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    Tim B

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    Everything posted by Tim B

    1. Well, opted for a plain one without swords. Nice design and I understand there are three different patterns on these? Tim
    2. Another interesting piece. Looks like a hand-made attempt at a Große Militärverdientsmedaille IMO. Other thoughts? Tim
    3. Hi Don/Robin, Agree, it may be original but, the details are very weak and those holes on the reverse are something that I personally would never feel comfortable with. Even if it is original, the condition is something that would make me hold out for a better one. Just my opinions. Tim
    4. Thanks a lot Gordon! I know Chris will be very happy to hear this confirmation! I'm happy to see it as well, and we have more knowledge on Meybauer badges and examples to compare with in the future. Tim :beer:
    5. Here's a comparison Chris did with another unmarked badge he got from Detlev sometime back. It appears to be an unmarked Meybauer with some cutouts. I do see a lot of the same characteristics as far as softer detailing and rougher surface finish. Still, ?? Tim
    6. Don has already posted some good sized PIC's showing the front & back. Here's a closer shot the crown area.
    7. Hi Gordon, That was my first thoughts on this badge when originally asking questions; either a cast of an original, or one that has been in less than favorable storage conditions over the years. We just don't see these Meybauer badges as much as the Schott examples, so hard to really get used to seeing ones that come along with all these little holes on the reverse. I'll try to copy some PIC's that Chris posted over there as I'm sure he wants to know 100%. Tim
    8. I thought I would add more PIC's, weights, dimensions of Chris' badge here, but just linked the last page of the thread at WAF for ease. Hope that's okay? http://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/forums/showthread.php?t=420975&page=9 Hopefully the additional information will provide more determination one way or the other. Tim :cheers:
    9. Don, Thanks for posting this one. I didn't want to say anything here, but as I already commented on this one at WAF and see others have pinged on the same questions, I know I am not the only one with some of the same concerns. Hopefully Gordon, Michel, Skip, Marcus to name a few, will see the thread and come in. They might be hanging out in the KM section, so a PM or pointer to this thread may help. Tim :cheers:
    10. Tim B

      Nakata Catalog

      Hi Dieter! Thanks for taking the time to look at this and respond! That's good to know if these are stamped "replica" on the reverse. I would like to see one of these in larger PIC's to really compare, but hopefully fakes are not that good yet. I agree, the example posted above certainly looks good to me and if it was a replica, I would be hard pressed to tell it apart from an original. Thanks again! Tim
    11. Tim B

      Nakata Catalog

      Thought I would post this bit of information as the subject came up over on another forum. A member had recently posted what appears to be a nice, cased, mint condition Golden Kite, 6th Class (pictured below) and another member asked the question if it could be a copy from this guy: http://www.nakatasho.../indexmenu.html Search for the Japanese WWII copies and go to page 10. I tried to post the page here, but the forum limitations would not accept all the images. First time I seen the catalog. PIC's are too small to see any details, but scary if you ask me. For the price, you can get an original, but just how good these are and how many are out there is the question. Anyone know more? Tim
    12. Just a quick update on these groups I posted, as some have PM'd me requesting additional info. I am now finally in contact with the actual collector that has these in his personal collection. He has an extensive Czech collection of War Cross, Revolutionary Cross, and ??? He is planning to sell all the items, though he desires to sell the collection as a whole. I think he is still open to sell individual pieces at this point. I have asked for more information and once I get more details on exactly what is offered and what he is expecting to make, I will start a separate thread so I don't take this one any further off topic. Hopefully a couple more days and I can post some better shots and more information. Thanks for the paitience! Tim
    13. Old thread but, I have a question concerning the list that Dave Danner posted in post #7. Where exactly do these two fit in? Understand the one on the left is on the wrong (1912 Mobilization Cross) ribbon. Tim
    14. The three single Linden leaves represent 3 unit citations at the divisional level, so I'm pretty happy getting this one. Tim
    15. Well, I don't hear much from this guy, but did get the Revolutionary Cross in today. Thought it looked nice. Tim
    16. The Romanian style looks like a bit of 'creative licence' was taken as it is not even the correct ribbon. Hi Rob, Yes, I seen that as well. Of note, I even see these with a black ribbon with two narrow red stripes. Seems to cases where anything get added over time. Tim
    17. Yes, simple process of elimination here. Unlike the Croix de Combattant Volontaire, which was retroactive to the veterans of the 1871/71 war, the Criox du Combattant was not, and as he was born in 1873, well...kind of isolates it. Best, Tim
    18. Hi Rob, Nice trio! Do you suspect the box came issued with the three medals like this, or that someone placed them with the dividers into one cardboard container? Never seen this before like this. I have a US WW2 medal bar in a cardboard case similar with a plastic covering and name of the manufacturer on it, though I never could say 100% this was not a make up. Interesting. Yes, the VIC ribbon looks the same style as the one on my Romanian Vic and as you stated before, quite fragile. Nice set! Tim
    19. Hi Capt Albert, The Croix du Combattant was instituted on the 28th of June, 1930 and awarded to those who held the combattant card you show. There were different card versions. It was awarded to those members in the Great War of 1914-1918 and thereafter. Based on the age of your man there, I would assume he was an older gent who served during WW1. Here's some informational links but you'll need a online translator if you don't read French: http://www.medailles...-croixduca.html http://www.france-ph...com/accueil.htm Hope that helps, Tim
    20. Hello Demir! Many thanks my friend, as its really nice to finally see an example! I am trying to put together a small Balkans War display of different campaign medals from all the countries involved. I think I am going to be out of luck with this one though and I imagine if one could even find an original these days, the costs would be astronomical. A great, and rare, piece of history! Thank you again! Tim
    21. Cruiser Hamidiye Medal (Hamidiye Kruvazoru Humayunu Madalyasi) 1913 As the Balkan War of 1912-1913 was not considered successful for the Turks, other than the exploits of this particular cruiser against the Greek navy, the only commemorative military medal issued during this conflict was this medal. I understand less than 400 total were awarded to the crew, so it must be quite rare. Does anyone have one or at least pictures of one to show here? Thanks, Tim
    22. Thought I would add a close-up for those interested. Tim
    23. Yes, I didn't know which way your comment slanted but, assumed you felt it was a case where someone added the swords later on, possibly as an embellishment. I still cannot find many references to the medal that actually discuss the particulars, let alone possible attachments. Thanks for clarifying the point though! Tim
    24. Thanks for the confirmation. I couldn't find another example showing swords, or any site even discussing them on this medal. Seems to make sense, as you would think only those fightling (i/e: combattants) would qualify and the swords would be unnecessary. Plain ribbon it is. Tim :cheers:
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