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    JBFloyd last won the day on August 29 2024

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    1. Many thanks for that. It's been sitting in my "mystery" box for too long.
    2. A small star (48mm), unmarked, with some enamel repairs on the upper arm, but what is it?
    3. Silver-gilt and enamel breast star (49mm). By its construction, I'd say it's German-made, but unmarked. It matches nothing I've ever seen (or maybe it has fallen off the edge of the memory). Is this a Johanniter variant, a wannabe, an obscure star worth millions, or maybe just the figment of somebody's fertile imagination? Any help/guidance/merciless mocking would be appreciated.
    4. GreyC, Thank you for the update and location data. The quest continues.
    5. Thank you all for your input. I thought the uniform might be key. Now to find a lions-head keeper device somewhere.
    6. This badge came to me with a vague identification as a "Customs Officer's Badge". It's oval, silver, 55x46mm, unmarked, with a chain attached. The reverse has a spoon device for attaching to the uniform. More clues will follow momentarily, Here's an image of an individual wearing a similar badge. I've also included an image of the note on the back of the photo. I know little of this kind of insignia and I'm 40 years out of date in reading German handwriting of the 1916 era. Any assistance would be appreciated.
    7. Can anyone identify this one? It's gilt and enamel, 77mm, with a very flimsy pin. It's impressed "West/Germany" below the pin-catch.
    8. Many thanks. That was on my short list of guesses.
    9. The central device has the arms of Copenhagen, but no further information. It's marked on the reverse by Sporring. What is it?
    10. Owain, Thank you for the help on this. Jeff
    11. Graham, Thanks. Perhaps the round pendant is the medal of the Noble Order. I think I slept through my Bukharan history classes in college, so I'll now have to go back for a refresher course. Jeff
    12. I'll answer part of the question myself and say that these are from Bukhara, but precise identification seems hazy so far.
    13. Labelled as "Samarkand Merit Medals", but I've found nothing at all about them. Any info out there?
    14. I've sent an email to Alpera, so maybe some information will be available. Thanks to JapanX for increasing my Lithuanian cultural literacy.
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