Only one general received the Officer's Cross with Swords: Genmaj. Karl Freiherr von Nagel zu Aichberg - BMV.OX (11.9.14), BMV2X (14.8.15), Stern dazu (26.10.16). But his Officer's Cross was published just one day after he was promoted to Generamajor, so it would have been awarded when he was still an Oberst. As for the Oberstleutnante with the Officer's Cross, with one exception, all were either Austro-Hungarian officers (for whom the Officer's Cross seems customary) or received the Officer's Cross as a second, third or fourth award: Franz Ritter von Epp - BMV3XmKr (11.9.14), BMV.OX (5.2.16) Friedrich Ritter von Haack - BMV4XmKr (14.2.15), BMV3X (21.12.15), BMV3XmKr (22.2.17), BMV.OX (27.8.17) Hans Ritter von Hemmer - BMV3XmKr (2.5.15), BMV.OX (26.10.16) Eduard H?rnle - BMV3XmKr (11.10.15), BMV.OX (8.1.17) Friedrich Freiherr Kre? von Kressenstein - BMV3XmKr (28.5.15), BMV.OX (5.6.16) Gustav Freiherr Kre? von Kressenstein - BMV4XmKr (11.9.14), BMV3X (16.8.15), BMV3XmKr (8.1.17) BMV.OX (26.11.18) Hermann Ritter von Lenz - BMV4XmKr (11.9.14), BMV3X (23.12.16), BMV3XmKr (16.1.18), BMV.OX (13.5.18) Adolf Ritter von Ruith - BMV4XmKr (11.9.14), BMV3X (10.8.16), BMV3XmKr (23.7.17), BMV.OX (8.3.19) Franz St?ngl - BMV3XmKr (11.9.14), BMV.OX (24.3.16) Joseph von Tannstein genannt Fleischmann - BMV4XmKr (11.9.14), BMV3XmKr (24.9.16), BMV.OX (24.4.17) The exception is OTL Otto von Lossow, who received his BMV.OX on 11.9.14 (and a BMV2X on 2.8.19). In his case (1) he was a prior holder of a 4th Class with Swords from China, (2) he was chief of the general staff of a corps, the I. Bavarian Reserve Corps, and (3) he was promoted to Oberst two months later. For the higher grades, the exceptions for generals are (1) prior recipients of a lower grade with swords, (2) non-Bavarians who appear to commonly receive a "bump" to the next grade, and (3) generals zur Disposition, who also commonly get a "bump" to the next higher grade. For example, the Generalmajore who received the 2nd Class with Star and Swords were all non-Bavarians or Genmaj.z.D. For the 1st Class with Swords, with one exception, the Generalleutnante who received it were non-Bavarians, Genlt. z.D., or prior recipients of the 2nd Class with Star and Swords. The exception was Gustav Ritter von Schoch, who appears to have been retired around the same time as his award. For the Grand Cross, the only exceptions to the rules above were Prinz Alfons von Bayern and Prinz Ludwig Ferdinand von Bayern. The others were non-Bavarians, prior recipients of the BMV1X, or z.D.