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    Everything posted by christerd

    1. Wow ! That was a real headturner! Never seen one before The area of Bulgarian awards collecting is bigger than I thought. Christer
    2. Hi Christophe, I am not at home with my Epson right now , but I try to make a little better pic When I am home again I can get a much better zoom on it. I was outbidded on the cert for the Hamburg Cross, but from sellers pics I think it was awarded in 1917.If the list for the Hansa Crosses ever will be available he will turn up there. Best regards Christer
    3. :beer: And last a document for the Bulgarian Bravery Cross for officers, by some reason (did he lost the original?) he got this copy written out at his post in December 1919. He was then part of Reichswehr Inf Rgt 34 fighting in Poland. It looks like a adress in Berlin written on it? and the date 1939? anyone who can read it Christer
    4. And here is Award cert for the Bulgarian WW1 Com medal (quite small to be Bulgarian only 10" x 8" app) this one is signed Nov 30 1939 wich means that the second world war had begun... rather high number on the award cert. 56432. Danziger 128 Inf Rgt was part of 36th Inf Div and fought on the Eastern front in beginning of WW1, in October 1915 it was moved to France and fought in most of the bloodiest battles, Somme, Passchendaele and so on. Christer
    5. Here is the document for Hungarian WW 1 Com medal awarded in Berlin Jan 23 1934 Christer
    6. :whistle: Here is a new ribbon bar in my slowly growing collection it belonged to LtdR Arnold Kuschel from Danziger Inf Rgt 128 he was also awarded EK I and Wound badge in Gold and served later in Reichswehr Rgt 34. And before you throw yourself at the computer and scream that its impossible to name someone from that bar I had help from Rick (who else) putting my Lt in der Reserve,I got some papers belonging to this group and the same seller earlier sold some more objects from the same man. (sorry to say I missed theese EK, WB) More will follow after lunch! Christer
    7. Wow Very nice bar ! If anyone didn´t understand the swedish info about him here is a short translation Born Aug 17 1898 in Svalöv, (very south of Sweden) Died July 3 1981. Joined the army as music student 1912 at Karlskrona Gren Rgt MusicDir 1921 Music Dir at Infanterie Rgt no 1. Life Guards Stockholm 1944-1957 (The oldest Army Regiment in Sweden!) Christer
    8. And now the last one of the "winners" in the photo Enjoy. and now out and look for more pics Christer
    9. And here is the other three gentlemen with medals ! and a closeup of the former NCO Bigger but not big enough First one : Christer
    10. Wow , Thanks Seeheld! So the man with the great beard was a vet from 1864 war with Denmark!! And later non combatant in 1870 war. I will make some more zooms today and post here , and see if I can make a BIG zoom of the bars on the 1870 medal. And Sambolini probably is on the right track, the hat must be part of some local dresscode.(Any German friend who can share some info about it?) I Found out the the Fliger Ersatz Abteilung 1 was stationed first in Berlin 1914 and early 1916 in Altenburg Thüringen so maybe it have some connection to Thüringen? Christer
    11. Another Photo from the same group as above , here we have a man from Flieger troopen He has a propeller and number 1 on his shoulderboard. BUT look at the woman at his side What is it on her head ?????? I have several phots with different woman with this interesting hat? Is it the secret German weapon from WW1 I´m sure all Englishmen would run away if she entered no mans land ....... Christer
    12. Here is the Gentlman i the middle an former Officer? with 1870 EK II and some other medals ! If you want me to zoom in some of the others just say so and I give it a try , the Epson can really do wonders with old photos Christer
    13. Here is a new photo to my collection A group of gentlemen from 1866? - 1870 War , I will post a couple of zooms so you can better se the medals ! Regards Christer
    14. Did anyone find out about the document with the "sloppy" handwriting in this thread ? Post 95 another similar doc with very close number is now out on ebay could they both be fakes ? The number seems rather high for an old awarded Khalkin Gol Ebay 250490933369 Regards christer
    15. Aha ! Thanks Rick The story behind this is a ribbon bar with EKII-Hamburg-EHK-Bulgaria Officer Merit order with Crown-Hungary WW1 medal- Bulgaria WW1 Medal (seller pic) No Long service And I got the documents for the Commerative medals and Bulgarian Merit order. The seller says he sold earlier EK I and Wound badge in Gold I will present all in a separate thread when I get them. Thanks again, if you ever have a question about Swedish orders I will try to help Christer
    16. Hi Rick I am searching for a Fighter from the great war that I think continued into the second He´s name was Arnold Kuschel from Hamburg, He was in Inf Rgt 128 Danziger in 1918 as Leutnant. What I could find out he was in Reichswehr inf Rgt 34 ( Preuss Inf Rgt 4) in December 1919. In 1934 he was OberLt by the info I got and later Hauptmann. I searched in the 1924 Reichsheer ranklist but couldn´t find him Is it possible to find out anything in the the WW2 Dienstalterlisten? All the best from Sweden Christer
    17. :cheers: Nice photos Theodor ! And the last one !! With THREE 9 sept breast orders Wow. First time I see the partisan badge been worn. I will check if I have any pics of Bulgarians with ribbon bars All the best from the North Christer
    18. Hallo Heiko, here is the pic of Emil Frenzel 1914 before he went to Africa. it was in a old thread from 2007. I couldnt find my Reichsheer ranklist but I wonder if he continued in the Wermacht? And right now I got some more info In the "Kolonial Hand und Adressbuch 1926-1927" he is listed as Kaufmann so he probably didn´t join the Reichsheer? He was living in Nürnberg Huldstrasse 24! The search for more info continous. MFG Christer
    19. Aha, Thanks Theodor I wonder if there really is 12 awarded ? If you just count the years it would be about 8 until now and we have the names of 8 Now I am waiting for someone to show a pic of a document That would be a sensation ! Christer
    20. At Last, I have been hunting one of theese for some time since I bought a Photo with one of the last members of von Lettows force in East Africa november 1918. Emil Frenzl was a Feldwebel and was one of the last 155 to surrender. And now I got the "Löwenorden" found it at a Swedish auction site 1 hour ago..... I post better pics when I get it. All the best from Sweden Christer
    21. HI all collectors! Does anyone have the names on the awardees of the Botev Prize? I have 6 names Laszlo Nagy , Hungary 1976 Rafael Alberti ,Spain 1980 Umberto Eco , Italy Evgeniy Yevtuschenko , SU Mario Undetti , Uruguay Gardine Gordimer , South Africa Christer
    22. Here is a nice photo I got recently an old veteran from both 1912 and 1914 wars but non fighting in both. I havent seen any photos earlier when theese medals where worn so I thought is was a nice pic to my collection. I wonder what kind of work he did ? Maybe a doctor ? Christer
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