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    kay bunnecke

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    Everything posted by kay bunnecke

    1. I start having the opiniun that,,,,,, IW = JW= J.H.werner saw them IW more often. saime core as my ek1 j.h.werner heres one on ebay today EISERNES KREUZ EK 2 HERSTELLER IW - SELTEN !!!
    2. maybe mistaken it with campain medals....
    3. wel,,,,, wood have bin a nice new sensation. this way ,,a bedthime sailers storie.
    4. quantity of little iron crosses strung on black and white ribbons bearing the inscription: 1814-1914".
    5. jip,,, with sugar on it ,,,please,please,please,please,pleaes,,,,,pleeeeaaaassssseeee,,
    6. wanne see picture's not words
    7. who knows more about this wooden plate ???? i wonder if there are enny aorora collectors are out there.. LINK DELETED regards kay
    8. thats the trouble with these molds off do's day's. somthimes we must juse a correkter term ,,,,its a SW type crown and core. after i seen the ek2 1870 small 7 casted copy ,,,,, http://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/forums/sho...870+godet+small aim afraid ennything is possible regards kay
    9. 15:39 ']Hello Kay, show it !
    10. jou schold see the crown off a MFH.
    11. it is a good one ,,,,enamel ,glass ek ,,,fore high ranking elite officers. in my opiniun.. gratiolations, only i wood expekt high profile markings on the back ,,,such a extrodenary ek woodent be made by some low profile juweler. reg kay
    12. the core is SW the pin is a repaird pin system ,,,(1920-30) reg kay
    13. never seen stranger looking ek's
    14. i agree 100%... '14 EK1 H.B.G. and it hase the saime core as joure hbg,,,with also a odd frame system,,, infakt the whole setup,,,frame ,pin system is not like 1914 type at all.. more 1939 ,,,but to bad to be original in my upiniun,,, jou cant seriusly take these crosses fore wreal,,,on every schow these things are left behind,, jou schuld leave them to in the future.. they are a bad investement... sorry kay
    15. wy didnt they just hang it on a nail ??????????? :speechless:
    16. here's a good looking one http://www.militaria321.com/auktionsdetail...009935#bidancor hope it has the kwalifications needet http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...bayphotohosting
    17. joure wright,,,,, but as far it consurns this ek ,,,,,it cant be re'tracet to some kind off maker ,,,,,,(((as far as i know))) maybe someone can )))) pin uncnown,,, hinge more 1939 type ,,but to small,,, the kwality is very bad and has a ugly look to it so it can be a example off a verry ugly production off some kind off balloon maker ,,,, but mostley forgers are tend to make this kind ugly types.....(((.and I seen a lot off them))) thats what i will think,,, if someone offered this ek to me,,,, until there's no proof off other examples and also retraceable proof off some kind off maker ,,,, orwe sombody steps forward in this case,,,and knows more about it this ek chud not be seen as original,,,,,,, sorry Eric,,,save joure money
    18. mmmmm,,, i have my doubt about this one,, details off the crown are not very nice, rezemble's a deutscher officiers ferein crown somehow but then again the W is not correkt also the 1914 makes no cence so it cant be a dof ,pin system is not what i wud expect from a period ek... in my upiniun its not an original ek but I can be wrong on this,,,,,stranger things appeard in the past regards kay
    19. http://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/forums/sho...ghlight=ek+1870 this cross reminds me ?? maybe aim wrong ,,but picters taken stheat from above wood give us more chances off a correkt judgement...
    20. hi rasputin I thank jou fore posting my pictures,,, surpriced i was ,,,what a nice thing to do fore a fellow collector but its always better than just an link i thank jou fore joure kindness and all fellow collectors,,,I thank jou all fore joure nice words basikly i found it by exident,,,,so its even a bigger surprice to find out its so popular and rare... last monds things where gooing difficult fore me as collector ,,so this is finaly a mark,,, its gooing wel again i thank jou all regards -respekt kay
    21. a new ek 1 - Wehrmacht-Awards.com Militaria Forums unfortunaly i cant load pictures here ,, but the link wil work i hope my new ek,,,
    22. youre not the onlyone,,,,,,,,,, ek2 markt m ore w in the small ring ,,maker m.hansen kay
    23. if there are better pictures of the crown ,,and W,,, and 1914. we can find the maker ,,,,or compaire it to a ek thats simular before that there's no reason to have a party,,,, before that its a fantasy ek. wy are people alway so quick in jelling ,,its a good one .????? first reseach the item closely by good pictures fore one i dont wanne breack the possitive input off jou all ,,i like to be possitive to . but,, the front pictures ,,, i do not deare to make enny judgement at all... OR IS THERE ENNYBODY WHO KNOWS ALWREDDY WITCH MAKER IT IS . please tell me then no offence please but,, in these day's jou have to be carefull before jou say its a good one i know aim new here ,,but i certanly know 1914 ek's wel.... and never scared to have an uppiniun.... and i lurnd to be verry carefull hope jou dont take it to badly ,,,my comment is ment wel regards kay
    24. somthing strange gooing on look at the expertise off DN the crown has bin made unreconisable if aim not mistaken ???? and the cross itself looks like a known fake to me am i wrong ????? EK 2 von 1870 bei eBay.de: 1801-1870 (endet 19.05.08 20:00:00 MESZ)
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