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    Bernhard H.Holst

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    Everything posted by Bernhard H.Holst

    1. Hello: The thought of this Kampfgruppe Baumann being artillery related is supported by the map's indicated fire sweeps and the inscription below Kampfgr... Feuerleitungsplan or fire directions plan. I cannot make out the name given besides Lt. Interesting photo. Thanks for showing. Bernhard H. Holst
    2. Hello Rick. Ref. # 2 : 31.8.17 Liebe Eltern und Geschwister. Fuer das Paket vom 26. ds. ( dieses Monats) herzlichen Dank. War sehr erfreut darueber. Herzlichst gruesst auf Wiedersehen. Franz Abs.( Absender) Pionier Frnz. Becker 48 (?) Res.Pion.Kompanie Feldpost 906 Read by a not so expert old script reader Bernhard H. Holst who started learning to write on a slate
    3. Hello Jock. The pictured postcard was sent from the now called WAST located in Berlin which administers war deaths, burial and related matters and is the successor of the Wehrmacht department, having taken over the files and continuing related activities. At the time of despatch of the card ( 1946 ) it most likely was under Allied supervision therefore the stamp etc of Allied authority. It seems to me that this notification estabilishes the burial site which the original death notification propably did not contain, only a death notice. The grave report posted by me has reached the family by unknown means, perhaps even very unoffially. My mother, (Hermann Holste was a brother ) did not receive notice until after the end of the war and so must have his widow. Bernhard H. Holst
    4. Hello Christophe. First picture: Lt.Elster; second: Lt.Elster then Eichelbaum. Those are the names I read. Bernhard H. Holst
    5. Hello readers; Only recently was the pictured form brought to my attention and is the first one of the kind to be seen by me. What makes it very special to me is the sad fact of pertaining to the grave of my godfather, Obergefreiter Hermann Holste who lost his life during the last phase of the war on the Italian front leaving a widow and two little daughters. Contrary to German customs I have incorporated a middle initial ( H. for Hermann) in his memory. The pictured form is called "Grabmeldung " or Grave Report and was to be applied by all military formations which made up the German Wehrmacht or German Armed Forces. It was to be made out in two copies, all questions to be answered, clear/legible writing or with fresh carbon if typewritten. My uncle belonged to 3./Aufklaerungs Abteilung 1057 and died of abdominal wound on 15. April 1945. He was buried together with other comrades (Kameradengrab) near the south entry of the property House Number 196, near Via Emelia Kilometer 119 within the community Bergo Pernigale in the Province of Bologna. This form was to be forwarded to the officer charged with administration of military losses. Why or how this form also found its way to our family is unknown but I would like to show it as a sample how this matter ws handled, at least when circumdtances allowed it. My uncle Hermann found his last resting place at the German War Cemetery , Futa Pass. Bernhard Hermann Holst
    6. Hello Paul. Flakkampfabzeichen was worn on the chest, left side. Bernhard H. Holst
    7. Hello Chris. Based on the book by Hans-Dietrich Nicolaisen " Die Flak-Helfer, Luftwaffen-und Marinehelfer im Zweiten Weltkrieg", 1981, Ullstein Verlag, Luftwaffen-and for that matter Marinehelfer served on all available weapons and apparently in all canoneer positions. Also with searchlight, radar-firedirection and similar equipment. Originally only to occupy fairly low exposure positions this was quickly disregarded after the start of the program in early 1943. The same author published a considerably larger volume which includes data on all schools which provided these auxiliary personnel and where deployed. This book is buried somewhere among my books but if one should be interested one should be able to secure a used copy. Bernhard H. Holst
    8. hello readers. I am posting the Flakkampfabzeichen document for a Luftwaffenhelfer, dated in April,1944. The unit during the time span involved,was according to my research deployed at or near the city of Magdeburg . The document is signed by the Gen.d.Flakart. Hoffman in command of Luftgau III (Berlin). Documents to Luftwaffenhelfer ( aux.airforce personnel) are somewhat rare, more commonly encountered seem to be documents of appreciation at the end of service as auxiliary. Bernhard H. Holst
    9. Hello Rick. Regarding your post # 8 which shows the impact of a 42 cm Moerser. You may be well familiar with the following: Going by memory this artillery piece was a surprise when WW I began. .It could penetrate any then existing fortification. It was "affectionally' called Die dicke Bertha which was derived from Mrs. Bertha von Krupp, wife of the then head of the Krupp weapons manufacturing company. BTW: are you familiar with Oberst Georg Bruchmueller ( Durch-bruchmueller), artillery expert during operations in East and West? Received his book " Die Deutsche Artillerie in den Durchbruchschlachten des Weltkrieges", 1921, Mittler und Sohn, Berlin. 2nd edition. Bernhard H. Holst
    10. Hello Rick. to # 71: Bitte an Herrn Kirchner zu uebergeben. Lille, 23. Juli 1915. Kurt Winkler
    11. Hello Chris. I think they mean it !! Bernhard H. Holst
    12. Hello Jock. I believe them to be Reichswehr. Flamethrowers were not forbidden after 1918, one picture shows a manouvre referee with the white armband ( I am not sure that that kind of exercises with referees etc were done during the war). The tank to me seems based on the British types but bit different. Just my 2 cents worth. Bernhard H. Holst
    13. Hello Bob. Thank you for showing this group. As you state he was in Normandy. As a a member of the 6.F.J.Rgt.he was wounded on June 8 for the first time and was awarded the Silver Wound Badge which is an indication that the wound suffered was a severe one , possibly the loss of a limb or similar. This would usually mean a discharge from the military service. His regiment was practically destroyed in the first days of fighting. BTW:If memory serves me , the regimental commander was the K.C. recipient Frhr. v. d. Heydte who received the Oakleaves later.in July. This officer lead the parachute operation during the Ardennes Offensive which as known was a total bust. Bernhard H. Holst
    14. Hello Chris. So do I read the name: Malzan. But the regiment ??? Bernhard H. Holst
    15. Andy, thanks for this additional information. 90 years was not bad ,afterall he spent some years during which even as an officer life was hard. PLM w/Oaks for a regimental commander was certainly exceptional, I think. Bernhard H. Holst
    16. Hello Andy. Thank you for the information. I further recollect that he reached a long life span but had to endure flight from his home in 1944/45. Bernhard H. Holst
    17. Andy: I vaguely recall it being mentioned that a Graf Eulenburg, PLM. commanded a Garde Regiment throughout WW I. Can you please confirm that? Bernhard H. Holst
    18. Hello Chris. I agree that this is indeed a strange wording. I do not recall ever seeing some such. It leaves some guessing as to the exact action intended here snd yet it seems to be a pre-printed form. Bernhard H. Holst
    19. Hello Chris. In this context "ueberreichen" has a more formal meaning and conveys an official action following the awarding rather than "handing out" /here is yours . Bernhard H. Holst
    20. Hello Rick. I suspect a misconception of your part but perhaps I read your post wrong. The term is Panzerjaeger ,changed from Panzerabwehr to give that arm a more agressive, offensive connotation by naming those troops tank hunter (Panzerjaeger) rather than defense against tanks (Panzerabwehr). The term does not imply of containing any armor based weaponry. Bernhard H. Holst
    21. Hello : I am not sure about sickness. it appears to refer to any illness caused through special circumstances i.e. gas poisoning, WW II quotes Verwundung oder Beschaedigung (wounds or injury). In my opinion Spanish Flu did not count. Bernhard H. Holst
    22. Hello Rick. There really was no relationship. All artillery within a Panzerdivision were called Panzerartillery even though only a small proportion of the divisional artillery were truly Panzerartillerie which conveys armored artillery. Those were the units equipped with the "Wespe" (105 mm) and Hummel (155mm) under armored protection and self propelled. To muddy the waters here a bit, Sturmartillerie were also trained in indirect firing which I believe (being not very much informed in such matters). is the main method of artillery shoots but rarely had to resort to it while deployed in the field. Bernhard H. Holst
    23. Hello Rick. Sturmatillerie was considered Artillerie and were to use Waffenfarbe ( color of arm) red which was that of artillery and grey colored uniforms. But the deathheads and black uniform color of Panzertruppe ( color of arm Pink) being so much more attractive, oftentimes transgressions took place. Sturmartillerie had their own schools and the introduction of Sturmhaubitzen was resented and considered detimental. It cause production obstacles, did not do well in anti-tank role in which Sturmgeschuetze were mostly used, cause supply difficulties and so on. BTW: after WWII only the new West German Army continued the application of assault guns on the NATO side. Bernhard H. Holst
    24. Hello. Here is another Wound Badge documeny. This time dated June 1918, bearing in mind that the wound badges were only instituted in March, 1918. This man served in Inf.Rgt.105 (Saxon) and saw action at Verdun where he was also wounded. As can be seen the document is of poor quality ( Mimiographed?) but still official looking. Bernhard H. Holst
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