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    Everything posted by christerd

    1. But know its getting interesting Here is the two rarer awards ! To the left for Killed soldiers and to the right for non fighting . I havent got any numbers for awarded Black or white stripes but they are hard to find , especially the one with the black stripe Christer
    2. And here is the letter wich followed the award when awarded to German soldiers . "signed" by A Sirakow ObLt in Generalstab Christer
    3. I thought it would be interesting to give some more info about this "forgotten " medal By the sources I have the 1915-18 medal was awarded to about 199 000 foreign soldiers ( mostly Germans) and ab 50 000 to Bulgarien citizens. There was three verisons Fighter - Non Fighter- For killed in Action Here first is the backside , since the front already showed above ( medal same for all three, only the ribbons differs) Christer
    4. And here is the backside of it Looks well done and worn to me Christer
    5. Hi all, I dont Think we have this medal in the forum before Honorable Inventor , I dont know much of theese "badges" but to quote Dietrich Riemer it supposed to be rare ? Anybody have any more info about this ? Christer
    6. :jumping: Great Wlodzimierz !! A lot of new names , I will now try to get some order in my small base and see how many we can get names to. Of course its easier to name the 1st class-2nd class like princess Anne of England But I think by combing the internet we can find at least some names. I found 3 + people from Sweden who got the 1st class and no one was Royal. Thanks again W , Christer
    7. Now the Order has arrived and its truly amazing It has been issued to a Swedish business man but I dont have his name yet, what I do right now is to try and get as many names for people who had this order in the different classes. I have some names alredy but there must be more out there So If anyone has a name for a person awarded to any class of the Yugoslavian Flag please let me know and I will make some simple database. Here is some more pics of my order it is a later ex without number. Christer
    8. I will post better pics and show the s/n if there is any. The price was 123 Euro so I think it was a bargain. Now I have to find a certificate Best regards from rainy Sweden Christer
    9. :jumping: Just got this beauty on a auction , probably issued to a Swedish diplomat in Belgrad I was very lucky that not many people id this rare order Sellers pics , better pics coming when I get it. All the best from Sweden Christer
    10. Hmm, looks interesting to say the least. I have never seen any faked order books (yet) but I am not sure of what he got here????? 9 Sept 1944 1 st class in 1959 = OK 1941-1944 2 nd class in 1948 = OK (early one) Order of Bulgaria 3rd class 1964 = OK and then ... 9 Sept 1944 2nd class in 1955 could explain the 1st class in 1959 = ok 1941-44 2nd class again in 1970 = ok Order of Bulgaria 1st class in 1974 = ok But what is the last entry?? Hero? or Dimitrov prize ? I cant read it Christer
    11. :jumping: Speachless ....... my mouth is forming a big O and yes I want to buy copies if they will be available Amazing Christer
    12. Hi, Very nice Kriegsmarine Photo Nesredep !! What rank do he have ? I loooove Kriegsmarine Pics All the best from Sweden Christer
    13. Hi Ulsterman, I have been away from home for two weeks, but will try to make a scan this evening of the Star Christer
    14. :jumping: Aha, Thanks David !! When you write Skua I just Googled Blackburn Skua and found a very interesting site about this quite rare aeroplane (under 200 made) The 22nd Sept 1940 Skua L2942 from HMS Furious (801 Squadron) attacked Trondheim and after the attack didnt find Furious again and crashlanded in Sweden. The pilot Sub Lt Bernard Wigginton and Leading Aircraftsman Kenneth King was the first allied flyers which landed in Sweden during the war. Wow! Thanks again Christer
    15. Hi all, this photo arrived today, on the back it only says Karl Lorenz? But I think this is the small remote controlled Goliath ? Unusual pic Have a nice weekend all Christer
    16. Hi , this unknown (to me )Award was in my mailbox today , anyone know anything about it? Awrded to a Jan Ferenc??knek in 1983 , with a blue certificate holder and a mini cert + the medal itself. Looks rather welldone inspite of the late awarding... ? I found it in a earlier thread , I missed it when I was posting this , and Jan Ferencik is most probably a Czech Conductor ! sorry Christer
    17. Aha ! Thanks Rick, now I only have to find a "who is who in Nazi Germany 1935" to find out who this Dr Weber was Christer
    18. And here is the document ! Can anyone read that signature ? Best Regards Christer
    19. :speechless1: Aha, that why I couldnt recon the uniform .... DDR. Thanks a lot all , I just love this forum and the Police woman could arrest me anytime , hmmm sorry I lost topic there for a while. Thanks again , mystery solved ! Christer
    20. :cheeky: Thanks , I will scan it when I return to home base and see if you can translate it, probably a lower clerk signed it in the name of the president . Christer
    21. Just a simple question, I searched all over the Internet but got nothing so I leave it to you experts Who was the Polizeipr?sident of Dresden 1934-35 ? I have a Ehrenkruez f?r Frontk?mpfer signed by someone ..... looks like Heber ??? or something like it ? All the best from Sweden Christer
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