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    Everything posted by Scott

    1. Can anyone show the proper ribbon for this beautiful medal? Thanks! Scott
    2. I've had an REO4 for several years and today noticed a very tiny maker mark between the lower arms Can someone identify "JC&S" for me? Thanks! Scott
    3. Haynau, Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, the cross is not mine and those photos are all I have. From the feedback, I think I'll wait for something a bit more "textbook." Scott
    4. Thanks Jon - that does look like an HG cuff title. As for the wings, the person may have attended an Italian pilot training course, or may have been awarded them as an honorary member of, or advisor to an Italian flying unit. Scott
    5. Jon, Can you post another shot zoomed-in on the cuff title area? Herman Goring was only a guess on my part. IMO, the photo is earlier than 1943, perhaps pre-Sep 39: he's a jr NCO and is only wearing a sport badge and not a single ribbon (of course anything is possible). Scott
    6. The wing in the first photo looks Italian to me as well. The cuff title looks to have white border stripes (?) which could be "Herman Goring" (hard to tell for certain). The white-top hats are the summer wear type (I think 'Tropical' hats would be the tan variety). Great photos. Scott (photo credit: J. Temple-West)
    7. Thank you gentlemen! Does the cross I posted look authentic? Are there known unmarked examples? Also, does anyone have an idea of the number awarded? Scott
    8. I'm a bit out of my lane, so please forgive my ignorance... Was the Prussian Crown Order with swords always awarded with an iron cross-type black & white ribbon? The one posted below is unmarked; does it have the characteristics of an authentic period piece? (it's not mine). Also, approximately how many of these were awarded? Thanks in advance. Scott
    9. Here's my postcard #17 from the 'Flags & Standards of the Wehrmacht" series... Scott
    10. Hi Mike. You'll probably get a better response on your cross & case if you post it in the Spanish Civil War section (scroll a bit futher down the main page and you'll find it). Cheers. Scott
    11. Very nice! Thanks for sharing it with us. Scott
    12. Agreed - great photos all. Thanks for sharing them. Scott
    13. Snoopy, are there any markings on the tire? Thanks. Scott
    14. Last night I saw a glider badge that had that marking. I think it's a bogus maker/badge, but I could be wrong... Scott
    15. Very nice. I really like the early TR aviation/DLV items. Thanks for sharing it. Scott
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