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    Everything posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. I am in no position to make formal decisions on anything, having no authority What I would say is this: If you cannot maintain a gentlemanly and respectful tone, please do not post. This is not a place for abuse. (But this is just me speaking.) May we PLEASE stay on topic. If you cannot discern the topic (perhaps by reading the title), then this may be another good reason not to post.
    2. Now that all discussion of this issue has been forbidden on That Other Forum, at least we can still discuss things here. Sad.
    3. They are sort of in hiding. Maybe they had problems? Won't ship outside Russia, though. http://www.dublicat.ru/MainFrameset.htm
    4. I know, but now quality fakes are hard to find. However much I hate making Kapral and the other crooks rich (and shall certainly add the word copy and obliterate the serial number), I can't ever find FAKES for what I need to "dress" some uniforms!
    5. This is a thread on the awards of Kazakhstan. Could we please keep it that way. If you want to discuss the awards of Tajikistan, please see http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=24149
    6. It would be quite interesting, and surprising, if these turned out to be Assmann productions. Unfortunately, I suspect all the records (in Iraq) are destroyed. Who knows if anything can be found in Germany.
    7. So far, by the way, research on any of the "parts" continues to come up quite empty. Won't disassemble the bar until there is a good research-based reason to do so, though.
    8. Thanks for this. I have since confirmed the manufacturer, but due to attacks on the site by 'patriots' after 9-11 and profligate theft of what I had put up (and subsequent republication by the thief without reference in JOMSA), I have quite intentionally NOT updated what I have online.
    9. The rebellion was more nationalist and anti-British (the Iraqis have never much liked foreign occupation forces or the puppet governments they tend to set up, rather like the Afghans) than pro-Axis, but it forced the British to send more troops into Iraq (at the same time they were having to partition Iran with the Soviets and occupy their piece of the country, though they called in the US to help there).
    10. For background, see http://www.urrib2000.narod.ru/ArticCarlota-e.html and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angolan_Civil_War and http://www.onwar.com/aced/nation/all/angola/fangola1975.htm
    11. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogaden_War and http://www.onwar.com/aced/data/oscar/ogaden1976.htm
    12. Cuba honours Gordimer for defence work Zenzile Khoisan IOL, April 28 2004 at 10:30AM - originally in Cape Argus, 28 April 2004 Cuba has awarded one of its most prestigious medals to celebrated South African writer and Nobel laureate Nadine Gordimer. The award-winning novelist was presented with the Medal of Friendship in Pretoria on Monday at an official ceremony officiated by Ricardo Alarcon, Speaker of the Cuban National Assembly. Gordimer was honoured alongside Dr Carmen Baez, deputy secretary-general of the Friendship Association with Cuba in South Africa. The award was given to Gordimer for her work in defence of five Cuban nationals who were jailed five years ago by the United States government after alerting the Federal Bureau of Investigation of terror plans being hatched against Cuba on US soil. Accepting the award, Gordimer told the gathering of diplomats, state officials and members of the Friends of Cuba Society "now I feel like an honorary Cuban". Reiterating her position on the double standards of the Bush administration, the Nobel laureate said it was an outrage that the US government had imprisoned Cuban patriots who had exposed an extensive anti-Cuba terror network, based in Miami, Florida. Commenting on the Cuban Council of State's decision to present the awards to Gordimer and Baez, Cuban ambassador Ester Amenteros said it was done "because of their long-standing friendship with Cuba and because of their outstanding contribution". During more than five decades in which she has penned almost two dozen novels, short story collections and works of fiction, Gordimer has always been regarded as a relentless crusader against repression and injustice. During apartheid, she was one of the voices at the forefront of the fight for democracy and served on the executive of the Congress of South African Writers. She was also elected and served as vice-president of the international writers body, Pen International. Monday's event, held at the official residence of the Cuban ambassador to South Africa, was also attended by Brian Williams, author of One Renaissance, Many Revolutions. "The occasion was a tremendous celebration of Cuba's efforts in support of global justice and peace. It is indeed fitting and proper that two exceptional people of the calibre of Nadine Gordimer and Carmen Baez, who have been at the forefront of exposing the injustice against the Cuban five (the men imprisoned in the US), are honoured in this way," Williams said. http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?click_id=6&...54&set_id=1
    13. Cuba presents medals to Vietnam Fatherland Front leaders Nhan Dan Last updated: 15:22 - October 7, 2005 The Standing Board of the Cuban Committee for Defence of the Revolution (CDR) has conferred "September 28" medals on leaders of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) on the occasion of its founding anniversary (September 28) in recognition of their contributions to developing friendship and solidarity between the two nations, especially the two mass organisations. The medals were presented to Huynh Dam, VFF General Secretary; Le Truyen, VFF Vice President; and Ha Thi Lien, member of the VFF Standing Committee, at a ceremony held in Havana on October 6. CDR President Juan Jose Fonseca warmly welcomed a delegation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front which visited Cuba at a time when his organisation was celebrating the 45th founding anniversary of CDR as a manifestation of the close solidarity between the two nations and mass organisations. He stressed that the awards showed the Cuban people's warm sentiments to the Vietnamese people for their active support and assistance to Cuba in difficult times. VFF Vice President Le Truyen thanked the CDR for the award as well as the Cuban people for their hospitality. Also on this occasion, CDR leaders presented a painting of Jose Marti, a national hero of Cuba, to the VFF delegation. (VNA) http://www.nhandan.com.vn/english/news/071...mestic_cuba.htm
    14. Burkina-Cuba : Salif N?bi? d?cor? de la M?daille de l?Amiti? lefaso.net, jeudi 26 juillet 2007 L?ambassadeur du Burkina Faso ? Cuba, S.E.M. Salif N?bi?, a ?t? d?cor? le 24 juillet de la M?daille de l?Amiti?, une des plus hautes distinctions cubaines. Dans une allocution path?tique, M. Ivan MORA, Directeur Afrique Subsaharienne du Minist?re des Relations Ext?rieures (MINREX) a rappel? les m?rites et qualit?s exceptionnels du r?cipiendaire qui a travaill? avec abn?gation 12 ann?es durant au rapprochement des hommes et des peuples et au renforcement des relations entre le Burkina Faso et Cuba. Le diplomate cubain a f?licit? l?ambassadeur N?bi? pour son leadership au sein du Groupe Africain et du Corps diplomatique. Un hommage m?rit? a ?t? rendu ? Mme Lalia N?bi?, ?pouse de l?ambassadeur. Au nom du pr?sident Fidel Castro Ruz et du Conseil d?Etat, S.E.M. Felipe Perez Roque, ministre des Relations Ext?rieures a d?cor? le Doyen Salif N?bi? en pr?sence d??minentes personnalit?s du Bureau Politique du Comit? Central, du Minist?re des Relations Ext?rieures, du Minist?re des Investissements Etrangers et de la Coop?ration Economique (MINVEC), d?autres Minist?res et Institutions cubaines ainsi que du Corps diplomatique accr?dit? ? Cuba. Beaucoup d?autres invit?s ont pris part ? la c?r?monie qui a eu lieu dans les enceintes du Minist?re des Relations Ext?rieures. Rappelons que l?Ambassade du Burkina Faso ? Cuba a juridiction sur Cuba, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, la Jama?que, Ha?ti et R?publique Dominicaine. Ambassade du Burkina Faso ? Cuba http://www.lefaso.net/spip.php?article22421
    15. See http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=24153 for the contemporary award.
    16. Castro honors Elian's father; calls boy's return emotional moment State TV shows 6-year-old in visit to home town CNN, July 6, 2000 Web posted at: 5:13 a.m. EDT (0913 GMT) From staff and wire reports HAVANA -- In a ceremony honoring the father of Elian Gonzalez, Cuban President Fidel Castro said the 6-year-old boy's return to his native land was the most emotional moment of his revolutionary life. As Castro presented Juan Miguel Gonzalez with the Carlos Manuel de Cespedes medal after a two-hour ceremony, he recalled other key moments in his political life, such as the 1959 Cuban revolution and the Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961. "In none of these occasions during our struggles did I experience such intense emotion as when, upon the opening of the doors of the small plane that brought them from the United States ... I saw emerge ... the figures of Juan Miguel and Elian," Castro said. "A small boy and a humble Cuban father, whom few people knew just a few months ago, were returning transformed into giant moral symbols of our fatherland." Castro praised Gonzalez for resisting pressures to stay in the United States. Gonzalez called Cuban patriot Speakers during the nationally televised ceremony called Elian's father a patriot who refused to sell out. But Gonzalez, who had tears in his eyes when the medal was pinned to his dark suit, had a more simple explanation. "I owe this to all the people of Cuba," he said. "I have not done anything that any other father who loves his son wouldn't have done. Nothing that any Cuban who feels worthy of his revolution and socialism wouldn't have done." Before the presentation a resolution by Cuba's ruling Council of State was read out by Ricardo Alarcon, president of the country's National Assembly and Gonzalez's main government adviser during the battle for his son. "Juan Miguel Gonzalez stoically endured the most cruel suffering of his son, of himself and of his family," it said. Elian welcomed in Cardenas The resolution compared Elian's father with Cespedes, a 19th century hero who fought for Cuba's independence from Spain. The boy at the center of the storm since being plucked from the sea off Fort Lauderdale, Florida, during Thanksgiving weekend last year, was driven from Havana to Cardenas, his home town, for the first time on Monday since his return to Cuba. Elian, who had only known Cardenas before being taken by his mother on a makeshift boat nearly eight months ago, had reportedly been asking his father when he'd be going to Cuba. The trip was reportedly arranged to show the 6-year-old he was home, although according to officials he won't be returning permanently for several more weeks. State television showed pictures of Monday's trip on Wednesday night, with images of Elian riding his bicycle and splashing in a pool at a nearby resort. On the streets of the small port city, scores of residents cheered as a bus carrying the family drove by. Elian was shown rummaging through his clothes and toys at the homes of his paternal and maternal grandparents. He looked happy to find a pair of inline skates, which he tried on over bare feet and skated a little down a hallway. At his school he was greeted by classmates and a teacher leaned down to show him a book. http://archives.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/america...ward/index.html
    17. While there's a thread on the pre-revolutionary variety of this award, there seems to be no thread on its recent incarnation. See also http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=14320 for the old award.
    18. Medal of Friendship for two South African ministers Granma Internacional, Havana. January 8, 2003 NKOSAZANA C. Dlamini Zuma, the South African minister of foreign relations, has received in Havana the Medal of Friendship for his ?innumerable acts of solidarity towards Cuba.? A decoration was also awarded to Ronnie Kasrils, minister of hydraulic and forestry resources of that African nation, coinciding with the 91st anniversary of the founding of the African National Congress (ANC). Jos? Ram?n Balaguer, member of the Political Bureau of the Cuban Communist Party, decorated both distinguished ministers. In a speech at the ceremony, Sergio Corrieri, president of the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples, highlighted the South African struggle for independence and that nation?s friendship with Cuba. He recalled that both South African officials were forced to live in exile for defending their nation?s rights and fighting against the segregationist regime of apartheid. POSSIBLE JOINT PRODUCTION OF VACCINES The South African foreign minister has concluded a visit to Cuba that included talks with high-ranking officials and tours of places of socio-economic and cultural interest. Moments before departing, he informed the Prensa Latina news agency that the high point of his stay on the island was the signing of agreements within the Intergovernmental Joint Commission. He stated that agreements were signed in distinctive areas of cooperation, such as health, education and agriculture, and the possibility of joint cooperation on the production of vaccines and in hydraulic resources. He added that there are already 10 engineers in that specialty in South Africa. The foreign minister announced the expansion of current projects in housing construction to various provinces of his country. There are also possibilities of cooperation in mining and energy that include joint exploration of hydrocarbons, he noted. Dlamini Zuma had talks with Cuban Government Minister Ricardo Cabrisas, with whom he discussed issues related to the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group (ACP) and Havana-Pretoria relations. Dlamini Zuma also met with his Cuban counterpart Felipe P?rez Roque. During official talks at the Foreign Ministry, the diplomatic leaders of both nations discussed the results of the 2nd session of the Intergovernmental Joint Commission of last December. http://www.granma.cu/ingles/enero03/mier8/1condec-i.html
    19. Sad. It looks like the name of the decoration has been removed and replaced.
    20. See: http://www.kongehuset.no/c33027/artikkel/vis.html?tid=33029
    21. See: http://www.president.gov.ge/?l=E&m=8&sm=0
    22. See also: http://kazakhstan.orexca.com/awards_kazakhstan.shtml
    23. Quite a Christmas gift! I still await Comrade Santa to deliver my missing-in-inaction translations.
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