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    Everything posted by christerd

    1. Hi Morten, very nice and unusual Photo, do you know what kind of weapons the Kriegsmarine had ombord ? Like MP 38/40 , the K98 seems to long and heavy to have on a ship Christer
    2. Hmm , Cant help you with the badge , but a very nice photo with a vet wearing no less then three vet medals and no "ordinarie" Christer
    3. Aha , Thanks Jonas I thought he was from Västgöta on account that the Photo was taken in that part of the country I better make a note on the back for Life Rgt Hussar . And the Swedish Rolls are super ! first names , awards .... like a dream ( and no sütterlin ) Have a nice weekend all ! Christer
    4. This unknown soldier is not as Heavy decorated as GenMaj Cederskiöld but still a interesting photo I think He is wearing the Dolma a uniform for Cavalery troops (Husar) and belonged to Västgöta Rgt in the West of Sweden this Rgt was closed down in 1927 so the photo is probably around WW1 . Christer
    5. Let me present they later General major Hugo Montgomery Cedeskiöld born 1878 and started his military career as a sub leutnant in 1898 , As you maybe see in the photo he has Bad OZL and Preuss KO III and Oldenburg House Orden
    6. I agree with Garfordhouse the quality seems to get better Some of the stuff I have seen recently I could easily bought if just the seller had been someone else Arrgh this moron destroy our hobby ..... Christer
    7. Hmm Very nice m/1871 bayonet , but the lack of stamps is a mystery , ..... or could it be a bayonet sold to Argentina ??? I know that Argentina bought rifles ( very rare) but I never seen a m/71 bayonet for them ? (probably even rarer) A real collectors item ! Christer
    8. :love: And see now that you also have a 27th jaeger Badge I have now slightly "Hulk" colour Very Nice items Christer
    9. Thanks Beau , wow that was a lot of combatant medals I didn´t there was so many Germans in place or did they give this medal to all participating nations ? Christer
    10. Does anyone know how many of these that was awarded ? Bronze and silver ones ?? The German force was quite small but maybe these where awrded in greater numbers anyway Christer
    11. :jumping: Very Nice AOK ! I love the Mutzenbands , not often seen , and of course the civilian Crosses Zuverlässig Christer
    12. I found a Photo in my collection, and the question is what type of Rgt had these oakleafs on the collar ?? The man sitting on the left and the other man standing with woundbadge in silver has the same collar leafs. Jaeger Unit ? Regards Christer
    13. Aha , They probably awarded a lot during the last years . Then the Anhalt Kreuz isnt so scarce at al, more like Hamburg Kreuz then. Now Its easier to pay right price for one Thanks Claudio
    14. Ok , here is some more Pilots from Jasta 78b Offzstellw Emil Prime Rudolf Lang Ludwig Wittmann Joh Reitz Xaver Hüttner Willy Bruchner at least Ludwig Reimann had two air victorys what I can find in the rolls some more names for you Glenn Christer
    15. Hmm I just realized that the b in Jasta 78b means that this is a Bavarian Jasta or ? In that case it should be easy to get the names from the Kriegstammrolle for Jasta78b (located on Ancestry.com) Could anyone confirm that 78b was in fact a Bavarian unit Regards Christer
    16. Thanks all, Its true what Brian said that often the most interesting things are "hidden" in the background. Now I have started to look at all my photos more closer and see if I can find some more suprises Christer
    17. Is it really ? I found this photo on Ebay and Could it be the same man ???? or am I just imagning things ?
    18. Aha ! Thanks Karsten , So I didn´t have any right at all .... MEZ II and Southwest Africa medal, a Colonial fighter in other words Great :jumping:
    19. Here is some names Vzfw Ludwig Riemann, Karl Kallmunzer , Lt Hans Jungwirth , Vzfw Michael Sigman , Lt Robert Dycke Christer
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