Ah, so that grouping is yours! It was indeed discussed on that other place about which we have chosen to remain silent here... ... and it was in connection with one of my bars which also has the Messina ribbon. I then tried to find the owner of your bar. It COULD be: Albert Trenkler born 20.2.1873, entered Navy 1892, Marine-Stabsing. 22.3.13, aD 13.9.1919 as char. Marine-Oberstabsing. CO4, OFA1. He was onboard SMS Hertha which was sent for the Messina relief campaign. Don't know about any China assignment, though. And there are some other possibilities, but Trenkler is the only one from the two 1908 Messina crews (Hertha and Victoria Louise) with this combination who definitely got the Oldenburg.