Hello, I thanks for your help. Now I will inquire in the imperially Russian and British range, perhaps come still more information. Thanks + Greeting Mike
Hi Paul, ask please Bernd D. or Komtur, greetings from me ;o), they have the list from the book by Mirbach with 188 People on the Palestine trip of the emperor. Greetings Mike
I think Maj.z.D. Borggreve from Warendorf recieved the RAO4 to 09.04.1878. Maybe he recieved also the long service cross for 25 years. Best regards Mike
I think it is possible, the black crosses are separately. ;o) If you remember me than you can look for that piece in Gunzenhausen and if they are separately pay you a beer if not pay I one beer. Best Regards Mike
That?s right, but the most important thing is the corners between the crowns and the cross. Unfortunately, my English is so bad but I have to Mot?rhead (Micha) german explains, perhaps he can better write waht I mine. The cross of Ebay fit by the form in the stamp im Berliner M?nzkabinett im Bode Museum. Best Regards Mike
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