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      Hungary and Oregon

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    1. Here's a few more, Bryan
    2. That is one nice 4th Division patch, Bryan
    3. Very nice photo. It does appear that the one third from the left is wearing spurs, Bryan
    4. Gordon, Many thanks to you and Charles for your help , Bryan
    5. Would anyone have any info on dealers, markets, etc in and around Szeged? I will be moving there next month and trying to find out what is available to feed my habit. Thanks, Bryan
    6. Very nice. Now if I could talk my wife into letting me have something like that in the yard , Bryan
    7. Received my copy today and I second everything that Rick said. An outstanding book that I wish I had back in the early 1990s when I was running around the flea markets of Budapest. Will be very useful in another three months when I am back in Hungary. Thank you for your time and effort, Bryan
    8. Sounds like it could be a DUI for HQs, 3rd Armored Division. The photo is what the division patch looks like but I think that the DUI for HQs, 3AD would be like what you described, Bryan
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