16.03.18-17.12.18: commander Generalkommando 60 - 17.12.18-20.01.19: commander 8. Armee Pour le M?rite 06.09.1917. I will be very appreciate for any information about him! Thanks and best regards, Jens
    7. Paul, the 2. Rheinisches Feld-Artillerie-Regiment Nr.23 (in Koblenz/Rhine) was during the WW1 a part of the 16. Div.: http://www.1914-18.info/erster-weltkrieg.p...nterie-Division Best regards, Jens
    8. @Christophe: Thank you again for your information! @Rick: yes - only 293 Verleihungen from the 70. Geburtstages-Spange. The Kaiser was the chief of the IR145 and Livonius was the last commander, maybe that's why he get this brooch too??? Just an idea (from a friend)! Thanks for your help! Best regards, Jens
    9. Hallo Andy, super - vielen Dank f?r Deine grosse Hilfe! Gruss Jens Hello Andy, suberb!!!! Thank you a lot for your great help!!! Best regards, Jens
    10. Hallo gentlemen, I need your help to find some more informations about: General-Major Willy von Livonius (*1871-?1946). Leutnant-Patent: 27. Jan. 1899(?), 1914 Maj. IR145, GM a.D. 94.Res.Inf.Brig. I will be very appreciate for any information about him! Thanks and best regards, Jens
    11. Hello Theodor: Thank you for sharing this wonderful source of information with us! Best regards, Jens p.s.: to post#26: "What is this.... J. Hissler?" - I think: J. Hitzler (?).
    12. Great find Theodor!!! Thanks!!! Best regards, Jens I found some online: http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/Gedenkbueche...eitung_1915.htm
    13. Hi, I think the glue is possible on old shoulder-boards - especially by the colors red (sometimes also in yellow). See my example - both are old shoulder-boards, the red Chiffre on the right side glows the other not! Don't worry - but wait what the others think about! Best regards, Jens
    14. ... ok, the quality is not the best - but there is a search-engine for the whole book! Better than nothing! :cheers:
    15. Hi, nice box! I read also Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 153. The LIR153 was formed (around 1917) from the: Landwehr-Ersatz-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 2 Best regards, Jens
    16. Hi Enzo, I take a quick look into the list and I can't find the names "Anrep or Anrep-Elmpt or Elmpt". Best regards, Jens
    17. Hi, yes - on page 69 (zweite Klasse am schwarzen Band): "845. Baatz, Friedrich Wilhelm, Unteroffizier im 2. Garde-Drag.-Rgt." Best regards, Jens
    18. Hi, I have one "Stamm und Rangliste" from 1790, but I think there are some earlier(?!?). ... and here some pre 1820 online: - Stammliste der K?niglich preussischen Armee seit dem 16ten Jahrhundert bis 1840: http://books.google.com/books?id=Xx8Vs6BDe...-8859-1#PPP1,M1 - Rangliste der K?niglich preussischen Armee 1823: http://books.google.com/books?id=n1kmDTtdF...brr=1&hl=de Best regards, Jens
    19. [quote name='jj08' Mean love Butzer to the friendly memory Franz Mutz royal chamber musician So basically a Royal Bavarian Court Musik meister, with a few close freinds!
    20. Hi, I think there is writen: "Meinen lieben Butzer zur freundlichen Erinnerung Franz Mutz k?niglicher Kammermusiker" (over the "m" is a small line - this means "mm"). Best regards, Jens
    21. Hi, "IN TREUEN FEST" - what's that? I only know: "IN TREUE FEST". Best regards, Jens
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