I keep the research and the piece or group. I share the research with all but give it a good home. I enjoy going back and reading it and looking at the ODMs that belong to the research. Doc
jimzammit, As one who once, before I knew better, openly posted the researchers name and e-mail we need to protect our valuable sources. I didn't know but I was quickly taught and erased the name and e-mail address. Doc
So far I have had two Soviet groups researched, request in for one OoG and I am buying one group with research. As for my British & Indian Army I have 6 pieces/groups researched. I can only do a little at a time with my soviet items. However, I'm like that "Little Engine that could"...I keep chugging along. Doc
The bottom line is that we are the Guardians of Orders, Medals and badges that Someone earned for SERVICE and/or VALOR. Although I would like "complete groups", any medal in our custody is one with a good home. Doc
Dave, The closest to complete group is Colonel Fedorov. I'm missing his photo, I.D. and uniform. There's probably something I'm overlooking but i seem to have everything else. That's my only one out of Hundreds of Orders and medals. Doc
Christian, He joined the Red Army in September 1940 and a party member since March 1946. While conducting a convoy in Manchuria, he was repeatedly attacked by Japanese Forces and repulsed every one without a single loss. Please see attached translated citation for ORB. Doc
Ilja, It looks okay to me (although I'm not an expert on the ORB). Since two Experts have said it's okay and you know the dealer, I'd have to say congratulations!!! Thank You for the close-ups Doc
I would absolutely love to be part of a restoration of this plane. I've always appreciated those who restore vintage aircraft. A friend of mine in California has a P-51D Mustang that he flies regularly as well as an all "silver" aluminum Cessna that he flies. I'd love to at least see it restored for a museum of flight. Doc
Christian, He fought during WWII. His ORB recommendation was for protecting a convoy and defeating the Japanese attack without any loss of his men and equipment. He spent his entire career in the Far East District. He was with the Air Force Technical Branch. His OPW is a 1985 issue. Doc
His ORS was for long service. One of his MMMs was originally an ORB recommendation when he was a Lt. The citation as read should have earned him an ORB. Doc
The guys have you set up with the HOW & WHO of researching. For me, I also get the English translation. It's well worth the extra money. Enjoy your research...It's the story of the man or woman behind the medals in your protection. Doc
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